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Draco and i raced up the hill to stand beside the entrance back to the castle watching Hagrid's hut in the distance. I couldn't bare saying goodbye to Buckbeak. If i did I would never let go.

The last thing Hagrid needed today was an emotional teenager hugging onto his bird that was about to be innocently killed.

Crabbe was here too. When we got here we seen him sitting pulling grass out the ground in a trance, he explained how he liked the bird from afar, and also wanted to say goodbye but couldn't bring himself to do it.

He talked about the pretty colours of his feathers as we sat on the hill looking at the clueless bird from where we sat. It was tormenting me knowing this had to happen.

Draco also looked quite pale, but for the sake of his pride his ability to hide remorse was adamant. He kept his eye on anything that wasn't the bird.

I couldn't stop thinking about how i never got the chance to fly Buckbeak just like i wanted to.

"Wheres that from." Crabbe asked softly as he pointed down to my neck.

My fingers were twiddling his the rings sitting on the chain. I had been so distracted and anxious it didn't occur to me i had been playing with them.

"Nice isn't it?" Draco asked as he nudged his head in the necklaces direction. Lifting the rings up in Crabbes direction so he can look.

"You have the same ring Draco. I remember your mum giving you one just like the bands." He told Draco while now admiring the white.

"Narcissa bought Draco Blaise and I matching rings for Christmas our first year. Draco's was green, Blaise had a black one. And mines was orange. Draco got mad because he wanted a white one just like yours." Crabbe said as i looked at Draco with a smile as he was sitting his his hands clasped over and in front of his knees.

"That's enough of that story Crabbe." He snapped.

Draco began to have a separate conversation with Crabbe distracting him from the ring topic as i sat silently was more. Admiring the rings in their full glory properly now knowing what Crabbe had told me.

I felt happy, filled with butterflies and I truly didn't know why.

But then I started thinking about every memory i had with the bird thinking about in how a short time I've grown rather attached. When Draco's voice split through my head changing his conversation with Crabbe to talking to someone behind us.

"Look who's here!" Crabbe told us.

"Ah come to see the show!" He called holding his arms out as a welcome to whoever was behind us.


urgh here we go.

"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione shouted as she intimidatingly whipped her wand to raise it into the crook of Draco's neck leaning in with pressure.

Draco... being Draco played along quivering, acting as if Hermione was going to hurt him.

"Hermione no! He's not worth it!" Ron called to her urging her to put the wand away.

Both Harry and I stood in silence.

Hermione lowered her wand starting to turn away from Draco, as he let out a relaxed chuckle which just seemed to aggravate her even more than she already was.

She swirled her body weight round throwing her arm full force, pelting Draco in the face knocking him into the stone pillar behind him.

I pulled my hand to my mouth trying to register what just happened but before i knew it Draco had stropped off shouting and cursing as Crabbe hobbled behind him.

"That felt good." Hermione chuffed looking at her two friends.

"Not good... brilliant." Ron replied as he stood in awe.

Harry had cleared his throat nodding his head in my direction.

"Don't worry." I raised my head in surrender. "I'm off too, I couldn't watch this if I tried."

Just as we all split ways walking off in opposite directions i called out one last time. "Harry... can you say goodbye for me, please?" I pleaded and he nodded even after everything he still wanted to do what he could.

He was his father in every way he didn't know.

As I watched them walk down towards Hagrid's hut. I looked behind me and through the bushes searching for eyes. And i saw them.

There was Sirius.

Hiding in plain sight waiting for the right moment. I glanced him a nod before quickly sneaking towards the tree changing as I walked to slither through the hole at the tree trunk.

I slithered through the passage way and into the house waiting for the ball to roll, i had a long wait. So I changed back to pass the time i sat on the small seat beside the dull and dusty fireplace and read the daily prophet that i first brought Sirius when i came here. And i read it cover to cover.

Too many times over.
Sorry that this is soo short!!

But Stopping it here because I don't want to start the scene then need to cut it half way between if its not necessary.

So get ready.

Please vote and comment and i will see you soon <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now