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Draco let me rest in his room until lunch, then he started pulling me along the halls demanding i eat something.

We spent to morning finishing off that muggle book, except this time he read aloud to me as i rested. He also let slip that when i was asleep he started and finished my potions essay and handed it into Professor Snape this morning, explaining i would miss class because i felt under the weather.

But he claimed he was bored and thought he'd complete it for something to do.

We walked to the entrance of the hall where majority of the Gryffindors stopped to stare at us.

"Why are they starting at us. They don't know do they?" I whispered to Draco as he took grip of my forearm dragging me along.

"No, all they know is that you tried to batter me in class." He puffed sitting me down next to him as we joined the rest of our friends.

Their conversation dying instantly as i locked their eyes with my own.

"How ya feeling Lupin?" Crabbe asked as he slid a pumpkin juice in my direction.

"Tad bit dosey, thanks Crabbe" i said as i watched him stuff a pastie into his gob.

"So," Blaise started " Care to tell us why Malfoy found you collapsed on a bathroom floor." He paused. "Hope your not taking drugs..." he let that sentence fall under his breath before taking a spoonful of whatever was in the bowl in front of him.

Gaining a small elbow from Pansy at his ludicrous claim.

"I don't know Blaise, I don't recall" i told him.

"Why did you try to body Malfoy in class?" He asked.

"I don't know Blaise, I don't recall" i repeated.

"Why did you-,"

"Fuck sake Zabini, she doesn't know. Read the room." Draco spat before dragging me away almost pulling me off my seat and to the floor. But i was able to land myself.

"Merlin Draco, calm down, I thought you wanted me to eat?" I whispered. "We only just got here."

"We'll find you something. Come with me i want to show you something before we need to leave for Astronomy." He said with his hand now held in mine as he led me out the court yard and down towards Hagrid's hut.

"Draco where are we going..."

"Just wait okay, talk later."


He stopped, holding his hand to my neck. His cold rings sending shivers in my body as he pulled me to the side of Hagrid's hut, shushing me.

Inside i could hear Hagrid's voice accompanied by Harry, Ron and Hermione's as we crouched below the window before being whisked away towards the clearing where Draco suffered his 'brutal assault'

"Why are we here, are you trying to taunt me..." i whimpered thinking about Buckbeak and how sad i felt about soon losing him. "Malfoy you were being so-,"

Then i heard it, saw it emerging from the tree's opposite us. Buckbeak.

I looked towards Draco who now had his hands stuffed into his pockets, his hair falling down to hide his eyes.

"Im sorry." I told him

"It doesn't matter." His eyes still missing to me. "Well go on we don't have long. That gruff you call a teacher could come out here any minute."

I moved forward but before I could could bow to gain Buckbeaks respect, he instead, bowed to me. I looked back to Draco who had now cocked his head to the side watching us closely.

I faced the bird, bowing back and walking forward to hold his head.

"Hey boy, sorry i've not been to see you."

He nodded into my hands letting a small noise escape his mouth as he flapped his wings slowly. Majestically.

"I promise Draco didn't mean for anything bad to happen, he's just too head strong... and broken for his own good." I whispered quiet enough from Draco not to hear.

"But don't worry, one day. I'll help him... so he knows happiness."

I pulled my shoulder into the crook of the birds neck hugging him as i felt his wings stop.

"Draco, you should try it." I waved him over.

"Not a chance." He scoffed.

"Don't be stubborn its no use."

He rolled his eyes before pulling his hands out his pocket walking halfway to me before stopping to look around him.

I walked over as he hesitantly stalled, i took his hand and showed him. Bowing to Buckbeak.

"This is ridiculous." He muttered before looking down at me copying my stance.

As we both stayed bowed in front of Buckbeak the bird hit his foot into the ground with strength.

Draco got startled a bit shuffling back but i held him to me pulling him back to where he was and just slightly closer to me, as we waited.

And it happened. Buckbeak lowered his head just as low as before. Accepting Draco Malfoy.

I could see his smile curl up as I watched him stand tall again, "well?" He asked as he caught me staring.

"Well what? Go say hello"

"I dunno, think this is enough for today." He said trying to leave as fast as possible.

"Draco just say hello, then we can leave to meet the others for astronomy."

He huffed in defeat as i led him to Buckbeak, he raised his hand out, with Buckbeak flapping his wings up and down.

For a bird i think Buckbeak knew he was tormenting Draco for it's own fun. I furrowed my eyes at him as he stopped and slowly dipped his head for Draco to reach out once more.

And he did.

He held his hand stroking down Buckbeak's head. Smiling as he did.

"I suppose you're not dangerous at all are you?" He asked the bird.

As I looked at him full of happiness, I believed Draco Malfoy was capable of anything.
Cute and happy Draco ;(


Just another cute chapter so once again please vote and comment <3

See you in the next one!

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