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"What? Like walk freely through my thoughts, see everything I've seen?" I questioned leaning slightly forward. "Professor I don't think that's the best idea. And I'm really not sure why i'd need this."

Dumbledore looked softly between Professor Snape and i, almost as if he anticipated my answer.

"Miss Lupin i believe you know the dangers of your safety concerning if Voldemort was to ever rise again? I believe the conversation in the great hall that night did not remain private I assume you know."

"Yes i heard i know But Professor I don't see what's so special about my magic, shouldn't you be teaching someone like Harry ociloncy?" I replied gaining a swift correction from Snape.


I quickly looked up to see his gaze had not left Dumbledore, even to correct me.

"Yeah that. Isn't it better use of Professor Snape's time to be helping Potter, after all if you-know-who was to return at least i have a head start while he's after Harry."

"Not necessarily Miss Lupin, Lyria do you mind?" He pondered as i shook my head. "Lyria your magic and your abilities to cast powerful charms and spells exceed anything past spectacular. Voldemort would exploit your magic for his own purpose especially if it ment killing Harry Potter. But i hope one day to rely on you and your magic. I would like to prepare you for when that time arrives."

"So you want Snape to teach me ociloncy, sorry Occlumency so you can hide my thoughts from you-know-who? Is that what you're telling me?" I asked Dumbledore.


"Have you spoke to my father about this Professor, what does he think about all this?"

Dumbledores face dipped slightly as his hand rummaged through his sweetie bowl. "Of course he thinks its a good idea, however he thinks its too early, he thinks your too young. But i believe your ready. Lyria it is your decision. But I would like an answer?"

It was more of a demand than an enquiry, even as his expression remained soft it contrasted the cold gritting look Snape had plastered over his face.

"I'm not sure, but i will try it Professor." I answered as i entangled my fingers to sit clasped on my lap. "So what now?"

Professor Snape had now walked towards Dumbledores office door, his cape flowing airily around him as he casted his voice towards me. "Miss Lupin, follow me."

I stood my body straight and my legs led me out towards Snape who had already starting making his way down the stone staircase and back into the corridor.

"You will meet with me once a week, you will not be late. There will be no excuse for laziness and I expect your ever so enchanting magical abilities to help you overcome this particularly quickly." He said in a taunting manner. "Do i make myself clear?"

"Crystal, Professor."

As we walked through corridor after corridor, Snape pulled my robe, tugging me down a long spiral staircase which eventually led us down into Snape's office, it was almost as dark as his soul.

"Are we starting today? But the quidditch match?" I wondered aloud.

"If you make progress you may leave for the match. Waste my time i shall waist yours. Sit down." He demanded as his body swivelled around his desk and back to stand in front of me with his wand raised to my head. "The dark lord, if you don't succeed, will be able to read your thoughts, design visions to torture you and much more."

He continued. "In these lessons i will attempt to penetrate your mind, you will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself."

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now