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I was so close to getting answers. For everything. If i tell my dad about Sirius now I could lose that chance. I have to lie. I don't have another choice not until I'm absolutely certain Sirius is guilty.

Part of me always believed in his Innocence. I still do. If i turned him in right now, I would feel guilty. So i have to lie. Just for now.

"I did think it was him, it was my first assumption. But the closer i got the bigger the animal got, and the further i chased it I realised it wasn't a dog."

I had to think quickly and give a clear excuse one sign of hesitation he would know im lying.

"Then the animal had wings and it was massive, far larger than a dog. Much rowdier too." I said.

He was believing me, now i just need to make a last push and i'll be in the clear.

"The wings hit me, I remember that. Im guessing thats what knocked me out."

I feel so guilty already for what I'm about to say. But my dad would know even if it happened that it's not Hagrid's fault.

"Then today in Hagrid's i saw the animal again, There called Hippogriffs. Proud creature's Hagrid called them. You have to gain their respect before approaching them. But of course i never knew that."

My Fathers expression softened. He believed me.

"It wasn't Sirius. I'm sorry I assumed."

He looked down before opening a book once more, to show me a picture. It was him and his friends at school.

Lily was on James' shoulder's with Peter to their left. On the right Marlene And Alice were raising their hands in the air with scarfs made of Gryffindor's colours. And at the outside was Dad, with Sirius' arm around his shoulder. His other hand fisted into the air holding a trophy and screaming.

James, Marlene and Sirius just helped to win Gryffindor the Cup. They all look so happy, except peter he looks really timid... but dad always said he was a rather quiet kid.

"You know Lyria... at first i never believed he done it, then i heard he killed Peter. I was devastated, Alice too." He sighed "we both believed it was him. Then he was caught and taken to Azkaban. So we just believed it."

He placing the photo face downwards and tucking it back into a drawer in his desk.

"If you ever find him on the grounds, i trust you to do the right thing, i trust you to tell Dumbledore." He said.

"I promise i will do the right thing Dad." I didn't lie. I do believe I'm doing the right thing, giving Sirius a chance to explain his side. Nobody was on his side. Not yet.

Just as our conversation was ready to change the bell went.

"I should go, don't want to be too late to divination its a long walk." I said moving to the door. "See you in class for the bogart's." I called back swinging through the doorway.

"How did you know?." He laughed in confusion.

"The big wardrobe's not very subtle Father. Sitting in plain sight." I shouted as i ran downstairs and out of the class.

I think i could be the only Slytherin in this class. The rest of them seemed to all either have it this morning or tomorrow before lunch.

Everyone in my group right now had a free period. And the only classes we all had together were Potions and Astronomy, Which were both tomorrow.

The class was packed. Ron and Harry were sitting to the left as well as Neville and Dean. I would of thought Hermione would of been in this class but I couldn't quite spot her.

I glanced around spotting an empty seat next to Seamus and made my way over to him.

"Finnigan, do you mind?" I asked pointing to the empty seat.

"Uh sure, it's all yours." He replied his accent thick as anything. I always enjoyed listening to the way he talks, I always found the Irish rather... fascinating.

I sat and pulled my book out of dropping it down onto the table, almost shaking the crystal ball of the table and down to the floor. Luckily for me Seamus was rather quick with his hands to catch it before it rolled.

"Oh merlin, thank you Seamus, if that smashed i would be quite embarrassed ." I blushed taking the ball from his hands and placing it back.

"It's no bother, honest." He said giving me a small grin before sending his focus to the Professor who had now started the lesson.


Hermione was sitting with Harry and Ron, i never saw her walk in.

Trelawney announced today's lesson was about reading tree leaves. Grabbing and shaking Seamus' head telling him to 'broaden his mind' gaining a laugh from me.

"Here you are." Seamus said passing me his cup, as I swapped him for mine. Opening my book to find the  image in the book that matches his cup.

"Luck of the Irish i guess Seamus. You have the sun." I said tilting the cup for him to see " means you'll have great happiness."

His smile grew. "Wow I'm chuffed with that." He states looking back into my cup. "Your's is quite, um how do i say this... crap?" He said with unsureness.

He flipped his book so I could see pointing down to the matching image. "You see Lupin, the cross means your going to have trials and suffering... then this above the cross is a skull." He paused.

"It means danger's in my path. Doesn't it?." I asked him receiving a small nod from him.

Maybe it ment Sirius, maybe he was the danger in my path. Or maybe the trials and suffering was Sirius too.

Draco was right this class was Pathetic.

"Pathetic, that's all lies." I told Seamus.

I think I might've offended him as he got defensive telling me he followed the instructions and done it perfectly.

"Seamus you blow majority of your work up in flames. Maybe you missed a step." I spat i was irritated from my 'future' I didn't realise i was taking it out on Seamus. "Sorry, I'm just not happy with it."

He nodded acceptingly before both of us had our attention caught by Professor Trelawney who was now going mental throwing Harry's mug down onto the table.

"You have... the grim." She announced getting gasps all around the classroom as i sat further off my seat.

"What's the grin" Seamus asked.

"It's not the Grin you idiot, the Grim." A boy corrected Seamus.

Someone in the back started reading the description from the book, saying something about a black dog and an Omen of death.

Rather fitting considering Sirius. But death? I don't understand that, Sirius isn't dead.

Dramatic's again. I rolled my eyes at everyone's fuss. And once again when Hermione threw a strop just minutes after pushing her crystal of her table letting it roll straight out of the classroom and downstairs, herself following it out with an attitude.

"Have i said something?" Trelawney asked just as the bell rang.
One day, Four chapters?

Hope you liked the scene with Seamus, I truly think him and Dean deserved alot more screen time in the movies ;(

Anyways please vote and comment <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now