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"Alright you lot, gather roun'" Hagrid called to the class as we arrived.

The excitement from last night was still prominent among everyone as Hagrid was practically bombarded with questions about the tournament and the first task before class started.

"Today yer going to be werkin' with nifflers, wee things love shiny stuff. So any silver, jewellery or valuables get rid of them into the box at the door before use come over." He instructed before walking towards big crates in the forest clearing.

"Full moon falls on the night of the first task." Theo whispered as he dropped his watch in the box. "Two days away."

"We'll sort you out, i'll talk to you about it later. There's too many people here" I replied, walking with him to catch up with Draco, Crabbe and Pansy who were whispering and sending Hermione and Ron shady stares.

"Wonder where Potter is today?" Crabbe laughed.

"Off sulking in the library." Pansy said. "The Abbott's seen him with Diggory in the there before classes began."

We were assigned two per niffler which ment Hagrid assigned our partners. I was lucky enough to be with Theo which gave us a perfect opportunity to discuss the full moon.

Hagrid had enchanted fake golden galleons to be hidden around the clearing, the task was to set them loose and whichever pair had the niffler with the most coins got out of writing an assignment.

"So..." i paused, letting the niffler free on the ground. "Are you nervous?"

Theo shook his head silently as he sat on the ground pulling the grass. "Scared"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, you've done this before." I said sitting beside him on the floor.

"Yeah but I've never been scared for other people, i mean. The full moon is the same night as the first task, what if i get out and hurt someone." He whispered.

"You won't I promise." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. "Because i can help you."

"No you cant, when I'm in there alone,I don't control myself." He said resting his head between his hands.

"You won't be alone, let me help you T." I asked.

His head raised as his eyes widened in confusion. "Do you have a deathwish? I would kill you!"

"No! No you wouldn't." I reassured him. " when my father turned, his friends spent the moons with him. Keeping him company as animagus'"

I paused releasing my hand and sticking out my pinky finger. "You must promise that what i am about to say, i ask of you to never repeat it."

He gripped my finger with his nodding before i spoke once more. "I am an animagus. An unresgistered one at that, so that's why i ask you to remain silent on this."

"I will, as long as you hide my secret i will hide yours. But if you can join me, safely then I would like the company." He caved, just as the nifflers came running back to their groups.

We counted 7 galleons.

"4" Draco called from across the clearing as he stood with Seamus before insulting him. "Thought you had leprechaun luck or something. 4 galleons isn't lucky." He spat before throwing them to the ground.

"9" Hermione called, passing the galleons back to Hagrid as she smiled at Lavender Brown and their hardwork.

"7" Theo said in defeat as he passed them back.

"12" Ron smiled as he and Pansy were last to call out knowing they had won.

Hagrid gathered the coins and let them disappear before instructing us to bring the nifflers back round to the crates to lock them up again. "Be sure to collect your things then off you go, class dismissed." He said cheerfully.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now