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"Up, get up."

My eyes peeled showing me my dorm, full of sunshine. With Daphne's face towering over me like a cruel nightmare pulling me out of bed by my arm.

"Go shower quickly or we will be late." She bossed.

"Late? For what exactly?."

"Meeting the boys of course. Todays Hogsmeade."

I totally forgot about that. My body shoot out of her grip leaving her behind me as I quickly threw on the first clothes i could, pulling out my wardrobe.

"I am not going, Malfoy will be there so i won't." I told her and Pansy who had just came from the bathroom changed and ready to go.

"What about Malfoy?" She asked noisily.

"I think she knows about Buckbeak Pans." Daphne said towards her.

"You knew?" I asked them both getting small nods from each as their eyes stitched to the floor.

"You didn't tell me!"

"We only found out last night, you disappeared. We didn't get the chance." Daphne paused.

"But you should still come with us you don't even have to spare Malfoy a look nor conversation." Pansy joined in with the pleaded.

"No i have other things to do. I think i'll give today a miss." I said heading out the door grabbing my boots as I hopped out putting them on and sliding my wand in the left one.

"Where are you going." I heard them call in unison from the top of the stairs.

"To find Rickett!"

I knew he would be in the courtyard, the Hufflepuffs always sit on the walls waiting for Mcgonigal to appear every month. They have done for as long as I could recall. I padded down the steps catching sight of him, this time separated from the rest of the Hufflepuff's at the wall and under a large green tree.

There he sat, along with Diggory, Finch-Fletchy, Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones and Ernie Mcmillan.

"Congratulations on the win Diggory, Rickett you played great." I said as I walked to the group.

"Thanks Lupin." Cedric said turning to face me on the ground. "Not a fair game though, asked Madam Hooch for a rematch but Potter said we won fairly and that he didn't want one."

"How noble of Potter." I said in return. "I bet Wood was furious."

Gaining Justin's attention to the conversation. "I think he was too bothered about his precious seeker."

Everyone went back to their little conversation as i kneeled down beside Anthony.

"Spare minute?" I asked repeating my words from last time.

"Sure but be quick were leaving soon." He said taking my hand and pulling me inside an archway in the courtyard.

"I heard you were in the hospital wing after the match, what happened." He said with a slight smile.

"Oh that... Buckbeak got a bit playful."

Anthony raised his eyebrows at me in confusion then I remembered he probably had no idea what i was talking about.

"Right Buckbeak's a Hippogriff, like a big bird. Belongs to Hagrid."

"I think i've heard about that bird, isn't that Malfoy got something to do with that, everyone's been talking about it."

I fell silent nodding now looking anywhere that wasn't Anthony.

Before I could get a word in i was shocked with two words that dropped from his mumbling mouth.

"I'm sorry." He spoke grabbing the back of his neck with his hand, while his other leaned on the castle pillar supporting him up right.

"For..." i urged to see how far i could milk his apology.

"Not believing in you or Professor Lupin, you were right. I can't imagine your father doing something so reckless. Even if he was friends with Sirius. He was also friends with Harry's dad. He would never put Harry in Danger."

Sirius wouldn't put Harry in danger either. I so badly wanted to tell him that but i know it would only complicate things. I have to wait.

"Thank you, Rickett." I said Reaching out for him, hugging him tightly as he wrapped his arms around my lower back. With small whistles being heard from where his friends sat. We pulled apart.

"I should get going, here comes Professor." He sighed as he walked backwards slowly not breaking eye contact. "See you." I called giving him a small wave before walking back to the common room.

The place was empty. Pure silence.

Flint was now gone from his window, so I decided to take the opportunity to start my potions essay that Snape issued.

I lifted my wand, to lazy to walk for my things and said

"Accio Potions book."

I quickly turned down to put my wand away before I heard the book coming in my direction, until the whizzing sound had stopped. I looked up seeing someone holding my book flickering through its pages perfectly finding the page i needed.

"I've finished this. I could, um, help if you'd like?" The voice questioned softly and serene. Waving the open book around the air.

"Don't you think you've helped enough Draco. Why aren't you at Hogsmeade."

"Same idea as you most likely. Space from each other."

I didn't say anything. Instead I walked forward, eye contact strong with our faces mere inches from each other. I could feel his breath surrounding my face as i paused. Taking my book not daring to speak.

Draco took a small step forward, as i completely moved back finding my self sat at the window seat.

"Have you started it?" He asked me.

"No, i'm starting it now."

"There's another book you need." He said coming to sit at the opposite side of the window pointing down to the page. "This book doesn't nearly have half the information you need. I already returned it but i can, um, take you and get it."

I looked at him with caution as his eyes lifted from the book. Looking me up and down before standing swiftly and walking out towards the exit.

"Well move it then, I don't have all day." His attitude appeared again as i slammed my book shut leaving it by the window as i swiftly ran to catch up with Draco.

We got to the moving staircases where massive groups were all shouting. Harry and his friends were on the same staircase as us just at the other side along with Filch, Mcgonigal and Dumbledore... and my father.

"What's going on Draco." I asked as i edged closer to him. Touching our shoulder's as people ran pushing past us. All the paintings screaming and shouting.

"A soul as dark as his name, Its him headmaster." The fat lady who was no longer in front of the Gryffindor common room in her usual painting addressed Dumbledore. "The one they all talk about, he's here somewhere in the castle."

Her voice became squelchy as my thoughts sunk in pushing forward through the crowd to stand beside my dad. Praying the fat lady didn't confirm my suspicions.

"Sirius black." She screamed gaining gasps from everyone in the crowd, except me instead I sighed in defeat. Why did he have to risk everything.

Dumbledore gave order to Filch instantly as all the teachers began taking students to the great hall to spend the night. My focus remained on the fat lady as well as Harry's.

"Lupin let's go." Draco called still standing on the almost empty stairs. I didn't move, Until i felt his hand grab mine pulling me down. "I said... let's, go!."
I can't wait for the next chapter even though I'm not quite sure what i'll be writing.

I think i might give Malfoy and Rickett a scene.

But anyways see you there. Please vote and comment <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now