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I could hear voices echo around me as i dipped in and out of consciousness, no longer feeling Draco's arms underneath me. But his hand held over mine, I used the tip of my fingers on the other to slightly feel the mattress under my touch. Knowing i was in St Mungos.

"Madam Pomfrey, when will she be okay to leave?"

"Give her a day or two Mr Malfoy, I don't know how she came across those cuts, but I wouldn't expect any miracle healing spells from my part. And i think Professor Dumbledore would like to know from you two what on earth happened tonight."

I could hear the soles of flat shoes tap the floor getting slowly further away, pulling curtains back around beds, and others closing.

"That's something i want to know too Weasel, what the hell were youse thinking, don't you ever think about anyone other than the three of youse."

"Lay off it Draco-,"

"It's Malfoy to you, don't push your luck with me Granger, I'm only refraining myself for her sake." He said in a stern tone as his grip around my finger tightened.

"Now i asked you a question, and I suggest you answer it unless, your precious boyfriend here wants a matching cast that you can draw stars and hearts on." His sarcasm falling freely with that sentence, almost made me laugh. But I didn't want him to know i was awake just yet.

"Malfoy it's none of your business, so shove off. Even she wouldn't tell you. Because your not a trustworthy person. Your not worthy of anything."

"You watch your mouth Weasley or-,"

But before Draco could finish insulting Ron, Madam Pomfrey let a small squeak as the hospital doors swung open.

"Oh Professor what happened?" She called as her small footsteps followed the solid taps back towards our side of the hall.

"Mr Potter ran into some altercations, a simple spell will do him well." Snape said coldly as i heard him drop Harry onto a bed, as his weight caused the mattress to make sounds as it moved under him.

"What happened to your golden boy." Draco whispered over to Ron who essentially told him to mind his own, as i heard Draco slump into his chair with a huff.

"I suppose not one person in this room will be going to explain to me how in one night I've ended up with two unconscious children, one with vicious scores across her body, and another child who's leg has been used as a chew toy?" Madam Pomfrey called clearly irritated by the secrecy around us.

"I suppose not." Draco muttered under his breath, i peered my eye open slightly to see Harry where everyones attention was stitched to, except Professor Snape who decided to hit Malfoy slyly at the back of his head for his cheeky response.

"I must excuse myself, i have certain... matters to attend to, i shall send for Dumbledore. I am most sure he would love to hear tonights... story." Snape spat quietly.

"That's okay Professor, i already sent for him when Miss Lupin came in. Her injuries were rather peculiar."

"I see, well then if you will excuse me. Mr Malfoy come along."

"What? No way Professor I'm not moving until she wakes up!" Draco told Snape.

"Mr Malfoy I assume Miss Lupin will not wake up for a while, she wont know your gone, now come, along."

A moment of silence filled the hall as i shut my eye tightly feeling Draco's grip on my hand loosen as he reached to tuck a piece of hair off my face before pushing his chair behind him letting it screech the floor.

His foot steps didn't make it to the end of the bed before he spoke again presumably towards Hermione and Ron considering i could hear two sets of footsteps walk away towards the door.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now