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After Divination i made my way to the hall for lunch meeting the rest of the group who were all huddled around Draco who was making a fuss about his arm.

"Does it hurt terribly Draco?." I heard Pansy ask him as i took a seat in between Crabbe and Daphne.

"Comes and it goes, still I consider myself lucky." He explains.

"Oh yeah why's that Malfoy." Blaise chimes in as he tugs at the material sling hold Draco's arm raised.

"Because..." Draco starts. "According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two and i could have lost my arm."

"What rubbish, honestly Draco why do you have to over exaggerate. Just admit it, there's nothing wrong with your arm. Even if there was its your own fault for scaring Buckbeak." I scoffed.

"Scaring? Scaring! That wild animal attacked me. My father's talking to the ministry as we speak. That stupid chicken will get what it deserves." Malfoy spat.

"its actually a Hippogriff." Crabbe says softly gaining a small nudge in the ribcage from Goyle who was on his other side. But i gave him a small smile to make up for it.

A loud ruckus emerged from the middle of the hall. All of our heads jerk around towards the Gryffindor table, as Seamus was running towards his friends shouting "He's been sighted ... Sirius black."

Everyone began crowding round him including me as i climb over the Slytherin table making sure to push Draco's abnormally large head arms length away from me as i jump down running over to the table.

"Dufftown, that's not far from here." Hermione exclaimed pointing down to the daily prophet. Neville voice began shaking as he asked the crowd if Sirius would come to Hogwarts.

I felt bad for Neville, truly i did. For being a Gryffindor he didn't have much courage. I couldn't help but think people take him as a pushover because of it.

Seamus talked again with his accent booming. "He's already slipped past the Dementors once , i bet he'll try do it again."

"Black could be anywhere, its like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Bem said.

Well i mean in a way Bem was right, Sirius probably slipped away in his animagus form. If i had to bet on it I would guess that's how he escaped.

"Nonsense... give me that." I implied grabbing the prophet and rolling the paper before taking it and hiding it into my robe.

I started making my way out of the hall as i heard heavy footsteps catching up with me.

"Lets see that Lupin." Draco huffed reaching his hand inside my robe taking the paper. Unrolling it with one hand and holding it up above my head where I couldn't reach it.

"Give it here Malfoy." I tusked jumping from the ground trying to grab it back.

"Not until you tell me why you've taken such a fancy towards that blood traitor." He said calmly not taking his eyes off the headline. "My family despise him you see, Mother's related to him. He was Burned off the family tree when he ran away from home."

"I dont care Malfoy, give it." I reached again.

"He ran away to Potters." He started again " My Great-Aunt Walburga burned him off the same day she was livid." He stopped, looking at me once more as he re-rolled the prophet putting his hand back in my robe returning it.

"Now Lupin if you don't mind i'll be off." He remarked as he lifted his arm out of the sling throwing the material to the ground before strutting off towards the courtyard.

Clutching my robe closed i turned on my heels walking down back to the common room, Flint was now no longer sitting by the window but now on the couch with Graham Montague and Urquhart Rackharrow.

"Hi boys. Talking about quidditch I presume." I smiled to them walking past towards the stairs.

"You bet we are." They replied in unison gaining a chuckle from me, impressed with how the three of their minds worked in sync... for once.

I walked into my room emptying my book bag on my bed searching for chocolate i put in earlier. I was rather hungry and refused to walk back to the hall.

Simultaneously I removed the books placing them onto the shelves on the far wall, swapping them for books I needed tomorrow. Making sure my bag was packed so I didn't need to do it later.

I slipped out of my robes and took a shower, drying my hair with a charm, I changed into some comfy clothes and started on a potions essay i had due tomorrow.

I was given the essay over the holidays but completely forgot until today.

Bu the time I finished Pansy and Daphne had already came back and went to sleep. We did have a conversation about how Crabbe accidentally spilled his water over Blaise's robe, but Blaise didn't mind instead dried it off giving Crabbe a pat on the back in good sport.


It was almost midnight.

I picked up my wand from the table hiding it down the side of my boot and sliding the rolled paper in my back pocket before slowly treading out back through the common room.

Mrs Norris almost gave me up but I always remember to take treats with me when sneaking out. And it always seems to do the trick.

I ran out through the courtyard turning left at the hill stopping a short distance in front of the tree. Looking around the dark grounds for Sirius.

A small howl came from the bushes beside the tree as Padfoot emerged and disappeared straight after into the tree through a small hole.

I raised my wand up from boot, aiming it straight towards the tree knowing i have to follow Sirius without being brutally thrown about by a magic tree.


And just like that, the tree stopped. Without wasting anymore time i ran down sliding my way into the hole in the tree before the branches started moving violently once again.

This chapter is slightly less than 1000 :)

Im really excited for the mini plot I'm adding which does not belong to J.K Rowling.

Please vote and comment see you next chapter <3

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