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Harry's wand paced between the three of us waiting for someone to address his question before finally resting his aim towards my father.

"He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend.

"No Pettigrew's dead." Harry stated. "You killed him." Harry had now swished his wand over to Sirius waving it around as he spoke.

"Well obviously not Potter. Can't you piece everything together yet? The map, the finger, the rat? Surely Granger could figure it out." I scoffed meeting Hermione's eyes as she shrugged just as confused as Harry seemed to be.

And Ron, well he's... here at least.

"I thought so too!" My father called now jumping in front of Sirius in direct line with Harry. "Until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."

"The map was lying?" Harry said almost with question.

"The map never lies" the three of us chanted.

"Harry listen to them, don't you get it. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and prongs. Think Harry what do those names mean."

Hermione now seeming to catch on finally spoke up. "The marauders map? You! Your the marauders, you made it didn't you?" She questioned them.

"Smart... smart little lady." Sirius huffed.

"Professor Lupin is moony? Being a werewolf the name matches? Moon! And Sirius can take the form of a dog. Padfoot!" She paused.

"But if Peter truly is Scabbers like they claim... he would be wormtail. Harry your father must be Prongs!" She exclaimed as the jigsaw came together in her mind showing her the full picture.

"James was also an animagus Harry." I told him "he was a stag, just like his patronous hence the name."

Even though Harry still wasn't as convinced his wand lowered as his eyes softened.

"But Pettigrew is alive." I told him.

As Sirius wobbled forward swinging his arm at his side before slinging it in Rons face. "And he's right there!"

"Me?" Ron gulped his face falling pale. "He's mental."

"No! Not you! Your rat" Sirius spoke running out of patience as Ron completely disregarded the conversation that took place moments ago about his rat.

"Scabs has been in my family for-,"

But before Ron could continue he was cut off with an answer.

"12 years? Curiously long life for a common garden rat, he's missing a toe isn't he?."

"So what?" Ron bickered back and forth with Sirius as Harry chipped in. "All they could find of Pettigrew was his-,"

"Finger!" Sirius exclaimed as Harry was starting to understand. "Enough of a reason for everyone to think he was dead... then he transformed into a rat!"

"Show me." Harry demanded.

"Gladly." I called as my father and i both heightened our wands as Sirius wrestled with Ron for a hold of Peter. Only when Harry told him to let go Ron done so.

"What are you trying to do to him." Ron moaned as he called out for scabbers. "Leave him alone!"

Sirius made his way to join us leaving me in the middle of both men as we stood mirrored and side on ready for Peter Pettigrew's long awaited reunion.

Sirius dropped Wormtail down on the piano and without a second to blink the coward made a dash for it. The three wands sending spells all over the room in attempt to change him.

"There!" I called motioning with another spell for where he was scurrying across the floor. Just as Scabbers was on the stretch to the door Sirius hit a shot on target.

As we watched the rat slowly squirm and untransform as he went.

Just as Scabbers launched to run through a small burst in the wall a full man popped from the small rodent bulking out inside the gap.

Instantly Remus and Sirius gripped their hands onto Peter's lower back pulling him from the rubble and pulling him back to face us.

The three Gryffindor's stood, losing their courage as they watched the small fat man shake around in fear wriggling his hands by his face.

"Remus... Sirius, my old friends!" Peter whined as he quickly tried to push past them running to the hall with no luck as Sirius and my father pushed him straight back into the middle of the room.

Peter's eyes darted around looking for a way out but froze upon his eyes meeting with Harry's.

"Harry look at you! You look so much like your father." Peter said patting his hands around Harry's shoulders looking him up and down. "So much like James, we were the best of friends."

Sparking a strong anger within Sirius as he bolted forward taking Peter in his hand. " Don't you dare! How dare you speak to Harry! How dare you speak about James in front of him!"

Peter was now running around the room clueless as he found himself behind the piano trapped in. My father to his left with Sirius to his right.

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort! Didn't you?" Remus asked making sure to keep his wand within a couple feet of Pettigrew's face.

"I didn't mean to." Peter cried dipping and running his head down in circles. "The dark lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses. Look at you Sirius, what would you have done?"

"I would of died, rather than betraying my friends... my family!" Sirius called.

Peter quickly dipped under the piano crawling away only to rise straight in front of me. My wand as strong kept as ever welcomed him to a stance as i cocked my head to the side.

"Leaving so soon Peter? It's a shame truly i was hoping for a chat... been so long since your last proper conversation I assume. What Could your last one be?" I spoke raising my hand to sarcastically scratch my temples. "Oh that's right, telling the dark lord where he could find my godmother!"

Harry faced scrunched as i heard Hermione let out a confused grunt. "Your, your godmother? My mother." Harry stuttered.

"Later Harry, Later." Hermione told him.

Peter's nose twitched as he paid attention to me, my hair and eyes. My face and body before saying in a small sob. "Marlene? My friend Marlene... no."

Peter's eyes darted between Remus and i. "Remus... Marlene? My dear Marlene.?" He sobbed.

"She was never your Marlene, Peter catch yourself on!" Sirius laughed.

Peter tried to reach his hand out to cup my face and Harry shuffled beside me taking space between me and Peter swapping his attention.

"Harry." Peter squeaked in delight. "James wouldn't of wanted me killed, your dad was a great man."

"He would show me mercy-," Peter yelped as Sirius and my father pulled him away from Harry and i. As they both raised their wands at Peter as i moved away from Harry standing in the middle doing the same thing as the two men.

"You should of realised Peter if Voldemort wouldn't kill you, then we would."

"Together." The men said straightening their arms ready to latch a spell onto Peter as a voice broke through behind us, Harry.

"No!" He called.

"Harry... this man." My father said in disappointment.

"I know what he is" Harry said walking forward. "But we will take him to the castle."

Peter dropped to his knees crawling forward to Harry as he tugged his jumper down in his hand thanking and blessing him as he went.

"Get off!" Harry said through his teeth in anger. "I said we would take you to the castle. After that the dementors can have you"

Stopping here so I don't need to cut the next scene in half before it got to big :)

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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