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the common room was gently lit with an early winter sunlight, Flint was gone. His owl missing too. And the envy quilted curtains were flowing in the draft ventilating the room with a spiking chill of air.

It was still early, a past rational time for anyone to be awake. The fire was out and the couch was occupied by too many covers and pillows brought down from the dorms, but yet the place was empty.

As if the room was packed just to be evacuated.

Until a hand cupped my shoulder, flinching me out of my observation as my hand met whoever was holding me as i pulled their hand clockwise to hold them in a lock.

"Merlin Lupin what is this, an arrest?"

"Oh Blaise I'm so sorry, you just snuck up on me,  you shouldn't startled a Lupin."

"Didn't mean to but do you reckon you can let go?"

I released Blaise's hand from my grip as he straightened his body up rubbing the pain off his wrist to turn back to look at me.

"Some hold you have Lupin, father teach you that as well?" He laughed before his eyes met my face. "What the hell!" He shouted holding my chin as he turned my head to the side to look at the scratches.

My under eyes went dark from lack of sleep and my marks had turned red over time as the blood had dried on my face.

"What have you been up to? Lupin i think we should take you to see Madam Pomfrey." Blaise stated.

"No Blaise I'm fine, i've just came from there." I told him hiding my eyes to avoid him.

"Don't lie to me, theres no way she would let you out in this state." He said gaining an offended look. "No offence love but you look like you been in a bear fight."

His fingers running along to match the claw scratch looking at me like I'm fragile. I hate it.

I pushed his hand down and stumbled backwards. "I am fine! Okay, yes it's been a tough night but in all honesty Zabini i need to find Malfoy. I could also do with a shower, maybe a nap too." I rambled.

"You don't need Malfoy, you need the hospital! Malfoy can't fix this." He sternly said gesturing his hands at me.

"Malfoy took me there in the first place Blaise, obviously he can't but i need to find him. Now have you seen him?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

He looked beyond me towards the stairs as he hesitantly shook his head to answer. "But we really should take you to the hospital." He demanded as his hand reached for my lower back to guide me out, my body winced at his touch as he held another gash. My body reacting as i moved back once more almost striking into the table behind me.

His eyes widen with confusion as he reached for the hem of my shirt lifting it slightly to reveal another mark. "How many more?" He questioned before dropping my top. "Merlin Lyria, please."

I crossed my arms over my chest as my eyes left the floor to look up to Blaise.

"Three, theres three marks."

Blaise stood in silence as his eyes looked back to the door of the common room pleading for me to walk out with him. In all honesty i should.

My body still ached immensely, my lower cuts had bleed through my top as the gashes refused to heal over, and my head remained light.

"Fine okay i'll go." I gave in nodding my head at Blaise before he reached out to hold me up and walk me out. "Happy?"

"Very. Now will you tell me how you got battered and bruised so easily? Or do i have three guesses?" He joked. "Never mind, i'd like to see the state of the other guy."

"It's a story for another day, or at least until i feel up to it." I tell him buying myself time to create a story. "Where is everyone, and why were you up I don't even know what time it is."

"It's early morning. Before Malfoy took off looking for you we were all in your dorm. Nott's back, finally so we were all catching up with him." Zabini said excitedly.

"Theodore's back? Oh great I'm glad his parents seen sense and brought him back. Did he say how, now what was it again Castelobruxo?"

"No Drumstrang. He said it was boring but he had a good crowd, some quidditch player and a couple others. He claimed to have shown the ladies a 'good time' which i think is-,"

"Bollucks." We said in unison as we laughed.

"Well I'm excited to see him."

"Yeah he was waiting for you, i know you too had some... unfinished business." Blaise said quietly. "Can you manage the stairs?"

"Yeah i'll make it, and thats finished. He ended it. Besides it's almost been a year."

"To be honest I thought you'd say that Lyria, I think you have a little thing for-,"

"Don't Blaise, that's never going to happen."

"Well take my word for it, I think he has a soft spot for you and that means something considering he hates practically everyone."

"Were friends, just like him and you are." I laughed as we hiked the stairs turning the corner towards the hospital wing. "He's... building tolerance thats all."

Before we could finish the conversation Madam Pomfrey came bursting from her desk with her cheeks booming almost as red as her cheeks. " I dismissed Mr Weasley, however i do not recall dismissing you! You could of bled out in a castle corridor how stupid could you be!" She said hustling over to take me from Blaise and back to my bed.

"Thank you Mr Zabini for helping her see sense but i must ask you leave." She called turning us to walk towards the main doors. "You too Mr Malfoy, i think you have been here for long enough."

My eyes shot round to see Draco standing at my hospital bed with his face drenched in fury.

"Draco please, i can explain." I pleaded as Draco barged past me hitting one of my scratches with his shoulder showing no remorse as Madam Pomfrey scolded him for his insensitivity.

"Draco please!"

"Not now Miss Lupin, whatever Mr Malfoy is so worked up over can wait until your healed. Might give you a fighting chance." as she dropped me down on the bed taking small potion bottles from the beside table before she demanded.

I wanted to add Nott for some excitement especially when it comes to smut ;)

Please vote and COMMENT i love seeing comments and they make me excited, see you in the next chapter <3

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