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Last night was terrible, Draco and I went to meet our friends in the Astronomy tower for class. And it was chaos.

Miss Sinistra was late for everyone was screaming and carrying on. Seamus was almost flung from the tower after he called Goyle a pig for eating with his mouth open, not to mention Pansy kept giving poor Neville the trip jinx every 5 minutes.

Draco and i were now in the library. Everyone else went out to Hogsmeade for the last trip before Christmas.

I still felt rather weezy so decided to once again give it a miss. Draco stayed behind once i told the group i was staying. I think he still feels rather guilty.

Pansy was furious she wanted me to help her pick out gifts for everyone, but she can suffice with Daphne, of course her taste in items are rather... opposite.

"Draco I thought you told me you were going to help me look?" I asked him as he sat with an apple in his hand stationed on the table.

"No, i said i would come with you to look." He said between bites. "Your looking... I'm just here."

I rolled my eyes and move further away looking in the next isle. My father asked me to look for a book about patronous'. After the dementors with Harry on the pitch my father decided to try and squeeze the charm in before the holidays.

"I can't find it Malfoy, can you please just be helpful for once." I spat now getting frustrated. I've been searching for almost an hour.

"Is this it?" He chuffed, pulling a thick book out from under him.

"Were you sitting on it? How long ago did you find it!" I said storming forward trying to take it from his possession as he raised it up out of my reach.

"About an hour" he stated calmly taking another bite of his apple.

"An hour!" I was furious. I pushed my hands onto his chest pushing him back into the table he just climbed off, as he flinched i grabbed the book and barged past heading to find my dad.

"Take a joke Lupin, for Merlin's sake don't be so dull." He chirped catching up as i was halfway down the corridor.

"Dull!" I repeated. "I am most definitely not dull-, you on the other hand are just a pain in my a-,"

"Lyria" my father cut me off seeing him from the other side of the corridor.

I promised him I would stay away from Draco Malfoy, yet here i was standing beside him right in front of him.

"Here's the book father." I said as i handed him a book labelled 'Precautions with Patronous Charms'. Gaining a small cough from Mr Perfect himself.

"Draco found it." I continued giving him a still furious look.

"Oh well... thank you Mr Malfoy." My father addressed him giving him a nod while flicking through the pages. "Now if you'll excuse me i must be heading off... I will deal with you later." He pointed at me before disappearing.

"Was was the about" Draco asked as we reached the staircase to go down to the hall.

"Well you see-," I started before hearing voices below. I pulled Draco to sit down on the top step to listen in.

It was Harry, With Fred and George.

"What are you doing" Harry told them angrily with the twins shushing with ruffling parchment. I pushed Draco to the other side so that I could look down the case.

"What's this rubbish?" He asked them.

"That there is the secret to our success" one of the twins told him. I haven't spent time with them so the abilities to tell them apart was missing.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now