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The cold water tickled my body as i washed the dirt and pain from the other night down the drain, making sure to freshen my hair and brush my teeth before swapping out of my old clothes.

I swapped the ragged outfit for some comfy joggers and Pansy's quidditch jumper praying that she won't be too bothered.

It only took Draco fifteen minutes before he got back up to my dorm to swing my door open as he stood hunched against the door.

"You should of knocked, I could of been changing." I huffed as i folded the old clothes putting them into a basket to be washed.

"Don't flatter yourself. Catch Parkinson." He laughs tossing me bottle of water and an apple.

"Parkinson? Oh right the jumper, well i don't play quidditch therefore I don't own one. But their extremely comfy so i take it when i can. Surely you'll understand?" I asked taking a gulp from my water. "Also I thought you were getting food, this Draco." I said waving the apple about. "Isn't exactly dinner."

"So ungrateful, and if you wish to know." He tutted before lifting his wand to flick it to my bed where a plate of food appeared in front of me. "You didn't give me a chance."

He pulled his body off the door and walked down back towards his dorm, as i walked to the open door calling down after him to say thank you. I shut the door gently with my heel and walked back towards my bed picking up some proper food to eat.

Just to hear my door slam back open again.

"Again with the knocking?."

"I knew you were dressed therefore no need to knock is there?, here." He announced throwing a jumper towards my head as it tugged me back. "So Pansy wont kill you. Eat, switch then you can meet me in the common room. I can walk you to your dad's office then we can go to the kitchens."

"Wait why the kitchens?" I questioned while swapping over from Parkinson's quidditch jumper to Malfoy's.

"There's a party tonight, Nott insisted we welcomed him back properly. In his twisted and wicked style no doubt." He groaned rolling his eyes. "But Zabini is involved with those ginger Weasley twins so he can get our usual supplies. Other than that were getting food." Draco explained before closing the door behind him shouting from the otherside. "Get a move on."

I quickly ate leaving the apple at my bedside table and folding Pansy's jumper back into her drawer before lifting my wand and heading down to get Draco.

Flint was back at the window teasing his owl throwing treats out for him to catch as he flys back in, ready for more. "Not at the feast Flint?" I asked as i reached the bottom stair giving him a smile.

"Just back thought I should get a head start looking at tactics for the next game."

"Next game? I didn't realise a fixture was set, who are Slytherin playing?" I asked.

"If Ravenclaw win against Hufflepuff tomorrow then we get Gryffindor the day after, if they lose we take on Hufflepuff at the start of the week." He replied not looking up from his owl.

"Cho Chang's out injured, i heard Daphne talk about it last week, her Ravenclaw friend told her. So i think Hufflepuff on monday is a safe bet Flint. But i'll leave you to it." I saved waving him off once more as i moved towards the couch. To see Draco.

Who wasn't alone.

People had returned earlier from the feast, leaving Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Theodore sitting on the couch.

"Good to see your looking ship-shape Lupin, feeling better?" Blaise asked as he moved his focus from the conversation to me as i sat on the arm of the couch beside Draco.

"Much. Thank you Blaise."

"My pleasure." He laughed before Pansy cut in.

"I want to hear everything, obviously we have heard rumours, the hall was crazy tonight. That Potter and his little friends had everyone crowding their table hassling them with questions. Then obviously Professor Lupin wasn't at dinner." She said quickly before pausing for a break allowing Daphne to get a word in sideways.

"We're just happy to hear your okay is what Pansy's trying to say, but yes I would like to know the story. When you're ready to tell it of course, no rush." Daphne smiled as she gave Pansy a stern nod, that Pansy mimicked before the conversation fell silent.

"Lyria" a cold almost unfamiliar voice addressed me, but of course i knew who it belonged to.

"Hello Theodore."

"Hm back to my formal name. We didn't leave on that bad of terms did we?" He grinned cocking his head over.

"Not exactly terms at all, you left. No goodbyes." I said quietly avoiding his eyes "but sure Theo, we can catch up or something later but i need to go."

I told him standing up walking over to the common room door. Only to notice Draco was still on the couch.

"Malfoy? Aren't you coming?" I asked looking back to the group.

"I'll be along, go ahead i can catch up." He said keeping his eyes locked on the side of Theo's head instead of addressing me properly.

I hummed a responsive 'okay' before waving goodbye to the group and stepping out of the common room into the halls.

I walked my up towards my father's classroom slowly incase Draco caught up before i got there but he didn't. I chapped my father's door and walked in to see him packing his things as he stood there with Harry.

"So it is true then? Dumbledore's making you leave?" I asked my dad as he looked at me in a deer in the headlights way.

"Not exactly love, I resigned."

I wanted to keep Prof Lupin in, really i did. But Moody has to be the DADA teacher for obvious reasons so I couldn't think of another possibility.

Please vote and comment, and i will see you in the next chapter.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now