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We had managed to convince Daphne to joins us for dinner in the great hall, with her only condition being that Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw, joins us.

"Blaise don't you dare." Daphne laughed, seconds before Blaise pelted a potato from his spoon that he was treating as a slingshot.

The group laughed as they heard someone, a girl, cry. Most likely from being hit in the back of the head.

"Brilliant, I've not missed once." Blaise said proudly as he took another from Luna's plate and began lining up the potato.

"I hope you don't mind." Luna said softly reaching over the table to stab her fork into the potato. "But i wasn't finished."

Blaise's smile dropped slightly as Theo dropped his hand on his shoulder. "Laugh it off mate, besides its funner with mash."

Theodore stood from the table with a hand full of mash potatoes as he launched it across the room towards the Hufflepuff table, just for Hannah Abbott to stand up... furiously.

The mash had hit direct and centre of her head, her beautiful locks covered in food.

"Disgusting" she groaned, as she slammed her drink down and marched out of the hall.

The boys were poorless, Pansy too.

"Right I think that's enough from you lot." I said slapping Draco's hand as he reached for my plate. "Don't bother!" I warned him, his grin curling more as his hand grabbed the mash from my plate.

Without a second to comprehend, Draco cupped his hand and slapped it over my mouth, laughing. "Enough yet? Or maybe some more?" He teased taking another hand full.

I dropped my hand on his thigh, looking at him, brows raised and his hand stopped to lay back on his side of the table. "Yeah that's enough, i get the point." He mumbled in defeat.

I laughed softly and planted a kiss on his cheek, making sure to rub the mash from my face onto his.

This was the first time in ages that everyone, even Draco could sit and thoroughly enjoy each other's company without being influenced by drugs, or alcohol or anything else.

And it was great.

Luna made Daphne happy, she was finally smiling again, so was I now Draco and I were back on our normal terms. Blaise and Pansy, well i'm not sure what they are but they both look happy. Theo seems alright and i think he is.

But I'm still worried for him, the full moon is less than a week away and i still haven't had the chance to break it to him that I want to help. I just hope he isn't horribly stubborn about the suggestion.

Crabbe and Goyle also seem perfectly fine, we were glad when they reappeared earlier today safe, we hadn't seen them since the quidditch world cup. Of course we were worried that something terrible had happened.

Everyone was back, joyful together. No distractions or bad feelings to harm us.

Until Crabbe spoke.

"Draco look who's back." He whispered, but everyone's heads had already turned to see Adrian, Peregrine, Graham and Marcus walk through the hall to sit at the other end of the table.

Adrian's face was practically bruised blue on one side and his eye remained black and bloodshot on the other.

I felt Draco's hand cover mine which was still rested on his thigh as he squeezed it slightly and leaned over to me. "Don't" he said. "Just be here with me. I'm sorry I tried to force you into addressing it, he's been dealt with and if you want to let it go." Draco paused, glancing to Pucey who was already staring. " I'll respect that."

He kissed my forehead and whispered into my skin "But if he doesn't stop staring right now i will twist Loony Luna's fork through his eyes."

I chuckled and relaxed slightly as Draco kept a comforting arm around my shoulder as we both zoned back into the conversation where Theodore and Pansy were arguing over quidditch teams.

"Herrid Hunter is the best keeper in the European league" Theo claimed. "Barcelona want to pay top notch galleons for him!"

"Not a chance, Denise Plough is obviously the most tactical and well rounded keeper i've ever seen. You just won't admit it because she plays for Trinidad!"

"Trinidad and Barcelona are rivals, of course he wouldn't admit that." Blaise chimed in.

The conversation continued tiresomely into the feast until the dessert plates had appeared and disappeared.

But their heated debate was thankfully cut when Professor Dumbledore's voiced echoed throughout the hall.

"Before we go, i have some unfortunate news. Due to circumstances i shall extend on momentarily. This year's quidditch season will be cancelled."

Theo grunted as Pansy, Blaise and Draco all looked between each other with expressions ranging from shock to purely being pissed off.

"Because of events occurring during this school term. Hogwarts has been chosen to host the next legendary Triwizard tournament." He announced gaining gasps and applauses from the four tables as well as the staff occupied table.

"Our school will become home for the next few months to Magical schools of Drumstrang Academy as well as Beauxbatons, as both schools shall also be participating in this event."

Dumbledore continued to announce details as Theo ramble on and on about how when he enters he will be the 'best' and most 'handsome' competitor to grace the competition.

But his reality check was harsh as Dumbledore finally announced the ministries new rule towards the tournament. "Under 17s are not permitted to put their name in the goblet, this rule has been implemented for your safety and i shall see personally that the rule is upheld."

I could hear both Fred and George Weasley shouting in disappointment as well as a thud, turning to see that Theo had let his head collide with the wooden table, moaning in frustration.

"Hear me when i say, if chosen you stand alone. These contests are not for the faint hearted. Tonight a goblet will appear in this very hall. Where you can enter your name for the tournament, but for now please help me to welcome the ladies and gentlemen of Beauxbatons academy of magic, Their headmistress Madam Maxine and also the ladies and gentlemen of Drumstrang Institute and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff!"

I'm not going into further details about their arrival, we've all seen the movie you can imagine the entrances.

I will hopefully be back to normal update by this time next week :)

I will be using a different champion for Beauxbatons though! I envision her to look like Lola Flanery who will play Ares Evasive

I will be using a different champion for Beauxbatons though! I envision her to look like Lola Flanery who will play Ares Evasive

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