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The class scattered making their way back up the hill towards the castle. Gossip over Malfoy's 'accident'. Both Pansy and I found it 'terribly funny.'

"Wait until we tell Daphne and Blaise about Draco being battered by a chicken." Pansy chirped gaining a small laugh from Goyle and other Slytherin's.

"Hippogriff, and it was only a scratch." Crabbe said shyly "Hagrid said so himself."

"What does it matter what creature it was." She questioned rhetorically. "Doesn't change the fact that it happened."

"Bloody hilarious that was, your perfect Malfoy laying on the floor. Sight for sore eyes." Ron laughed as he Hermione and Harry ran past up to find Hagrid most likely.

Ron receiving a swat on the arm from Hermione for his comment as she pushed him onwards in attempt to avoid confrontation.

"Just you wait Weasel." Goyle shouted back followed by Crabbe joining in. "Yeah... w-weasel, you wait."

As the trio disappear forward with Ron waving his finger up in the air in our direction. Hermione trying horribly to pull his arm down to his side.

We were passing Hagrid's huts as a low voice fell over us, catching us all off guard.

"Miss Lupin, i don't suppose you could spare me a minute of your time. I believe we have some matters to discuss."

"Sure Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore gave the rest of the group a small glare before walking towards me gesturing for us both to walk in front.

"What can i help you with Professor?"

"Oh nothing Miss Lupin, i merely wanted a small conversation, to discuss the events of the game." He sighed while pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Look Professor, it was only a simple spell. My father taught me it years ago. Everyone's treating me like some small Merlin."

Dumbledore just laughed before starting again. "Your father is a great man, I remember his days in the castle like it was only yesterday. He was a bit of a trouble maker just like his friends. Speaking of, he wanted to see you but unfortunately I've been keeping him busy, please take my apologies."

"It's okay Professor. I can see him whenever. I'm sure he's had lots to do, for classes and such."

"Yes, yes... now back to the matter at hand." He paused before allowing me to walk in front heading back into the courtyard.

"Miss Lupin, your magic. It's extremely far from spectacular. I haven't seen such power since Miss Potter herself. Im sure she would be rather proud of you."

I couldn't help but smile at the mention of her name, knowing i was such like her made me feel happy. Especially knowing I wasn't letting my Godmother down.

"Maybe one day Miss Lupin... i can call upon your assistance when needed, theoretically speaking of course." He questioned

"Sure Professor, I'd be more than happy to help. I don't know what i'd be helping with exactly." I laughed knowing it was probably going to be something ludicrous like re-arranging his office.

"Perfect, now if you'll excuse me. I think I should go find a certain boy." Dumbledore said heading off towards the hospital wing. In no doubt in search of Draco Malfoy himself.

I still had a free period before My Divination class, so I decided to head back to my dorm to get books needed for the rest of the day.

Luckily the common room was quite empty so i hasn't held up by much conversation. I waved over to Flint who was still sitting by the window but this time without his bird. I hope he hasn't been sitting there for two days.

I pushed through my dorm room searching for my book bag, ever since Draco messed up my room iv had difficulty finding things i need.

I collected the book from under a pile of clothes and headed back for the door, i was going to stop by my dad's class since I hadn't seen him in a while until i heard a small peck from my window.

A small black owl was porched outside my window, I tripped over my things working my way over to let the owl inside. It flew around the room for a couple laps before landing on my bed dropping a small envelope.


I'm extremely grateful for your kindness the other night in the forest i don't know how i could repay you. I heard what you did and i hope you are feeling better,

I do owe you an explanation and i will give you one. Tonight if you can get away. Midnight at the Whomping Willow.

If you can't make it tonight, i will wait there every night, same time until you can.

Please come alone. I trust that you will.

With regards, Padfoot

-P.S the bird bites.

Almost on cue the bird latched my finger nipping at my skin. "Ouch silly owl. Off you go." I told it giving it one of Healey's treats. Im very glad my Owl is more friendly.

I stuffed the letter into my robes, picking up my bag and putting my book inside. Running down the common room stairs "Catch you Later Flint." I puffed giving him yet another wave.

"Bye Lupin." He said as i caught his attention just before heading out. Making my way to see my dad.

Luckily for me the class was empty meaning he's most likely free to talk, I walked in and up to his office before hitting the door with a special rhyme and walking in.

"Lyria I wasn't expecting you." My father said. Catching my eye was Potter sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realise you had company. I can come back later." I said turning

"No no its okay i was just leaving" Harry said before saying goodbye to us both and walking out leaving me and my father alone.

"How are you feeling." He asked me.

"Peaky but I'm okay I promise." I said Laughing.

"I'm very proud of you, saving Harry like that. Very noble. Honestly i think that silly old hat made a mistake not putting you in Gryffindor." He started


"I know, i know I'm sorry." He said as he came to hug me. "Your right He is just as clumsy as his old man."

"He's also just as good as James." I said.

"Maybe better." My dad chuckled walking back to his desk. "Chocolate?" He asked lifting a small bowl from his desk as i waved it off declining.

"That Malfoy boy came to find me after the game." He started. Helping me realise i told Malfoy i found Padfoot. And my Dad knows exactly who that is.

"Oh he did?." I said trying to act oblivious.

"Mhm..." he nodded. "Now how could that trouble maker know about Padfoot unless. Of course he was with you. And if that was why you ran into the forest alone?" He questioned knowing the answer.

"Where is he Lyria... where is Sirius."
Are these chapters okay sizes? Sometimes i wonder if there too long. They usaully reach between 1000-1100 i try not to go to far over.

Another wee filler chapter.

Hopefully everyone guessed what Dumbledore was asking for Lyria's help with (hint OFTP)

See you next chapter Please vote and comment <3

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