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"So you're telling us not only did you play quidditch with Victor Krum, he also invited you to watch him at the quidditch world cup after the summer?" Daphne exclaimed while taking her butter beer from Madam Rosmerta's hand giving her a smile as a thank you.

"Yeah, it was great." Theo said grabbing his.

We were all sitting in the three broomsticks in a small booth next to the window. Crabbe, Theo, Daphne and I were sitting waiting for the rest to join us.

Draco and Blaise took Goyle and Pansy to Honeydukes to fill their pockets with sweets.

And Theo was telling us all about his year at Drumstrang.

"Krum and i were both on their school team. I'm excited to see him play for Bulgaria. Potter's nothing in comparison." Theo said passing the other two glasses across to Crabbe and I, as he nodded Madam Rosmerta off.

"But their headteacher's a bit mental, an old death eater too! I saw the faded mark one day on his arm when his sleeve ruffled up. Very unnoticeable." He whispered taking a gulp.

"Speaking of death eaters Nott, how is your father." I asked genuinely. I always liked his father.

I could of never guessed he was a death eater in the first war. But he always told me he regretted it. Lived in fear for his family. He seen joining the dark side as a bargaining chip to protect them.

I knew about majority of ex-death eaters in the school my father kept me prepared, tried to keep constant vigilance with me especially considering my house.

I know about Crabbe and Goyle father's, Notts too. And obviously Draco's. I'd assume the Greengrass family has their secrets but Daphne, Blaise and Pansy have never mentioned their families. So i'm not sure if their parents were ever involved.

"He's rather quiet nowadays, doesn't see why i came back. He thought we'd be safer away. Hidden." Theo said leaning in over the table. "He still believes you-know-who will come back."

Daphne's head tilted to the side slightly to look at the Theo. "But he won't though, right? I mean Potter's sole reason for being famous is that he was Voldem- i mean the dark lords downfall. Harry killed him?"

"Harry made him weak." Crabbe said quietly. "He wasn't dead. My father thinks the same Nott." Crabbe whispered. "Thinks soon enough he'll come back stronger."

"Rather scary, I'm just glad my family is on the right side of things." I said watching their eyes all turn upon me. "What?"

"You won't be saying that when your found in a ditch, don't you remember what Dumbledore said in the hall that night, the night Sirius was spotted in the castle." Daphne asked.

"Wait what was said, i missed this. Blaise filled me in on the whole murderer in the school but i've never heard this." Theo said edging further out of his booth seat to listen.

"He'll come for you Lyria. Dumbledore said you could be powerful. Powerful enough to do unimaginable things and if your not on our side if things go down. Your better off dead. Because your only bidding your time." She said quietly.

"If you get in his way Lyria... he won't hesitate."

"Yeah but it's crazy talk, he hasn't been seen or heard from in thirteen years i think it's safe to say Potter killed the bastard." I answered brushing off their attempts to rile up any conspiracies.

Just as our conversation died down the bell above the door swung back and forth alerting us that someone had entered. Being at the edge of the booth, both Theo and I peered our heads to see Dumbledore and Professor Snape enter.

"Wonder what they're here for?" I asked the group.

"Maybe they fancy a bar crawl. First stop the three broomsticks... oh no quick they're coming over here." Theo urged as he pushed my head back into the booth keeping us all out of sight.

But it was nothing short of failure.

"Afternoon all, having a nice day?." Dumbledore asked as he approached the table. Gaining small mumbles that sounded relatively like 'yes sir, and how's your afternoon.'

"Splendid, i hate to be a bother. But Miss Lupin you don't suppose you can cut your Hogsmeade visit short? Professor Snape and I have something urgent to discuss with you." He said patting down his beard and stepping to the side of our table. "After you?" He asked gesturing his hand for me to step out and leave with them.

I quickly downed the rest of my butter beer and gave the others a confused eyebrow wriggle before following Dumbledore and Snape out towards the door.

On my way out i found myself passing Blaise, Pansy, Goyle and Draco who all looked at me rather suspiciously, which I would too if i seen someone being escorted by their head teacher and head of house back to the castle.

"Not to worry Miss Lupin." Snape said coldly. "You won't miss the quidditch match i assure you."

The rest of the walk back to the castle was rather quiet. Not Dumbledore, Snape or I breathed to talk until we made it outside of Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Sherbet Lemon." He called and instantly the gargoyle statue began twisting to reveal a stone staircase leading up.

"After you..." Snape called as Dumbledore walked up in front, with me following behind, as we walked in the office i was taken aback by a gorgeous burning red coloured bird that found entertainment in flying laps around the room before perching down beside the desk.

"Now Miss Lupin, i must ask do you recall of a conversation we shared not too long ago. One about me requiring your help?" Dumbledore asked as he sat at the desk i stood in front of.

"Yes Professor I remember."

"Good, after the fiasco with Sirius Black, not only that but other contributors. One's i much prefer to keep quiet for now." He explained while digging through a drawer to his left. "Your skills and magical abilities prove rather useful in times of need."

"Professor I don't think I understand, by magical abilities do you mean being an animagus?"

"Precisely, luckily you haven't shown any signs of lycanthropy since the night of your scratches. Even although its only been days but I believe your shifting abilities has blocked it out. But off the topic. I wish to ask for your help." He asked pulling out a bowl of vibrant yellow warpped sweets.

"Sweetie?" He questioned as he reached the bowl out, i shook my head no before asking. "Professor what could you possibly need my help for?"

"Severus if you mind." Dumbledore asked as Snape stepped into view.

"The mind is a powerful thing, even stronger if you know how to control it, penetrate it. Corrupt it." He said longingly. "Dumbledore believes that dark times are ahead and he wants to ensure your... alliance." He told me looking me up and down in disapproval.

"I would like Professor Snape to teach you to repel dark magic from your mind. To keep it hidden and tucked safely away." Dumbledore cut in.

"I want you to allow us permission to close your mind off." He paused as he took to stand.

"Miss Lupin i'd like you to let Professor Snape teach you Occlumency."

I want to bring some Order content in early because i have plans for the order and I enjoy memory writing.

So i am prepared to bring back some faces, and deepen the 'friendship' between Anthony Rickett and Lyria.

Plus show Theodore and Lyrias relationship.

But yeah. Please vote and comment <3

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