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As we walked back to the common room full of excitement it wasn't hard to declare the other schools entrance's were spectacularly dramatic but all the same entertaining.

On the way out of the hall we briefly bumped into Seamus and Dean, who Daphne and i were so pleased to see safe and well. We hugged them as they made sure to check Daphne was alright seeing, obviously, that she was injured in the events.

Seamus had a black eye and Dean had dislocated a pinky finger but overall they were both healthy and didn't suffer much injuries that night.

Draco huffed and pulled us all along after a couple of minutes, desperate to avoid the approach of Harry who had been making his way to meet Seamus and Dean along with Neville.

"I wish i could get in" Theo proclaimed, flexing his biceps as we walked. Posing like a weightlifter every five steps.

"You wouldn't last ten minutes!" Pansy laughed moving over to pinch Theodore's pecs as he winced at her. Everyone laughed at his babyish reactions.

"Just you lot wait, I'm going to think of every way possible to trick whatever Dumbledore puts in place." He said strongly as he spoke the password and pushed into the common room,

"What about you Blaisey" Pansy spoke, linking her hers between both Theo and Blaise. "Fancy it? The contest?"

"Not my thing" he laughed, "besides i'd rather enjoy from afar than have my head bitten of by a rampage of  gorillas"

"Gorillas" Daphne questioned. "But aren't they muggle animals, why would there be gorillas?"

"There was gorillas the last time the tournament was held, they were enchanted to larger sizes, obviously to make it more challenging. But the tournament was disbanded after a gorilla bit a champion in half." Blaise informed her.

"Oh yeah" Theo gasped. "I remember that, they literally pulled that girl in half between it's teeth. What was her name?"

"Beino Matherson?" Pansy suggested.

"No he was the default winner of that tournament." Blaise corrected her. "It was a Beauxbatons champion, a girl."

"Keelan Lyle?" Draco asked.

Blaise nodded in agreement. "Yeah think that's the one." He said. "Can't quite remember but her name sounds familiar."

"We can double check later, Theo don't you have that book about the tournament in your dorm?" Pansy asked. "The one i got you for Christmas?"

"Yeah i do actually." Theo blushed, scratching the back of his head. "I'll check it later i guess."

"Wouldn't you just love to put your name in, oh brave one?" Draco mocked picking me up at the waist to spin me round from behind before sitting down on the couch leaving me on his lap.

"No" i groaned. "I don't even like heights what on Merlin's name would possess me to try get myself killed."

"Not even by a gorilla?" Draco teased "I thought someone like you would just love the zoo"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned raising my brow, hoping that he didn't just suggest that because of my blood status.

But he just shrugged and pushed himself further into the couch, keeping his lips in a firm line.

"I bet Potter will" Blaise said sallowly. "He's always desperate for attention. Every year he has to be the centre of something, this year won't be different."

"Watch your lip Zabini. That's my friend thank you very much." I spoke sitting up, just to feel Draco's arms tighten to pull me back down.

"You know" He started, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Because your parents were friends does not mean you need to be."

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now