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"Open the bloody window, before that thing smashes it." Daphne called startling me from my slumber.

"What?" I groaned out in confusion.

"The window, open it." Pansy joined in. "There's an owl."

I threw my duvet back and walked bare foot to the window beside my bed letting in this gorgeous eurasian eagle into the room as it flew around and dropped a box and letter, pearching itself next to my owl Healey.

Merry Christmas Lupin, can you meet me now at the quidditch pitch?


I eyed the small box shaking it slightly.

"What's that." Pansy asked.

"A Christmas present, I don't know who its from though." I lied folding the paper and sliding it into my robe.

"But it's not Christmas yet, why are you getting it early?" Daphne asked but i just shrugged her. Opening the box to peer inside.

A luxurious silver chain, with two rings, solid silver bands. I recognised one of them instantly. It was Draco's ring the one i told him was my favourite. Accompanied with an identical ring instead with a pure white stone embedded into the band.

I picked it up and inspected it to see if there was anything inside.

'Lyria Lillith Lupin' showed there engraved in the inside of the ring. My smile curled as i walked over to show Pansy and Daphne.

"Can you put it on for me." I asked Pansy handing her it softly as i turned my back to her pulling my dark hair to my side.

"It's lovely, i feel as if I've seen it before." She told me clipping it and pulling my hair back. "It's rather familiar."

"Maybe you've seen it in a shop?" Daphne questioned her.

"No no someone has it, i think." He paused furrowing her face in concentration. "It'll come back to me."

Draco's owl was still perched to Healey. I gave him a treat from my little box and sent him back with the letter where i wrote 'see you soon' at the bottom.

I pulled on my day clothes, shoved my wand down my boot and headed off. Father let me take the map last night so i know exactly where Peter is at all times. He was in the great hall. Assuringly with his owner and his friends.

I walked out of the dungeons and through the corridors straight out into the courtyard making my way down to the pitch. I hated flying.

Just like my father, the thought of heights was enough to stir me sick.

As I walked through the bottom of the audience tower I could see Draco swiftly flying on his broom doing laps.

"Draco!" I called failing for his attention... "Draco!"

He was too high up.

He left a box on the floor full of quidditch equipment. The snitch being the only thing missing so I assumed that's what he was chasing.

A little challenge couldn't hurt him.

I picked up one of the beater sticks from the ground and unlocked the case holding one of the other balls. It started to shake about in my hand as I threw it upward to the air. Hitting it with force as it dropped sending it in his direction.

Missing him by nothing more than a centimetres as it shot passed his eyes causing him to wobble about on his broom before steadying himself coming back to the ground. Snitch in hand.

He put it back on the box as well as the other ball which he picked up making his way over.

"Nearly wiped my head off Lupin. Do you play?" He asked tiding his stuff away.

"Absolutely not, i hate heights. My mother was brilliant though she played for Gryffindor."

"Maybe you should, a swing like that could kill." He said with a chuckle before clicking the box shut sitting it up right. "Slytherin team needs all the help they can get. Everyone is is horrendous."

"I would but again... heights."

"Well i can change that." He said with a devilish grin before he lunged at me tightening his arms around my waist picking me up.

"What are you doing Draco! Put me down." I said kicking my legs.

"Today's your lucky day, you get a private flying lesson from the best seeker in the school." He told me plotting me onto his broom as he got on in front.

"Oh Harry's coming? Where is he?" I wound him up. But seeing his eyebrows roll down along with his eyes i regretted the joke. "Don't you dare kick off Draco i mean it if my feet leave the ground i will hurt you."

"Is that a promise... lovely necklace by the way, exquisite taste where did you get it?" He asked with a grin but before i could answer i felt my body shoot into the air.

"Draco no, please go back down" i said wrapping my arm's around him in fear as i shut my eyes tight.

"Just live for once. You can turn into a bloody serpent this can't be as scary." He told me whizzing round and round circling in and out of the towers aiming straight for the hoops flying between them as well, before shooting back to the ground landing us.

His landing was opposite of brilliant, he slipped his foot stopping us from landing on our feet, as he plummeted us a foot to the ground rolling as we went.

"Get off my Malfoy you're heavy." I breathe pushing him off my body as he lay there from the fall.

"Well that was fun don't you think? Maybe we should do it again tomorrow?." He joked laying his body flat out like a star.

"How about you fly, and i'll try not to kill you with a beaters ball?" I laughed looking at him sideways.

For a moment, only a moment we were in silence. We both sat up regaining our breaths, with an awkward silence. He was gazing.

"Draco..." i said , not knowing what I would say after.

"Mhm?" He hummed standing to wipe the grass off of him putting his hands out to pull me up.

"What time is it?" I asked. It was the first thing that came to my head.

His smile dropped slightly as he walked over to his bag on the bench pulling a wristwatch out. "12:30" he called.

"Get your stuff! Let's go." I told him grabbing the big box of quidditch equipment dragging it along trying to pack it away in the broom shed.

"Woah whats the rush you barely got here." He asked following me things in hand.

"It's now Draco, Buckbeak's execution is at one."
I wrote this chapter in math class so I've sort of ran through it.

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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