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"Now..." Sirius started.

"You must understand the dangers that come with this. You could easily be stuck half human and half animagus." He stated.

"You need to be fully committed any fear, any panic, and your animal form could take to it, causing you to do something dangerous."

Listening to everything he was saying carefully, Sirius moved to bring potion's from the inside of a drawer placing them down in front of me on the piano.

"This is a mandrake leaf." He pointed. "Put it under your tongue. And keep it there."

"And this will hurt." He spoke as he tugged at a piece of my hair, putting it into a bottle and swirling it counter-clockwise.

"This is chrysalis... an ingredient from a Deaths-head Hawk moth."

Sirius had now lined three potion bottles in a singular line on top of the piano.

"And that, quite simple really is Dew." He said pointing to the last bottle.

"Its water from plants isn't it.?" I asked knowing Professor Snape introduced it before the summer as we needed it for Beautification Potions.

"Yes, yes it is. The potion takes time to brew, maybe a month perhaps but i will sort it all no need for you to worry your head. Just keep that mandrake leaf under that tongue." He chimed paying more attention to the potion as he started to meddle with it.

"For how long." I asked.

"Until i see you next. Which most likely will be the full moon." He said calmly.

"Full moon! But thats so long away, we need to catch peter now!" I exclaimed.

"Patience little moon, too soon or too late and the consequences could be ghastly. Now tell me about your patronous, the animals could very well be the same."

Sirius had now left the potion brewing to join me to sitting on the four poster bed handing me a small bar of chocolate that i left him yesterday.

"How did you know i could cast a patronous." I questioned receiving a laugh from Black.

"An assumption, considering your father's teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, shocking by the way. Always guessed Snivellus would take that position. Always was more his scene being a deatheater and all."

"Snivellus?" I said quite confused. "Snape! Sirius was Professor Snape a death eater."

"Back in the day yes." He answered "and He loved Lily it broke her heart when she found out. Great friends until he called her a mud-blood. Foul word that is never use it but i think that's why James always hated him. Because James too loved Lily. For years."

"Yeah i know that story. Dad used to tell me things about all of you."

"What did your father say about me... other than probably calling me a criminal."

"He said you were always his favourite. But when he lost James, Lily and Peter he always believed he lost you just as much."

Sirius' head dipped at the sentence, as did mine. It hurt knowing everything my father believed is wrong. It must hurt Sirius to hear.

But I know one day, they can be reunited.

An awkward silence followed before Sirius mentioned the patronous once more.

"Oh right, well Dad called it a Runespoor. Very rare and apparently it's connection is strong between Parselmouth's and Dark wizards."

"Rubbish, your neither." Sirius laughed "Unless you can talk parseltongue ." He said jokingly with a large smile.

"I cant but Harry can. He done it last year, it was mental he tried to set a snake on another student. Severus was furious."

"Doesn't surprise me Lyria, that boy surpasses any expectations... that little witch friend he has too. She's marvellous, reminds me of Lily."

"Thats Hermione, she's pretty good. Bit of a know it all to be fair." I slumped picking at my nails.

"Very bright, I'm grateful that she keeps him in check."

It was now almost 1am and Sirius told me I should be heading back to the castle.

It was too easy getting back in the ground's, Filch was nowhere to be seen, prefects had finished their duties so it was an uneventful walk back into the common room.

"Rather late for a stroll Lupin? Meeting someone?." The voice startled me. Draco. Sat quite the thing in front of the fire, i was so tired I completely never seen him.

"Why are you awake Malfoy. Do you know what time it is." I questioned him taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"1:27am exactly." He said looking at his wristwatch. "Watched you disappear before midnight. Decided i'd wait and welcome you back. Now who's so important they have perfect little you sneaking out past curfew."

"Nobody, I wasn't meeting anyone i just went for a walk... yes to see, Buckbeak." I lied knowing he hated that bird and would avoid any conversations about it.

"Saying your goodbyes I suppose." He says as he shifts further into the couch leaning his arm across the seat behind me.

"What do you mean goodbye?"

"Well I assumed you heard. Hagrid's hearing was earlier. Father wanted him fired, ministry disagreed but they did agree that silly creature is dangerous. They sentenced it to death."

I felt the tears coming to my eyes. "Draco how could you! Thats was your fault you were attacked. And your letting an innocent animal get killed."

Draco tried to cut in to explain but I refused to hear his voice.

"No, don't you dare talk. You... your just as bad as your father. Sometimes i pretended you had good left in you. That you weren't just a horrible person but you had a heart. How wrong i was." I scoffed leaving the couch storming off towards my room.

Turning back once more.

"This is the worst thing you have ever done Malfoy."
I'm making the animagus process a lot faster just to save time.

Another filler chapter nothing too exciting :(

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