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Buckbeaks wings soared graciously through the frosty winter air quickly gliding down from the highest tower, piercing the breeze as they dropped towards the castle courtyard with his four passengers.

I assume once Professor Snape left the hospital wing with Draco he went to find my father, with the sun rising slightly over the black lake, Remus was most likely transformed back.

And he was.

Hermione caught sight of him as she pointed over to a figure standing among the castle structures as we hit the floor and my father casually walked over, his robes shredded and face roughed up, hands in pockets striding straight for Sirius.

"Im so sorry" my father whispered as he held Sirius' body in a hug tightly. "I should of gave you a chance, time to explain. I was your friend. And i acted like you were the villain. Im so sorry."

"Remus, you were always my friend. My best friend. And you done what you have done ever since you were a boy. You used your head."

"I should of used my heart Sirius, in my heart i knew. I knew it couldn't have been you."

"But your head was so much smarter my boy. Everything was in his favour, but not anymore. It's me and you Moony. Again. Till' the day we die." Sirius spoke releasing my father from the hug looking at him with a smile, a smile that could light up the darkest of places. The dullest of nights.

The blackest of moons.

"But i think little moony could use a wolfy hug of her own." He told my father stepping out of his way to show me.

Harry and Hermione made they'r way over to Sirius were they moved into shelter as my fathers cheer-filled eyes voided at the sight of my injuries.

The ones he was responsible for inflicting.

I tried to step forward but his body jerked backwards as his face shrivelled with guilt, seeing his eyes water as he realised what he had caused. "Did i... please I didn't. Did i?" He brought his hands up to look at both sides swapping his focus to his missing talons and me.

"Not you Dad. Okay you would never! You had no control, it was my choice my fault-,"

"No! No that" he said gesturing to me. "That could never be your fault."

Despite my father's attempts to move back i pushed forward wrapping my arms under his and around his torso. "You always taught me. Fight for what's right, to fight for others when they can't fight for themselves."

I felt his chin rest on my head as he finally gave in holding me back. "I'm so sorry my little warrior but I'm so proud of you. Just like your mother would be."

I moved my head to look up to my father as his hand cupped over the slash marks on my face.

"It'll heal, okay. Madam Pomfrey will have me sorted up in no time." I reassured him and his guilt slightly lessened.
"Now let's say goodbye shall we" i asked gesturing to the three behind us.

My eyes moved past him to see Harry who was sitting, talking with Sirius as we walked over towards them.

"You should take Buckbeak Sirius, your name isn't cleared yet and you really should get out of here while you can." I told him "I wish you could stay for us, and Harry. But you should leave before the sun rises fully."

"You really are your parents daughter aren't you little moony." Sirius laughed leaning in for a hug. "Thank you, for everything your wee self has done for me."

Sirius looked to Harry as he waved goodbye to him, and rested his hand on Hermiones shoulder. "You know, I really should thank you for trying to keep that one out of trouble." He said nodding to Harry.

"If anything Sirius, it's Harry who drags us in and out of trouble." Hermione laughed back to him.

"But he couldn't get out without you. Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your time." He said lifting his hand walking backwards giving us a small salute. "Until we meet again, my godson, Hermione, my brother... hopefully i could call you my goddaughter." He spoke looking lastly at me with a grin.

My face light up as I jokingly saluted back. "Only if i can call you god dog." I barked back faking a playful woof.

Sirius turned in his step chuckling as he mounted Buckbeak as they hovered a few feet of the ground. My father waved him him off as Buckbeak glided away over the treetops taking Sirius away.

"I know that was hard, to give Buckbeak up." Harry whispered as he placed his arm around my shoulder. "But the things we love always find their way back to us."

"Yeah, I think they do." I replied.

The cold whispy air almost glimmered with the small sunlight that beamed over the lake as the morning welcomed the sky.

I peered my eyes around to the large clock that stood behind us within the castle. In 2 minutes that clock would chime.

"Guys the time! We need to get back now." I tugged at them as we all spun round running as fast as our feet could possibly take us back into the castle leaving my father behind.

In one minute the clock would chime, three chimes.

Our feet ran up the many stairs the castle had to offer and along narrow corridors.

In 30 seconds those three chimes would ring out.

Our bodies moving as fast as we could in unison made it one corridor away from the hospital wing when we heard the first chime.

"Keep going! Don't stop!" Hermione shouted as we turned a corner. A second chime ringing through the castle walls with an echo.

"Almost there!" Harry panted as we took a couple more steps to line us up with the main hospital doors.

And on the last chime those doors slowly shut as Dumbledore stepped out from them patting down his robes as he turned to face them. "Well?" He questioned

"He's free we did it." Harry's announced.

"Did what?" Dumbledore spoke before telling us Goodnight with a wave as he walked off down the stairs.

I rested my hands on my knees panting and begging for breath. "What does he mean 'did what?' Has he lost his marbles! He knows what we done. He encouraged it." I said shaking my head.

"I think he might just be trying to persevere the timeline." Hermione giggle as her and Harry stepped towards the door.

"Actually guys I think this is where i leave you both." I told them as i stepped backwards. "I really should go find Malfoy, let him know I'm okay. Achey but okay."

"Thank you for helping us, everything you had done before tonight." Harry started.

"Don't sweat it Harry, anything for family... right?" I said tilting my head to the side as I continued walking backwards.

"Family, right." He said with a smile as him and Hermione turned towards the doors pushing through them.

I lifted my tired feet back through the castle, down towards the dungeons as i pushed through the common room door in search for the blonde.

The POA plot line has almost hit it's end and I can't wait for the rest of Christmas chapters.

I changed the time in this chapter solely because i wanted Remus to get his goodbye.

It was my birthday yesterday so that's why there wasn't a chapter ;(

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now