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"Diffindo is used for what action." Remus quizzed me.

I was sitting in his office tonight as he was helping me learn new spells and charms. It was far past curfew but we didn't fuss over that.

"Um, changing something to... no!" I gasped" Its a severing charm. I remember it from second year, Seamus Finnigan accidentally sliced the grandfather clock. Lockheart almost had a heart attack hearing it smash to the floor." I answer with a smile after finally getting the answer right.

"Oh yes, Dumbledore told me about that. Now, what does Salvio hexia do?" He quizzed again.

"Easy, deflects hexes. Its a protection charm." I told him with confidence.

"Great one more, what does the Evanesco enchantment do?." He asked.

I paused a little longer trying to think, moments later it clicked. "Vanishing spell for inanimate and animate objects."

"Excellent... now read this, i have a feeling i need to pop out for a minute." He said excusing him for the room after passing me a book, 'advanced guide to protection.'

What was so important he had to do at almost midnight and why couldn't it wait?

I flicked through the pages for long minutes loosing any concentration or desire to even read a sentence. I was bored and tired and I wanted to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a hard day.

It was Buckbeaks execution.

I had been waiting ages for my dad to return, i ripped an empty parchment and grabbed a quill to leave him a note.

Sorry had to go, was getting late and i was struggling to stay awake. Breakfast tomorrow before that thing?

Just i got up to open his door when i heard voices from the other side.

"I haven't the faintest idea Harry how this map came to be in your possession..." my dad started talking in a husk tone but I could tell he was angry. I know him like the back of my hand. He was angry.

But I don't think he was angry at Harry. More so concerning the map. Which i was happy about. For Sirius' sake i hope he hasn't been near the castle. I haven't heard or seen him anywhere.

The worst case could be that Sirius shows up on that map. Im almost certain that Harry has seen Peter's name. Especially if he opened the map near Ron which would be more than 100% possible.

"Quite frankly i am astounded you didn't think to hand it in, did it ever occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map straight to you?" He told him.

"Straight to Peter more like." I muttered.

"Now your father-." Lupin started again.

Low blow dad. The James card. I thought to myself before listening back into his sentence.

"But he and your mother gave their lives to save yours." He told Harry sternly.

And the mother card? He really was angry.

"And gambling their sacrifice by wandering around the castle, unprotected with a killer on the loose seems to be a pretty poor way to repay them." He paused. "Now i will not cover up for you again Harry do you understand me?"

I couldn't hear Harry's reply, his voice turned rather quite. I think my Father could be the first person Harry's liked to give him a tough telling off. Merlin forbid.

"Now return to your dormitory and stay there and don't take any detours. If you do i shall know ." He told him, most likely indicating the map, before sending him out the door. But Harry didn't leave without getting a say in.

"Professor just so you know, I don't think the map always works, earlier on it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to be dead. Thats why i was out." Harry spoke just loud enough for me to hear him from the door.

"Oh really? And who might that be" he asked Harry.

Say it Harry. Tell him. Tell him Peter's alive. Tell him Sirius is innocent. Tell him so this can be over. Tell him so we can take that stupid rat and twist it's head off it's body.

"Peter Pettigrew."

Finally... Finally i could end this. I could convince Harry of Sirius' innocence. I could convince my dad too! I could bring Sirius home.

"That's... not possible." My father told him in disbelief.

"It's just what i saw..." Harry said. "Goodnight Professor."

And he left. He walked out and he closed the door, giving me the signal to open the door in front of me. Staring down at my dad who was still in shock.

He had just been told his best friend was alive, that everything he knew. Everything he believed was twisted and corrupt.

Lily and James' death was based along with Peter's death. Like a jigsaw. And Harry just pulled out half the pieces of the finished picture.


"Did you hear?"

"I already knew."

His face twisted to meet mine.

"What did you just say?" He asked anger prominent in his tone.

"I've known this full time. I think you should come sit down Dad. I think you need to hear the truth. About everything." I paused. "If you'll listen?"

Not long now! Were getting closer and closer to the end.

Im so excited. I'll try and milk as many chapters as i can so it lasts.

Please comment and vote and i will see you in the next one <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now