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It was the day after the full moon and i was sitting in my dad's office with breakfast. I snuck down to the great hall before too many people woke up and picked up bits and pieces for him.

He had a rough night last night, Snape brewed a potion for him which helped suppress his transformation but he still felt the pain of his bones snapping and re-arranging.

He was so tired you could tell he hadn't slept.

"Are you sure you don't want to cancel your first class, get some rest. Im sure Professor Dumbledore wouldn't judge." I asked sliding him the last piece of fruit.

"Don't worry. Dumbledore's already asked Snivellus to take the class today. So i can rest. I'll be back teaching after lunch. Just need to get my strength back."

We sat in silence for a minute or so, finishing our plates before i casted them clean with a simple charm tucking them away to the side.

"Do you prefer the potion? The one Snape makes for you." I asked trying to spark life into the conversation once again.

"Not at all, far more painful. But it's safer. For everyone at Hogwarts so I will take if by all means." He said finishing his apple and coffee. " Ah look it the time. Everyone should be coming to class now. You better get down there. Wouldn't want anyone thinking your sooking up to your teacher now. Would you?" He taunted.

"But you see ... Professor." I said lifting my bag, headed for the door. "Your not my teacher. Not today."

I was sitting beside Harry in this class, Ron behind us with Hermione nowhere to be seen. Odd.

Draco and Crabbe to the far right. Pansy and Goyle diagonal of them. And Blaise beside Seamus somewhere in the back.

The class had muffled conversations as i talked to harry.

"So that night, in the great hall." He started. "Is it true what Dumbledore told Snape?"

"Honestly Harry, how would i know. Im not exactly a Potter. I don't have a target above my head. And I'd seriously like to keep it that way." I said sharply

"Please Harry, you might enjoy risking your life but i would like to keep mine, intact. So please don't tell anyone what you know. That's all i beg of you."

He could see the fear in my eyes. I think that's what made him stop prying as he turned to give Ron a glance behind him. Seeing Rons shrug uncomfortably in the corners of my eyes.

"Turn to page 394..." Snape called, as dull as ever as he strolled down the isle, enchanting the blinds to drop over the windows bringing us into the darkness.

Such a happy man.

"Excuse me sir." Harry asked from beside me, as i raised my head in curiosity. Just like his tone. Curious

"Where's Professor Lupin."

"That's not really your concern Potter." Snape snapped back. Looking at me as i narrowed my eyes at him.

You know Potter someone should teach you that curiosity killed the cat. Maybe then you'll keep your abnormally large nose out of other peoples business. I thought to myself.

"Now turn to page 394..." he continued walking to beside Blaise' desk where he was using ink from his quill to paint his nails. As Snape gripped his head redirecting his attention from his hands to the screen where Snape was now using a projector to show todays lesson.

Holy crap. Is he insane.

"Werewolves" Ron gulped as Snape used his magic to flick to the correct page, impatient from Ronald's lack of ability to find it.

"But sir we aren't ment to begin nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione said from nowhere.

"Quiet!" Snape furrowed at her.

"When the bloody hell did she come in" Ron jumped as Hermione was now sitting unfazed in her seat. "Did you see her come in?" He asked Harry and I as we both shrugged and strongly shook our heads at his questions.

"Now can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and an animagus?" Snape asked as Hermione's arm sliced through the air.

"Miss Lupin, would you care to enlighten us..." he taunted.

Such a happy, happy man.

"An animagus is a wizard who can change into an animal through their own choices, werewolves are forced to." I said now sitting up paying attention, anxious of where he was going with this.

"A werewolf could kill there best friend in they were in his way... i mean their way. Furthermore a werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind."

Interrupt by the platinum blonde who joined into the answer with his own howl. As he rose his voice loud, trying intimidating me with it.

"Thank you... Mr Malfoy" Snape addressed him as he looked him up and down.

As Snape continued with the lesson my attention was caught by a small paper bird flying past my eyes landing down into my hands, I looked over from the direction it flew from seeing Draco raising his brows at me.

I opened it up to reveal an animated drawing of my father... and Sirius both behind bars with dementors surrounding them.

In Azkaban.

He's referring to the conversation Snape tried to make blaming my dad for Sirius getting into the castle.

I felt something snap inside me as my body began twitching now no longer listening to Professor Snape who was spitting to Harry about how the quidditch match will not excuse him from the essay Snape set about page 394 moments ago. Not even a missing limb would excuse him.

But again I wasn't listening.

Instead, i sprung out of my seat straight towards Malfoy as i took a firm grip of his collar forcefully yanking him from his seat and throwing him onto the ground.

People began shifting tables to circle us screaming and egging us on "fight... fight... fight..." Dean and Ron chanted from behind.

But I couldn't register them.

"Do you think your bloody funny!" I screamed in his ear, taking my hand and slapping his face roughly.

"Well do you!" I roared as his small grin slightly faded. "Use your goddamn words Malfoy or so help me Merlin-," I scoffed raising my hand to slap him once more.

His hand colliding with my wrist stopping me from hitting him. And then i see it.

My finger tips were turning green.




Not here, not in front of Harry and Ron and Hermione. Not when Peter could find out... Peter my brain told me.




The green in my fingers slowly spreading down halfway to my knuckles. Draco's brows curled in confusion. He's seen it. But he's the only one who has.

"What is the meaning of this!" Snape calls from behind lifting me up by the hood of my robe. But before he could grab a tighter grip, i slipped from his fingers bolting to the door.

I had to get out, and i had to get out now.

I ran through corridors watching the green spread slowly. My choice to not change was slowing it down, but yet still moving.

I don't know if it was because i was angry, that I wasn't controlling it but i knew i had to let it consume me.

I pushed through into the toilets, empty and rather abandoned. And i stopped fighting.

I turned into my animagus form.

Draco is such a wind-up I should of slapped him twice :)

But anyways yeah, i wonder why she changed abit odd if you ask me but anyways

Please vote and comment. See you in the next one <3

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