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I didn't know how long I waited for, the sun began to set leaving the shack in a natural darkness with small specked moonlight beaming in through cracks anywhere it could. Accompanied with a light breeze.

I had paced, read the prophet far too many times. I used my wand to spell words and stories into the air as it left a golden shimmer outlining what i drew.

I tried playing a tune on the grand piano that took the centre attention within the room, useless. I didn't know one tune never mind telling the difference between the keys.

I sat in silence waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

I tried using a wind charm to dust the room, the beds the drawers, the fire mantle. I tried to transfigure a small candle holder into a cutlery set.

And waited again for longer.

Until i heard floor boards creaking downstairs around the hall. I moved into the back corner of the room quickly turning into my animagus form. Just incase it was Sirius with Peter. Or even anyone else that I could scare away preventing their return.

But I could hear shouting, from a rather low but yet squeaky voice as it got louder taking a step up the stairs with every call for help.

Every creak came with a thud, almost as if something of heavy weight was being battered against stair after stair.

And in came Padfoot but to my surprise he was dragging someone along by their foot.

"Ron! Why did you bring him." I hissed at Sirius for only him to understand.

"He wouldn't let go of Peter, i had no choice it was either both of them or neither of them." He barked.

"Don't you think this is too dangerous, where's Harry and Hermione. Please didn't tell me you dragged them too?" I hissed back.

"No!" He barked. "They got stuck at the whomping willow they wont be getting in."

"Well they wont just let Ron get dragged in here you know they'll come after him! He's just like James, Sirius there isn't a chance he would leave Ron."

"Let them come, It's about time i got to see my godson" Sirius growled back before giving me a nod as we both transformed to our human states.

Ron was almost chalk white in the face as he started whimpering using his hands to crawl backwards from us until he backed up into the little seat by the fire.

"Sit up Ron." I told him, watching him gulp he done as told.

"Let me do it" Sirius begged. He seemed more frail since the last time i saw him. More disoriented as if he had a screw loose. "Please, please i can take him now." He told me staring Ron viciously to the point he was squirming in the seat mumbling something I couldn't understand from his sobs.

"Ron hand it over." I told him.

"We... don't have, have it anymore... Harry gave it back... to Professor Lupi- i mean... to your dad" Ron stuttered wiping his eyes and wrapping his hand around his foot where Sirius sank his fangs into his skin dragging him miles here.

"Not the map. I have that." I told him nodding over to it as it caught Ron's attention. "That isn't what we're after Ron, give it here!"

"But... why are you asking for it, and how did you. Uh do that snake thing." He asked croakily.

"I'm an animagus Ron. I take the form of a horned serpent." I told him as he shifted around uncomfortably and in pain. "Snape taught us about it that one day he covered my father's class do you remember."

"No! Stop. No more nice chit chat." Sirius squeeled almost running to Ron with his hands out in front ready to squeeze Peter's head in his hand.

"Hold on Sirius!" I said grabbing his cloak pulling him back by the hood. For a big grown man he was rather easy to move around.

But I suppose anyone who had been eating and sleeping rough would be the same.

"When Harry used the map. He saw a name. A name of someone who shouldn't have been on the map." I said walking closer to Ron as Sirius started moving around the door in the back of the room. "Someone dead."

"What? What are you rambling about, you've gone bloody nuts." Ron told me still quivering his lip. "The ghosts don't show up on the map."

"No! No! No Boy." Sirius repeated from behind now getting more agitated the longer he didn't have Peter in his hands.

Peter was locked between Rons fingers tightly so i knew i could ask questions without thinking about losing him.

He was sitting tight.

"Not a ghost Ron. Harry saw the name of someone who used to know his father and everyone thought he was dead. He turned up on the map Ron and not as a ghost!" I told him rubbing my hands as i grunted in frustration.

"Ron... how many times did Harry say the name P-."

But before I could finish the sentence i heard a deafening bang come from outside the room. I quickly ran out and looked down the railing searching the bottom floor to where I could see Harry and Hermione entering the shack from a hatch in the floor.

Does nobody knock nowadays. I mean Harry it's expected but Hermione? I thought better.

I ran backwards keeping my feet light.

"It's them!" I called to Sirius gaining a screech from Ron.

"You speak parseltongue too!"

I looked at him in confusion before turning to Sirius.

"Don't you scrunch your eyes at me, your the one hissing at people." He said waving his hands around indicating mine.

I looked down at my hands seeing my finger tips were turning green again.

No i wont do it. Not now.

I cleared my head shaking my hands and ridding my thoughts of anything and everything as i heard the bottom stair creak. It was always the loudest.

I opened my eyes and my hands were back to normal.

"There here, it's them." I repeated as Sirius now understood my every word. He hid in the darkest part of the room beside the door as i walked further back to  him gripping my wand in wand as a precaution.

And in they ran going straight to their friend calling his name in relief.

"The dog where is it?" Harry asked Ron.

"Harry its a trap he's the dog he's an animagus." He told them pointing to where we stood. "She's one too, a big one , a big serpent and she can speak Parseltongue like you, Harry their crazy."
It's currently 2am so you probably won't see the next chapter until I'm awake but hopefully it's out by the time you're reading this.

Please like and vote and i will see you in the next <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now