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The atmosphere after winning the quidditch house cup rained over Slytherin house as the team were in constant praise, especially Draco.

Blaise of course found himself getting an apology from Marcus concerning the change in line up. "I should of let you play Zabini, We could of won with a bigger point gap." Flint told him as we all entered the common room once more. Blaise just casually brushed it off but i knew he was feeling smug to have proved Marcus wrong.

Everyone was too excited for the party of winning the house cup, the second party this week. Food was already set out by the kitchen-elves and the common room was already decorated in Christmas spirit with mainly green colours with hints of red splattered around.

"It may seem like a quidditch party, but i'd rather call it a Christmas party. It is Christmas eve after all." Daphne cheered closing the door behind her.

The team had remained downstairs as everyone became desperate to congratulate them all while Daphne and I headed back up to the dorm in order to get ready for tonight.

"I completely forgot, i feel like with everything happening recently it just feels like a normal day." I replied as i headed into the bathroom leaving the door open to continue our conversation.

"Well i mostly agree, but i've been too excited to forget. I've already wrapped your presents. Look it's sitting under your little tree."

I peeped my head out of the bathroom to look over to the mini tree i have sitting on my desk, magically enchanted to flash colours and the branches to sway in a non-existent breeze and right enough sat a little silver box.

"Don't tell me that! Now i want to open it." I groaned as i slipped out of my clothes jumping into a shower.
"I haven't wrapped even yours yet! But it'll only take a moment. There in my... actually i wont tell you where they are. Just incase you go snooping." I called through loudly so she could hear me.

"Really! Your behind. Usually you have everything sorted the first week of December!" She replied.

I washed my hair, making sure to get the shampoo out when i groan back to Daphne telling her how at least I bought her something. "Any more moaning I'm sure Pansy won't object to double presents.

I turned off the shower, stepping out to grab a towel to wrap around my body. "Right Daph, that's me out are you wanting into the shower?" I called.


I peered out the door still wrapped in my towel looking for Daphne to repeat my question. But she should of heard me.

"She's showering in my dorm. I asked her to give us a moment." His voice called as my eyes set sight on him as he searched books on my shelf's pulling out, and expecting them.

"Bronte? I know Bronte. Mother used to read to me at nights when i was little." He chuckled before putting it away sliding his hands into his pockets.

My arms tightened around my towel as i stepped over to grab Pansy's robe that was hanging from the door to cover my body over the towel.

"You don't need to cover up, it's something I've seen before." He smugged, tilting his head on the last word.

"It's not like we're dating Draco, you can't just see me whenever you wish." I said moving over towards my wardrobe. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I don't want any repeats of the last party. You keep your clothes on, and you keep your lips to yourself." He demanded. "Understand?"

"Draco, it's a party. I'll do whatever i want. Whenever i want. You understand, i do not belong to anyone. Not even you. Besides you only use me to satisfy yourself" i said before being cut off.

"Don't say that." He spat. "I do not use you. Don't ever claim i do."

"If you don't then why."

"Why what?"

"Why don't you want me all the time?"

Draco's hands left his pockets as he strutted over to me placing both his hands around my cheeks bringing my face close to his. "I do." He whispered. "I want you, badly. But i want you when you want me."

His forehead met mine as he looked down to me, my necklace catching his eyes.

"May i?" He asked eyeing up the ring filled chain. I nodded my head mumbling a yes as his hands moved underneath my soaking hair, his fingers finding the clip to pull the chain off as he held his hand catching his rings leaving mine on. "Hold it." He said passing me back my chain.

His rings found their place back onto his hands as he took the chain back from my hands wrapping it round my neck, leaving his hand behind my neck with the other running through my hair.

"Well, I answered your question." Draco whispered. "Aren't you going to tell me what you think about that."

The way he stood over me, looking innocently into my eyes. I knew deep down i wanted him. But i wanted more than whatever we had now. We act as friends for so long, and within one night we completely change with each other.

It almost feels rushed.

But the rush is addictive, feeling his touch sends my body thriving with adrenaline. I want him.

But what will happen if i admit i do. For the first time Draco had admitted something. Feelings? Something he has never displayed so strongly than right now.

"Fine, be like that." Draco huffed as he dropped his hands roughly turning on his heels to walk to the door.

Don't leave I thought, i wanted him.

Before I realised i had followed him to the door shutting it closed again from behind him as he turned back to face me with the biggest grin on his face. "So you do want me?" He smirked.

But again I didn't answer, instead i found my lips crashing into his as i pushed up on my toes pulling his head down to me as my hands brushed tightened around his hair.

He deepened the kiss forcing my back to arch as he leaned down into me, his arms wrapping around my thighs lifting my legs to wrap around his torso.

"Tell me you want me." He breathed as his tongue continued to fight for dominance against mine.

"Tell me." He demanded as he walked me backwards for my back to hit the post of my bed.

"I do Draco, i want you. I want you right now." I puffed pulling his head back by his hair letting my mouth connect to his neck. "I want you right here."

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again I'm soo grateful , SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER <3

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