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The dim lighting of the great hall sparked anticipation from everyone within as we all watched the goblet of fire radiate light in the middle of the room.

The ice blue flames from the goblet rim raised as Professor Dumbledore walked closer.

"I bet 5 galleons neither of the twins' names get pulled." I whispered leaning my hand towards Pansy.

"I'm not betting Lupin." She answered just to be interrupted by Blaise who was listening in. "I'll take that action mrs." He said reaching his hand to clasp and shake mines.

We both laughed quickly looking between each other, then glancing at the twins sat behind us, before smiling to Pansy and looking back towards Professor Dumbledore.

The goblet sizzled as the flames grew red, shooting a small piece of paper into the air which slowly drifted down into Dumbledore's hand.

"The Drumstrang champion is." He paused. "Viktor Krum."

A loud roar of excitement burst from the group of Drumstrang students across the hall, while applause filled the air in the room.

A tall figure pushed up and made his way towards Dumbledore. Viktor Krum, quidditch star, now Triwizard champion.

"Isn't he just beautiful?" I heard Haylie whisper from behind. "I mean he's strong, talented and brave."

Her mouth basically gauped open as she admired the boys built figure.

"Yeah, he's definitely eye-candy" i lied, turning back to look at Draco. Who wasn't pleased.

I simply laughed at the comment and shuffled in the space between us before focusing back on the goblet.

The goblet sparked red once more as a second parchment flew out, Dumbledore in crumbled it before clearing his throat to announce the next champion.

"The champion from Beauxbatons will be. Ares Evasive."

A group of squeaky giggles lifted from the Beauxbatons side of the hall, before we heard Daphne's voice call over it.

"Evasive? Did he say Evasive." She whispered.

Theodore's head leaned into view from the other side of Daphne. "Yeah, Ares Evasive. Why?"

Daphne looked round to see the brunette girl, shake Dumbledore's hand before disappearing into the chamber at the back of the room.

"Evasive is Luna's mothers maiden name. I think Ares might be her cousin." She explained. "I'll find her later to ask, but its a rather strange coincidence."

"It's not a common surname either." Draco chimed in. "Don't you notice the link in first names too."

Everyone's heads shook in unknown before Draco scoffed. "Does nobody pay attention to anything in Astronomy or are you all just idiots with no ability to use your brains. Luna and Ares. There both constellations."

Blaise stuck his middle finger up towards Draco. "Yeah because you would know. Draco why don't you go chit chat with your other stars. Be sure not to dim their light." He laughed.

"Might be hard for him, he's already so dull." Theo joked, making fake binoculars with his hands to emphasise.

"Oi, Lyria's a constellation too!" I told them.

But the laughs were cut of as the goblet released parchment for the last time.

"And finally our own Hogwarts champion will be." Dumbledore looked up from the parchment scanning the room until his eyes fell upon the Hufflepuff table. "Cedric Diggory!"

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now