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It took a cold long stroll and the occasional raised voices. But i think at last, we can be back on normal terms. Of course Anthony apologised, as did i just for the sake of the moment.

But everything seemed calm again.

After getting everything off our chests we walked back down to the dungeons which we previously walked away from blathering about any ruckus we experienced throughout our rocky patch.

He talked about how Cedric Diggory and Justin Fletchy went double dating in Hogsmeade for two weekends in a row.

"Fletchy was stuck with Abbot, dunno what the bloke sees in her like yeah she's nice, a bit too loud. Knows too much to then Diggory was chasing after some Ravenclaw. Their seeker, Cho Chang? Yeah thats the one. Think they well fancy each other." he explained before ushering on about how he's decided to go to the quidditch world cup with Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan.

"Dean and Seamus, the Gryffindor's? How'd you know them?" I asked confused, Rickett's never mentioned that pair.

"Met them on the pitch couple weeks ago. Overhead them chatting about Seamus' tent apparently his mum has enchanted shamrocks that swing around the fence of their tent. They seem pretty cool." He said walking me around the corner.

"I'm going too, maybe we will run into each other tomorrow? I'll be with Pansy and Daphne as well as the boys." I implied as he agreed saying he would find me and say hello.

"Malfoy too? Whats up with youse two. He wasn't exactly pleasurable when i tried to come see you at the hospital wing. Are youse two dating?" He whispered to avoid the corridors echo.

"Well yeah i guess we are, i hope we still are. I think he's kind of angry with me right now." I told him and i shoved my hands in my robes.

Just as we were wandering back to my house common room, a slightly stumpy figure walked to meet us.

"Mr Rickett, thought i sent you back to your common room, you shouldn't be slacking about, off with you." The croaky voice called as he gestured him away, followed by a timid goodbye as Anthony left without another telling. "And you, i know who you are." The voice stated as the face became clear from the shadows.

"Ah of course mad-eye moody, little birdy told me you were teaching here, can't say I believed it but here you are." I gritted folding my arms as i watched his robotic eye glitch in circles. 

"Watch your lip Lupin, don't suppose you've inherited you parents attraction to trouble making?" He questioned.

"Me? Trouble? Well i never. Thats profound mad-eye." I grinned, my father never trusted Alastor Moody. That only gave me reason to believe the same. He cannot be trusted.

"That's Professor Moody, to you. Any more cheek i'll make sure to welcome you to my first class with a detention after it. Get yourself to bed before I decide that Severus is better dealing with delinquents." He mumbled while swigging from a metal flask.

Alcoholic. Drinking on the job? Not very professional.

"Right away, Professor." I replied dragging the last word for emphasis. Walking past i could only just conceal the grin smirking from my face.

Alastor Moody an extremely paranoid head case. Maybe his classes will be more exciting than my father's, but definitely not safer.

But the commotion didn't rest, I hadn't properly stepped foot into the common room but already I could hear shouting. I kept myself hidden behind the pillar as i eavesdrop on the boys, their voices so recognisable.

"So you were just going to let us turn up, say nothing? You prick what are you playing at mate?" Blaise grunted.

"What about Lupin, did you even warn her. Thought you cared about her Malfoy. Not even to watch her get-," Theodore was cut off as glass smashed against a wall near where i stood, followed by a huff of frustration.

"Fuck! Course i bloody care about her. That's why she isn't going. Rip the ticket do whatever it takes. She doesn't go. Neither should Daphne or Pansy." Draco shouted.

"She won't go for it, you know what she's like mate. She will want a reason." Blaise complained.

"Well make one up. Do i need to do everything my god damn self? Fucking hell Zabini!" Draco spat.

"Just tell us one thing Malfoy, if your getting dragged into this. Whens our turn." Theo said uncertainty, he sounded almost scared. "How long till the pair of us are going down the same path as you huh?"

"I don't know alright! Stop asking questions. I've told you what i know. Just help me keep her away." Draco told them.

"Yeah course we will. But Draco a lot of people we know could get hurt. I don't want this." Blaise puffed.

"It's not your choice, it never is with him. So suck it up." Draco called kicking his foot against the shattered glass around the corner from me.

Without realising i was holding my breath, i released it as i heard him walk away back towards Theo and Blaise as they trailed up towards the doors.

"What about Mattheo, is he still around?" Theo asked as their voices dulled out of range. Peering around the corner I caught sight of the smashed whiskey glass around the floor of the fire pit, another at the corner i stood near.

What the hell.

From what i could piece together the boys were talking about something, the quidditch world cup maybe? Over my dead body am I missing that.

Scanning the room once more i moved quickly back to my empty dorm, grabbed the marauders map and clutched Harry's cloak heading back out of the common room.

It didn't take too long to get across the castle towards the Gryffindor common room which Ron stood outside of, seeing as he can't see me i might as well have fun with it.

I unnoticeably grabbed Ron's hoodie strings and tightly pulled so his hoodie scrunched covering his face. "Nice warning, a simple hello would of been lovely Lyria." He grunted in tightening his hood. "Ready then? Mione and Harry are waiting by the fire." He said turning to the painting. "Keep it on till we're inside though yeah?"


Ron called as the portrait of the loud lady swung back allowing us in. "You can get rid of that now, no need for it." He told me taking the cloak from me and throwing it over the back of the couch.

"Get in alright?" Hermione asked as Ron slumped into the couch beside her.

"Easier than leading a troll into a dungeon." He joked back as Hermione's eyes rolled.

"Alright?" Harry asked with a nod. "Think his face will just pop in through the charcoal, dunno how he does it."

Almost on cue small sparks from the fire popped out into the rug as the material hissed as it was burnt through. Just for a cough to emerge in the heated cylinder of the fireplace.

"Sirius! Hey" Harry called moving to his knees in front of the fire, as a second head appeared.


Both Remus and Sirius' faces beamed red as they smiled greeting us back. "No time for chit chat. Listen carefully about what you're about to hear." Sirius told us as we gathered around.

Today i sat a two biology assessments ;(

Tomorrow i have to do History and French ugh, but here's another chapter for you guys hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now