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Dark hooded figures appeared from smoke out of the sky, circling around Voldemort.

As i felt ice cold hands wrap around my neck from behind dragging me up to stand, I winced in pain at the hold and quick movement of my body, a wand roughly pressed into the under side of my chin.

I couldn't pull away from the figure, i felt weak being unable to move. All I could hear was Harry beside me in pain. His eyes met mine and for the first time, i noticed how broken Harry really was.

Loosing both his parents to the man who stood before us, he lost any sense of a childhood because of him. Harry can't lose any more.

His eyes met mine and I whispered to him. "Everything will be okay, i promise you."

He gave a small nod as his eyes pinched shut.

I felt the hand behind my neck tighten as the figures nails dug through the barrier of my skin, a cold whispered voice echoing quietly beside my ear.

"My son hasn't told me anything about you, but i see why." He spoke, instantly i tried to move away, tugging violently away from who i knew now to be Lucious Malfoy.

"Going to kill me like you killed my mother." I spat angrily tugging away. "You're a coward!"

His grip still held firm as he scoffed at my words.

"Quite the opposite." Lucius laughed bitterly.

The cold brittle air carried the murmurs of the death eaters, as Voldemort moved through them one by one. Criticising their loyalties to him as their bodies dropped in pain to the floor groaning at the sharp impact of a spell thrown at them by Voldemort.

Among the men I noticed one to be Theodore's father, and i wondered if Theo knew what his father was doing although it doesn't surprise me to see him stood here, he was a horrible man. A vicious father and someone who doesn't deserve someone like Theodore.

His eyes caught mine from the floor and a grin curled up on his face as he watched me struggle under Lucius' hold.

Voldemort's pale figure slowly walked to stand over Cedric's dead body, I couldn't watch as he taunted Cedric's lost life in front of Harry.

Every memory i ever had of Cedric played in my head over seconds, from days in Hogsmeade, to the night everyone had to sleep in the hall. The days spent in the library. Just him as a person.

They all faded black as his body lay lifeless.

"Don't touch him!" Harry shouted angrily watching Voldemort touch Cedric face. A red colour tinged Harry's cheeks as his emotions took over his sensibility.

Voldemort smiled at the sound of Harry's voice, entertained at the thought Harry dared talk to him. He paced in front of him laugh at him vulnerable state.

"Come on Harry, your mother didn't give her life for you to forget your manners"

Voldemort removed the barrier that held Harry's body up, letting him crash to the ground as Voldemort passed his wand to drop in front of his feet. Urging him to pick up it.

They were going to fight, he was going to kill Harry.

"No! Harry run to the cup! Go" i shouted kicking my feet of the ground pushing Lucius' body back as his grip loosened, i made a run to beside Harry but my body was clutched by another figure.

Seeing Lucius fallen on the floor, and Theodore's father missing from sight i knew it was him behind me. His hand reached down my arm, ripping my sleeve apart digging the tip of his wand into my skin.

"Shut the hell up Lyria, you're a smart girl. Know that if i hear one little word from your lips this will be your fate." He gritted.

"We both know its fate Donovan" i smiled. "Why don't you just grow the balls and do it."

"Fates a strong word for someone like you. I remember vividly that you don't believe in such thing. 'I make my own fate' you once told me." He seethed.

"You don't know me, you don't even know your own son!" I spat. "What would Maria think if she saw you now."

The wand pushed further into my skin sparking pain as Nott became furious, i was pushing his patience and i loved it.

"Don't you speak of my wife, how dare you say her name in such vile manner."

I couldn't help but smug at the thought of his anger, i hated this man so much for everything he's ever done to Theodore that i was loosing sight of what was right in front of me.

Harry and Voldemort.

"You're the reason she's dead Donovan, doesn't that make you sad. She died because of you, and this is how you spend your life. Your a waste." I teased.

Theodore's father was a vile man, but his only weakness is that he could never do anything for anyone else. Even this.

And that was a weakness i knew fairly well, i could navigate myself from Donovan far better than i could Lucius.

So i stopped struggling, knowing that when i could see fit to escape I would be able to.

"Just because my son has a soft spot for a pretty girl like you doesn't mean that I won't leave your body lifeless next to the Hufflepuff boy." Donovan spoke in my ear tightening his arm under my chin, over my neck. "Now shut up, keep my Maria's name out of your dirty mouth and watch Potter die."

This is such a bad chapter but I literally had no idea to make it different from the book or movie without tampering with the plot/ story line.

But please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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