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Hagrid led us from his hut straight into the forest, we were walking for five minutes before coming to a halt in the middle of a clearance.

"Rite you lot, open yer books at page forty-nine." Hagrid called out ushering us all to stand in a group beside him.

"Exactly how do we do that." Malfoy called after him, swinging his book by its belt in front of him.

I rolled my eyes at him "You stroke it's spine of course." Taking Pansy's book from her hands demonstrating to Malfoy as i lifted my hand down the spine of her book.

Pansy was letting me use her book this period since I didn't have mine with me.

We could hear Neville shouting as he opened the buckle of the book without stroking the spine. The books pages started flapping aggressively open and closed as Longbottom tried to push the book away.

"Don't be such a whimp Longbottom." Draco said as he walked past Neville who was now lying on the floor with his robes rather shredded.

Just as we made our way over to the wall Draco overheard Hermione talking, and couldn't help himself from causing a problem.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." He remarked nudging his head in Hagrid's direction.

Goyle and Crabbe's laughs were drown out with a small groan from me and Harry telling Malfoy to shut up.

Of course the Slytherin's broke out in small "ooh's" at Harry's attempt to quieten Draco. As He passed his bag to Crabbe dropping it for him to catch, he swaggered his way across the ground putting himself in front of Harry.

As Draco stopped pulling his attention past Harry and to the sky pointing upwards...

"Dementor, Dementor" Draco cried.

My attention now focus on the sky, searching the clouds with my hand tugging the pocket of my robe searching for my wand.


Everyone's heads spun to the sky while i relaxed knowing Malfoy was just trying to scare everyone.

I think Pansy noticed my flinch as she looked at me worried before moving past to join the others. All raising their hoods to "ooh" in a ghostly manner at Harry as they waved their fingers in his direction.

Everyone started moving away from us as they tended to Neville who still seemed to be having a difficult time with the book.

"Draco that wasn't funny." I said sternly by his ear as i moved towards him barging his shoulder to walk forward into the crowd.

Hagrid cleared his voice loudly to regain the classes attention before introducing a rather large... chicken?
Or some sort of bird? I honestly was just as confused as anyone else to what type of creature stood before us.

"Hagrid what is that?" Ron asked with a slight tone of fear in his voice.

"Say 'ello  to Buckbeak, he's a Hippogriff." Hagrid answered. "Very proud creatures they are, easily offended too. Now who'd like to say 'ello?"

Absolutely not.

But unfortunately it seems everyone except Harry and I got the memo of stepping back. Leaving us both central with everyone else behind us.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now