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My expression dropped as the last words fell from my father's mouth and I don't believe Harry knew either because his face, like mines, dropped.

"Leaving, by your own accord? But dad why!" I asked as i pushed my hand down on his desk holding closed the bag he was filling with books.

"Lyria, parents don't want their children taught by someone like me."

"Someone like you? An amazing teacher who cares more about their children's safety rather than their grades." I huffed almost in disbelief.

"Yes but they aren't truly safe! Not with me. Look what i done to my own daughter" he told me as i released my hands from his bag so he could zip it closed and add it to his piles of bags on the ground,

"But that was one night, you didn't take your potion it wasn't your fault. Please Professor can't you stay?" Harry asked my dad as he walked in front, blocking the door way.

"I bet it was Snape who told the ministry, i bet he was bitter. Fudge wanted to give him a Merlins Order award." Harry said unsurely as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah that's it! Then Sirius got out and Snape went insane came straight back to blame me, Ron and Hermione."

"No i can assure you both it wasn't Severus." My father said looking back to me. "Someone i quite specifically asked you to be distant with."

"Draco? No! He wouldn't tell the ministry. We've been friends he had no reason." I defensively called back.

"Not Draco, but his Father." My father said leaning his wand up to the table to rise slightly over a parchment i recognised to be the Marauders map.

"Mischief Managed."

His tap of the parchment caused the writing and drawing to slowly fade, sinking to nothing on the page, leaving it empty as it shrivelled back into a folded state.

"Why do you look so miserable Harry." My father asked as he took the paper in his hands.

"None of it made any difference." He replied softly. "Pettigrew escaped."

My head dipped down to look at the floor as i felt my face beam red with anger and embarrassment. Knowing both those escapes were successful on my account.

"Harry it made all the difference in the world, you both uncovered the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference." He said chuckling.

"Now. As i am no longer your teacher, i feel no guilt to give this back to you." He said holding the map out past Harry and to me. "As your father i ask that you use it wisely."

I took the map and slid it back into my robe, questioning in my head why he didn't give it to Harry.

"As for you Harry you should keep a closer eye on things that could bring you a whole deal of bother." My father lectured as he went to his cupboard only to pull out James' invisibility cloak.

"Where, how did you get that? It was in my dorm." Harry muttered as he reached for it.

"Severus got his hands on it, he wore it at the shrieking shack, he must've used it to get in last night. You must be careful." He told Harry as he gathered his bags and moved past Harry to the door.

"But in the spirit of Christmas, take a look in that little drawer, got you both a little something to remember me with." He laughed as he walked out saying goodbye.

My body moved round his desk to pull a small box from the drawer and placing it on the desk.

Inside sat two chocolate frogs, a sneakoscope. Used to detect dark threats. Which I assumed was for me, because Harry was left with a mirror.

Not any mirror, but Sirius' two way mirror that he and James used in school.

I pulled everything out and gave them both to Harry as i took mine. "What is this?" Harry asked inspecting the two way mirror.

"You can use it to talk to Sirius it can show the other holder." I explained as his face lit up. "Your father and Sirius found it rather useful in their separate detentions. So i've heard."

I put my gifts in my pockets while leaning over taking my wand and tapping the mirror.

"Sirius Black."

The reflective mirror began smoking up as the smoke inter-whined with each other to show Sirius through the small object.

"I see you got it then." Sirius called laughing. "Ah hello to you both, shame about your father isn't it? But alas, just means i get to spend time with my chum."

"Nice to see you Sirius, you get away okay? How's Buckbeak?" I asked pushing my head in the way of Harry's looking down the mirror.

"Bucky's brilliant, been a while since my flying days takes a bit getting used to. Just like riding a broom s'pose." He laughed.

"Must be off Sirius stay safe." I called waving him away as i left Harry in the office talking to Sirius. I walked down the stairs before casting-


Hoping it worked to give Harry some privacy with Sirius incase someone where to hear voices coming from what should be an empty classroom.

I walked out only to find Draco sat slouched on the wall beside the door. " Muffliato charm?" He questioned raising his brows as he tried to get a look inside. "What are you hiding?" He laughed.

"What are you hiding Draco?" I called as I walked away.

My anger filled strides leading me down the corridor much faster than his small steps. "Can you slow down!" He shouted "its not a bloody race." He puffed as he caught up. "I'm not hiding anything."

"Are you sure about that, so you didn't tell your dad about my father's condition, and your father didn't tell the ministry, and you and your father aren't the reason my dad has to leave!" I said still walking.

"I had to tell him! I wasn't going to. But Pansy wrote to her parents. I couldn't let my dad find out from the Parkinsons! He would be furious to why i never brought it up." He reasoned as my body turned a corner. "Where are you going? Kitchens straight ahead!" He stopped pointing the other way.

"Get it yourself Malfoy, i need a drink!" I shouted as i disappeared from his sight heading down the stairs back towards the common room where the music from inside already filled the cold hall.

I walked forward tutting my head realising nobody had silenced the room. "That's one way to get us caught" I mumbled to myself thinking about if Peeves heard the music he would be the first to scream for the teachers.


I repeated as i called 'Pureblood' stepping into the party.

Ugh Draco doesn't know when to quit ;(

But anyways I'm excited for this party, because party means Black moons first juicy scenes, maybe even some smut ;)

But please vote and comment and i will see you in the next one!

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now