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The four of us were split up for detention, Draco was sent to clean the cauldrons in Snapes classroom.

Ron was made to clean every seat in the Slytherin towers on the quidditch field, twice. Hermione was made to re-arrange Snapes potions cupboard to refill anything that was under a quarter full.

And i... got off easy. I was sent to my father. He told Snape he had the perfect punishment to teach me mannerisms.

Instead he made me clean, every single book he had. Every hard cover i had to swipe clean, every paper book i had to uncrease.

My fingers were agony by the time i went back to the common room.

Daphne and Crabbe were playing wizards chest in the back corner of the common room next to the window where they were having a conversation with Flint and Pucey.

Blaise and Pansy were sitting on the couch with their astronomy homework.

I dropped my body in between them cracking my knuckles as i sat. "I hate that stop it." Pansy told me swatting my hand. Just to wind her up both Blaise and I cracked every bone possible in her face as she slammed her book shut stropping off.

"What's her problem?" I asked Blaise. And he shrugged telling me how she got angry in the dinner hall when some 4th yeah ravenclaw asked Blaise to go to Hogsmeade with her after the holidays. And has been moody ever since.

"Did you say yes?" I asked him as my eyes lit up at the news.

"Nah." He huffed with a small laugh. "Have my eye on someone else." As his eyes wandered up the stairs to where Pansy just left.

Blaise! With Pansy? I would of never guessed. There such opposites. Maybe that's why they don't clash as often as anyone else.

"Well... what are you waiting for." I told him pushing him off the couch. "Go get her!"

Leaving me on the couch he went with a small smile giving me a hug. It was almost curfew.

I didn't want to go into the dorm because Blaise had just walked in to see Pansy. I looked back to Daphne and Crabbe who were now playing a game with Flint's owl watching it hop along the bay window following a little flash light that was coming from Daph's wand.

I was trying toughly to keep my eyes open but a small rest wouldn't hurt.

I felt my eyes getting heavy i let the darkness surround me.


"Lupin wake up..." i felt cold hands grip my leg shaking it back and forth. "Now Lupin! You have class get up."

"Piss off Draco." I swatted. I knew it was him his rings sending chills in my thighs. Its like he kept those metal things in the freezer.

Next thing i know he literally drags me off the couch and onto the floor. "Up!" He engages again.

"Go away!" I grunted. "I'm tired."


"I don't have bloody class it's my free period!" I groaned now sitting back up onto the couch rubbing my eyes and straightening my skirt that was now all ruffled.

"Aw yeah my bad." Draco replied rubbing his neck walking backwards towards the door. Gaining furrowed eyes from me.


I said waving my wand at Draco who dropped to the floor in laughter as he felt a tickling sensation over his body as i crooked my head back into the couch trying to sleep once more.

"Make it... stop." He chimed, his body still buckling with laughter. "Please." He pleaded.

"Did Draco Malfoy just say please?" I asked watching him roll around with one eye open from the couch. "Beg" i told him.

"No just stop it Lupin." He laughed.

"Beg Malfoy."

"Fine i beg, i beg you to stop this."

And i did, i waved my wand and his body stopped moving as he climbed to his feet using his hands to wipe down his clothes.

"Well... i shall see you later." He coughed clearing his voice walking out with fury. Leaving me with laughter.

I met the group after their class for lunch some had divination while Daphne had defence against the dark arts.

"He was teaching Harry half the time... and Harry isn't even in our class." Daphne complained at the table.

"Why was he even there?" Blaise asked curiously.

"Not a clue but Lupin gave us text book work while he took Harry out back." She said while eating. "Think he was teaching him the patronous charm." She said causally.

Gaining a reaction for me as i choked on my pumpkin juice. Father never mentioned teaching Harry.

"Didn't you know?" Crabbe asked me but i just shook my head at him.

"He never mentioned it, he said he was thinking about teaching everyone after the holidays if the dementors hadn't gone. But he never mentioned private lessons."

"Of course Potter would get them." Draco scoffed. "Anything to protect precious Potter. Stupid brute didn't even get detention like the rest of us."

"Speaking of detention..." Pansy started. "Lupin who woke you up earlier." She asked me raising her eyebrows around the group.

"Draco did... why?" I answered her looking around everyone who had seemed to turn giddy. Except Draco, his expression was turned away as he looked down the opposite side of the hall.

"Do you know why Draco woke you up Lyria?" Blaise joined in.

"No he was too busy pulling me off the damn couch by my ankles to explain, what's this about?" I urged them.

"Last night after you fell asleep, Draco came back from detention." Daphne said. "And well, he fell asleep too. Next to you." She paused. "By choice."

The group started laughing as I looked at Draco who had now stormed off towards the doors, as i, without thinking sprung up chasing him out.

"Draco... slow down wait." I called after him. "Draco wait!"

Catching up i grabbed his shoulder stopping him.

"Why did you walk out?"

He just huffed and ignored me as his cheeks turned a slight pink colour. And I didn't ask again. Instead i took his hand and twiddled around with the rings on his fingers.

"That's my favourite." I pointed to the one he wore round his pointer finger. A solid silver band with a green emerald stoned in the middle.

"My mother bought my it." He said taking it off spinning it in his finger. "It has my name engraved see?" He showed me handing me it to look.

I took it from him and spun it in circles staring before i slipped it on my finger joking. "It's lovely, your mother's taste is immaculate." I told him handing it back to him.

"Come back to the table?" I asked stepping to the side to let him walk. "I promise i wont bring it up, and anyone who does i'll curse them with the tickle charm just like i did you."

"Don't mention that ever again." He said raising his brows curling his lip up walking with me back to the hall.
Not much too say! If anyone has any suggestions for new characters let me know. I really want to make a sequel book for GOF ;)

So please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now