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The school day went pretty quickly, the lessons were full of excitement as students discussed nothing more than the Triwizard Tournament.

It was such a popular topic even the teachers were talking among one another about it.

After the end of Potions class, Rickett, Diggory, Abbott and I met each other in the library to study for a homework assignment set by Snape.

Even though we were not in the same class for Potions due to our houses, Professor Snape's homework was the same for everyone.

"Five parchments" Anthony moaned dropping his book onto a circle table that was tucked in the back corner near the window. "I've only done two."

"You can copy mines Anthony." Hannah smiled passing her parchment across the table as she sat. "There's only four there, i still need to do the fifth."

"Abbott, you are a life saver" he declared in a dramatic tone, obviously satisfied that his evening's were in no danger of being occupied with detention.

Cedric laughed sightly as the comment leaning back as he sat in the bay window kicking his feet up.

"Shoes off Cedric, didn't your parents ever teach you it's rude to put dirty shoes on furniture." Hannah joked swatting his shoes. "Besides you don't even need to do this homework. You're not even in our year."

"Nothing better to do Diggory?" I said sarcastically narrowing my brows as i dipped my quill in ink. "No other friends you can torment with your presence."

He puffed, lifting his hands in the air. "Oh whatever will i do? Lyria Lupin doesn't enjoy my presence, be gentle with my soul." He stood, pulling out a chair and spinning it to sit the wrong way round as he joined the table. "It's almost like... now i want to stick around."

"Only for me Ceddy." Anthony joked reaching to grab Cedric's face with both hands to make a fake pout face before Cedric ducked away.

All of us let out small fits of laughter before setting down to return to the work.

"Do you have the answer for question 7?" I asked Anthony while searching through Hannah's parchment. "I can't find anything in these books."

"I missed 7" Hannah told me. "Remember Professor Snape told us we have to use the 'Potions and further antidotes' book."

"I'll get it." Cedric said jumping up to walk between the isles in search for the book we needed.

He was gone a short while and during the time Anthony, Hannah and i filled the wait discussing the tournament.

"Who in Slytherin's signing up?" Anthony asked as he finished his fourth parchment.

"Well Theodore's adamant he wants to participate, and I'm pretty sure Harley wants to put his name in." I said looking over to Hannah, who's head had jolted up to pay more attention.

"He what!" She said angrily. "Absolutely bloody not. He can't, he could get himself killed."

"Did he not tell you?" Anthony asked her.

"Of course he didn't." She huffed, slumping back in the chair leaving her hands crossed over her chest. "Harley Abbott does whatever the hell he feels like."

"I might be mistaken Hannah" I reassured her. "You know what common room gossip can be like."

"Well you better talk to him." Anthony asked nodding over Hannah's shoulder to where Harley had just walked in with Draco and Haylie.

Hannah stood furiously, staring at her brother without moving a foot forward as she watched them walk over to us, I raised my brows at Draco who looked back confused as he dragged a chair from a different table swinging it around to sit beside me.

"What's wrong here." He whispered kissing my temple.

"Watch this." I laughed, leaning back into my seat where his arm rested over.

Haylie leaned down beside Anthony, peering over his shoulder to nosey at the homework he had completed.

Leaving Harley, and his smug smile centre of Hannah's eye sight.

"Harley Alatar Abbott!" She scowled, pronouncing his full name. "How dare you do such thing without telling me."

Harley looked around the table, where his twin sister looked equally as shocked.

My head remained low to hide the colour in my cheeks, caused by the struggle of not laughing. And Anthony made sure to avoid eye contact with anyone by fixing his sight to the ceiling.

"I've not done anything yet" he said innocently.

"Have you not?" Hannah spoke resting her hands on her hips. "So you haven't decided to put your name in the goblet of fire?"

"That!" He said in a sigh of relief. "Aw yeah i've done that. We're just back from putting our names in actually."

"Ours?" I sat up looking at Draco. "You better bloody not have!"

"Not me" he laughed putting his hand on my shoulder to pull me back. "Her" he pointed to Haylie.

Who had now also fixed her eyesight to the ceiling.

"You both are so unbelievably stupid!" Hannah called throwing her hands in the air.

She was clearly upset and worried for her siblings because her eyes began colouring red as her under eyes puffed.

"What's going on here?" Cedric asked, coming back with a book in hand as he dropped in on the table. He placed himself in between the space of Draco of Harley.

"Harley and Haylie have decided this year, they would like to have a death wish. They've only gone and put their names in the goblet of fire!" She said, her voice finally cracking out of frustration.

"Wicked" Cedric laughed, embracing Harley in a bro-ly hug. "I'm just about to put mines in for Hufflepuff."

"Aarghh!" Hannah let out, angrier than ever before viciously grabbing her parchment from the table and roughly shoving them, and her books into her bag.

She made sure to storm straight through Harley and Cedric, knocking there shoulders as she ran past.

"I think we should go calm her down." Haylie spoke guiltily to her brother. Who nodded in response. "Nice seeing you Rickett." She flirted letting her hand rest on his shoulder before walking off.

"Come on mate, we can walk you out." Harley told Cedric as they both said goodbye and followed after the blonde.

Leaving Draco, Anthony and i alone at the table.

"So..." i broke the silence. "If you weren't putting your name in why were you with them?" I wondered.

"We were all in the hall" He said casually. "Theodore's been doing his worst to get his name in, when the twins were leaving they said they were coming here to find Hannah. So I decided to come and walk you back."

Draco's eyes fled from mine over to Anthony's before looking him up and down. "So you can go mate." He said coldly.

"Don't be vile." I warned, standing up. "You'll be alright, won't you?" I asked Anthony who smiled and told me to head off with Draco to the hall, where the feast was ready to begin.

And the champions were ready to be announced.

So today was meant to be my last assessment. Then i got called back for more ;(

But anyways back to normal near enough. Please vote and comment i love you all <3

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