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The Chaos didn't stop with Arthur Weasley's arrival, if anything his claims of Harry Potter's innocence only struck a nerve with the Minister of Magic.

Valid points and rebuttals were thrown back and forth between the two men as they argued.

"Fit punishment is expulsion." The minister roared. "Not to mention Azkaban."

"That not necessary minister." Arthur called. "Check the poor boys wand, surely then you'll see the truth!"

The minister seemed taken by this, he practically demanded Harry's wand instantly. "Wand boy! Now."

It would of been the easiest way out of a situation of this seriousness. The problem with that was Harry had lost his wand in the forest before we ran into him, Ron and Hermione.

His hand scratched his upper arm vigorously as he explained. "I've lost it, with everything that happened I dropped it somewhere."

Well, the minister seemed to anticipate Harry's response, as if he knew there would be an excuse. "That's what i expected, Someone check Potter. Make sure his wand isn't in his pockets." He paused clearing his throat. "You lot check the others!"

Crouch's men patted down the rest of us taking our wands and inspecting the last used spells, being clear we were handed them back instantly with murmurs from the men. "Clear boss" they called.

The minister's expression did not improve as he felt cheated by not catching any of us, until another rustle from the bushes arose.

"Who's there!" Arthur called standing in a defensive stance. "Come out now, you are in the presence of the minister himself!"

The bushes froze, even in the wind. Only as squeaks and cries bounced off the air and leaves and branches were pushed out of way.

"Master crouch? Oh master! Winky was so worried." The elf cried standing to look up at the minister. "Winky's task fell short, but I assure master its safe."

The elf's ragged clothing was tugged up to her face to wipe under her eyes as she cleared the tears, shaking the fabric down again to sit properly.

"Winky done all she could master!" She grovelled at his feet.

As the clothing on the elf de-creased, the air was filled with a clattering sound as everyone's attention sprung to the floor behind the elf.

"Oi, that's mine, where'd you get that." Harry shouted pushing past Anthony, who was now back on his feet, to the elf to grab his wand. "Hmm where?" He pushed for an answer.

Winky went silent, her hands locking together. Looking at Minister Crouch for validation to speak. "Well?" He called.

"Well master... Winky found Harry Potter's wand near the forest. Yes! Forest, nowhere else. No one else had it. Winky promises." She cried, sobbing louder.

"Check it Arthur!" Crouch demanded.

Doing as told, Arthur took Harry's wand. Apologising constantly for the trouble of this.

He casted the last spell into the sky, watching as the dark mark appeared once more in the above them, only to hide it from sight at an instant to avoid fear of anyone nearby.

"The elf could of casted it!" Ron shouted in defence.

Hermione huffed slightly then pulled Ron's shirt back to keep him out of the minister's way, House elf's could not use a wand. It was unheard of.

"No, had to be a wizard or a witch!" The minister spoke back. "Mr Potter I'm afraid you have been caught." He proclaimed.

"Actually minister, if i may." Daphne intervened quickly, still in no fit condition. "Winky had the wand, not Harry. So there's a possibility someone else used the wand and Winky found it then."

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now