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The next afternoon Cedric, Anthony and I found ourselves in the library searching for spells and hexes which could prove useful in the first task which was taking place later on tonight.

"Potter said it was dragons?" Rickett asked shocked as Cedric scraped his chair along the floor sitting down with a pile of books.

"Not just any dragons, like fire breathing ones?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, big ones." Cedric said as the colour drained from his face. "I mean dragons, seriously?"

Cedric scoffed slightly as he pushed two books to the side before opening one that was titled 'Advanced Creature Control. Sea and the Skies edition'

Anthony was writing a list on parchment of spells he had found and what they could be used for.

"Is this any use?" I asked Cedric turning a book around to show him a description of noise sensitivity of dragons

Cedric eyes skimmed the page twice, examining closely how certain dragon breeds behave calmer in silent surroundings and usually irritable noise is what makes them dangerous.

He huffed before sliding the book back across. "Not unless you can convince the stands to stay quiet."

Anthony looked up before scribbling a few more sentences and presenting a sheet to Diggory.

"Silencing spell, you'll have to practice it all day to have a chance of it working. Its more powerful than a smaller one, something as big as the arena is going to need a lot more magic" he told Cedric.

Cedric smiled slightly closing his book and leaving it off to the side. "Can we start working on it now?" He asked us. "You can sit in a different part of the stand and shout until i block it out."

Anthony sprang from his seat, packing his belongings eagerly back into his bag "we can bring Justin and Hannah, they'll help."

"Actually boys, i think you might need Ernie too. I don't feel too well I'm going to sit this out. Sorry Cedric" i lied, of course i felt fine and wanted to help. But the full moon was only a few hours away.

And Theodore is the priority.

"That's alright Lyria, we'll see you tonight. Feel better" Cedric smiled hugging me on his way out. "Thanks for the help, couldn't do it without you!" He grinned turning back in his step as he allowed Anthony to catch up with him.

As they exited the library i stayed back a couple of minutes to clear up the table and put away books that were left behind.

The library was extremely empty considering the events of today, so it was fairly easy to have everything put away without distractions. I kept hold of a book that Rickett had pulled out at the start of the day before Cedric turned up ranting about Dragons.

The book was called 'Magic within the mind' and hopefully it would me with my Occlumency lessons so I decided to take it with me and read over it.

I flicked through the pages while i sat in the common room waiting for everyone to return from dinner, which wasn't longer than half an hour as everyone piled in almost at once sprinting upstairs to change before rushing back out and down to the arena.

"Want to tell me why you lied to Rickett." His voice called coldly from behind as my group entered through the common room. "I'm pretty sure I would be able to tell if you were unwell"

Blaise hopped over the back of the couch to sit where my legs previously sat, i pulled them in quickly to avoid them being crushed by him.

"It just came on over lunch." I said quietly "I'll be fine after a sleep."

"So your going to miss the first task?" Daphne said concerned. "Can't you just sleep after?"

I shook my head, answering her questions while I closed my book over and left it down on the seat. "Draco, a word please."

I said standing to lead him over the the empty window at the back of the room.


"I'm not ill" I confessed.

"Well i can obviously see that, i want to know why you lied to Rickett and why your so adamant to miss the first task." He said sternly crossing his arms.

"Fine! Do you remember that day we had a fight in my dads class? The one Professor Snape covered and remember how you followed me into the girls bathroom." I started.

"Yeah, how could I forget the sight of a massive snake that i used an unforgivable curse on who then turned out to be my girlfriend." He said cocking his head. "Continue?"

"Well it has to do with that, please don't ask me anything else. I'm not allowed to talk about it. Just please trust me?" I pleaded, his hands tucked a strand of hair behind my ear letting his palms rest at the side of my head.

His eyes closed shortly as he breathed out softly in agreement, his eyes wandered from me back to the group where now only Blaise and Theo sat.

"I trust you, don't give me a reason not to." He nodded kissing my forehead before heading upstairs calling Blaise after him.

Theo and i gave everyone a chance to get out into the arena the for the first task, knowing the common room would be completely empty until the late hours of the night we took our chances with the plan.

Theo wasn't completely convinced that it would be a good idea, but the thought of not being alone swayed his decision.

"Legilimens aye?" He whispered to me underneath the cloak as we walked towards the hospital wing to meet Madam Pomfrey. "What do you want to learn that for."

"Occlumency actually, and Professor Dumbledore suggested it." I whispered back "Please don't make me talk about it. I really don't think I'm allowed to."

Theo raised his arms in defence "Sorry, only making conversation, i was looking through the book while you talked to Draco. What did you say to him anyways?"

"Well, he already knew i was an animagus. We had a bit of a run in last year. Before we dated" i said following Theo around the corner. "He didn't know it was me, all he seen was this massive serpent."

"Serpent!" Theo gritted "I thought you would of been like some sort of wolf, something like your dad."

"No it's a serpent" i laughed "Anyways he hurt me and i think he felt guilty so he promised to stay quiet."

"What do you mean he hurt you" Theo said stopping in front of the hospital wing doors.

"He used the unforgivable curse on me, 3 times." I said, laughing slightly at the mishap.

Theodore's mouth dropped, as if he wanted to say something but he swiftly decided against it as he changed the subject.

"Well, maybe Malfoy can help you with your Occlumency, his father forced him to learn Legilimens over the holidays so that might be helpful" he spat out hitting the oak doors and walking in.

My mind stopped functioning for a second as I processed the information Theo just told me.

Then my mind went back to how calm Draco was a couple of hours ago when i separately spoke to him, did he use his Legilimens on me?" Has he done that before?

Again i am getting very lazy with proof reading so i am sorry if your seeing mistakes please feel free to point them out!

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now