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I think i ended up in the shrieking shack.

I recognised corridors and rooms from a book except now of course the place was abandoned and uncared for. There was holes in the floor where the wooden planks have been pulled up.

Glass scattered from the smashed windows in the hallways.

I made my way up the stairs switching my eyes forwards and backwards in the event that someone was behind me, I wouldn't be unprepared.

The first room i came across had a small piano in its centre just as rustic as the room. A four poster bed tucked away into the corner, i could practically see the dust falling from it as a slight breeze from a cracked nearby window sent the particles around the ceiling.

On the left was a sooty fireplace, and in front of the fireplace...


"Change back, now!" I called raising my wand as i shook it nonverbally to say "nox" to get rid of the small light flashing from the tip.

The small dog spun in a circle a few times before the man himself raised slowly from the ground to stand before me.

"Wand." I demanded. " I know you have one, drop it."

He listened, he opened his waistcoat taking his wand and sliding it along the floor to me with his hands raised in surrender.

When the wand stopped at my shoe i rested my foot on top to slid it as far behind me as possible.

At least now if he tries to make a dash he wont have much chance if he has to run far without his wand.

I just hope his magic's gotten rusty while he served his sentence in Azkaban.

I put my own wand back into my boot, returning the gesture, before urging him to sit on the small seat beside him.

"Just as bright as your father aren't you." He said in reference to the stunt i just pulled. "Very clever. Very cautious."

"Do not talk about my father. Your here for one reason." I scoffed furrowing my brow's at his attempt for small talk.  "I want to know everything that happened the night James and Lily died. And your not going to leave a single detail to the imagination. Do you understand."

He nodded hesitating as he played with his sleeve before looking directly at me with his cold grey eyes.

" 1981 it was October 1st that was the night it happened." He started. "James and Lily were in hiding from Voldemort and Dumbledore asked Lily and James for a secret keeper, someone only one, to know where they hid. James and Lily... they chose me."

"It's not good Sirius, surely you have a story that doesn't point the blame to you." I questioned but he ignored me and continued.

" And at first I believed i was a good choice, I would die for them At any given point i would. But I realised i was the most obvious choice Voldemort wouldn't need to think to know it was me. I tried to convince them to change it to someone with a better chance against the man himself. I suggested Dumbledore and they declined. They trusted me the fully so I next suggested Peter Pettigrew as a Secret Keeper they trusted him too just as equally as they did myself."

"But Peter.. he was so quiet. Father told me he avoided conflict and the Order of the Phenix meetings, never had any involvement. The poor boy was petrified." I butted in.

"Exactly! Exactly! But that is why he was the perfect man for the job." Sirius cried clasping his hands around his head. "Nobody would of suspected poor little Peter." He dragged his words emphasising every possible syllable.

Sirius was now rubbing his eyes and sniffling at his nose, it was obvious the pain from that night was returning and I felt bad for making him relive it but he needs to continue.

"Little did we expect Pettigrew... all that time. He was selling our secrets to Voldemort. Every secret of the Order, every attack, every plot, every minor detail as well as handing him James and Lily." Sirius cried.

He was crying now, terribly.

I dropped to my knees where i stood. Almost in pain. Sirius he was innocent. I believed him truly.

"But Sirius, Pettigrew... he's dead now. We can't prove your innocent."

"No! No! He isn't he's there." Sirius was pacing around the room, the floors creaking with his weight. "He's in the castle... alive."

"He can't be, someone would of found him. He can't hide there not for this long." I tried to reason. Maybe in his Azkaban days he had went rather odd?

"He's been there, this whole time under your nose. Remus and Harry's too... especially Harry's. His friend the boy, who is he?" Sirius asked with motive.

"Ron, the ginger one? Rather tall, Attitude problem?"

"Yes!" Sirius exclaimed "rather curious pet he owns don't you think Lyria."

"Its just an ugly fat ra-" I stopped realisation hitting me like a ton of bricks.

The three of them were animagus'. Unregistered not to mention. Nobody knew their true form except the marauders themselves.

My father the werewolf, James took the form of a stag. Sirius a dog. And Peter Pettigrew. A rat.

"Sirius! Peter's alive. He's really alive isn't he?" Gaining a sharp nod from him.

I lifted my body from the floor and raced to Sirius. I didn't care that he was rather smelly and dirty.

I hugged him tightly, i could guess this was the first hug he has gotten for a long time. He took his time before holding my head in his hands planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"So much like you're old man." He sniffled. "Understanding, Cunning, Pure yet head strong and determined."

"I found it rather funny when I realised you were sorted into Slytherin, i think my brother would of liked you." He went on.

"We will get him Sirius, I promise. I know the truth now and soon, everyone will know Pettigrew is guilty." I quickly whispered looking back to him

"Thank you for believing in me, and giving me this chance... Little Moony."

"Thank you for proving me wrong." I uttered.

I spent an hour in the shack with Sirius, i charmed some fresh new clothes for him, some food and water and some light reading.

I placed the Daily Prophet, along with his wand, down on the piano.

"You ought to be more cautious Sirius." I told him waving the headline at him. "They know your nearby, maybe you should consider hiding here for a while."

But he couldn't, he explained during the day a muggle caretaker came in, ment for scaring away any trespassers so he can only hide out in the shack at nights.

"Sirius i think i have an idea... one to help us get Pettigrew." Catching his attention he nodded me to continue.

"Well he obviously knows your here, being Rons pet, with Harry so often you must be all they talk about. But if i were to get Pettigrew he wouldn't expect it."

Sirius placed his water back onto the fireplace mantel "Too expectable, your Lupins daughter he would know something was sketchy." He told me.

"Not if i became an animagus, if you taught me. Peter wouldn't have a clue."
"Little Moony" so cute.

I am so excited for this animagus story line you have no idea!

Nothing much more to say, hope you liked this chapter and i will see you in the next :)

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