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A/N. I have added an extra couple of paragraphs to the end of the last chapter so if you've already read the chapter please go back, if you don't want to then this continues from the morning.

I woke up to the sounds of the lark as the morning sun peered through the cracks in the shack walls, my body newly stiff from the sleep on the cold hardwood floor as I returned to my human form.

Without looking at Theo i got up to collect the quilt from the bed and placed it over him to cover his body, i brought spare clothes in the bag so i set them out for him to change into when he wakes up, but i stayed close to the invisibility cloak just incase Madam Pomfrey showed up earlier than expected.

"Did i hurt you." Theo asked as his voice spoke huskily, waking up.

"No, everything was fine." I smiled taking his clothes over and turning my back to allow him to change in privacy. "No problems whatsoever."

"No scratches?" He said suprised. "I've always woken up covered in cuts and slashes."

"I think it's because you weren't alone, you settled down next to me and fell asleep straight away." I said. "You seemed to calm down after realising i wasn't there to hurt you."

"Makes sense, i mean I don't like being alone so surely the wolf is the same." Theo said rustling about behind me. "Was it like that for Professor Lupin?"

I looked down to the floor, thinking about how many times my dad hurt himself in this confined room. "It was, until his friends done the same for him. I remember being told his slashes turned to scars because of how severe they were."

Theo went quiet before speaking again. "Did he ever hurt his friends? Is there a possibility i could hurt you?"

I scoffed slightly at the memory of the story. "Yeah my father had hurt a friend before, he slashed Harry's godfather across the chest in their fifth year, scarred him for life. There's always the possibility you could hurt me."

Theo walked round in front of me, changed while he folded the quilt and pillows back into the bag.

"But you won't, i know you wouldn't" I smiled.

"You didn't sleep on the floor did you? Lyria you shouldn't of" he said eyeing me worriedly. "The floors extremely uncomfortable."

"It was fine honestly!" I lied playing with my necklace, taking the bag from Theo and slinging it over my shoulder.

Theodore's mouth broke into a smile as he came forward hugging me leaving a kiss on my cheek. "You truly are amazing Lupin, thank you!"

The stairs outside the room creaked as someone approached outside clearing their throat.

"Until next time Nott." I whispered pulling the cloak over me to hide myself as Madam Pomfrey made herself known.

Her hands gently knocked the door calling out for Theodore. "You ready to go Mr Nott."

Theo gave me a wink and walked over to the door opening it as Madam Pomfrey lifted the spell trapping us in. "All ready" he stated with a smile.

"You look well!" Poppy said with delight. "Not a single scratch on your skin by the looks of it, very interesting."

"Quiet night for me." Theo said innocently as they walked down the stairs. "Does that mean i can just go straight back to my dorm." He asked hopefully.

Poppy Pomfrey gave him a soft smile and shook her head apologetically. "Sorry Theodore, you know Professor Dumbledore's rules. But assuming your fit and healthy you can be back within an hour or two."

As they walked I followed behind at a distance.

"Would you like to know about the competition last night?" Madam Pomfrey asked him.

By the time we had walked back to the school, we had discovered that Ares Evasive placed first by creating stone walls that slowed down the Dragons movements allowing her to move around the arena with a head start.

Cedric was in second place and his tactic of silencing the crowd worked perfectly. Harry was third, and by his own talent had used his broom to collect the egg set out for the championship and Krum was in last place as he lost focus half way through and ended up getting the egg as well as a broken arm.

Theodore was led to the hospital wing as i turned a corner into a quiet corridor and slid off the cloak heading straight for the great hall in time to catch the end of breakfast.

I slid the cloak into the bag and went over to the Gryffindor table first, knowing i had to talk to Harry.

"Hello Lupin, what's happening with you." Seamus smiled taking a drink.

"Nothing much Seamus." I smiled sitting down in between Dean and Ginny. "Good morning."

Harry sat directly opposite me as he looked up from his breakfast.

"Well done last night Harry, great thinking with the broom." I smiled looking awkwardly between Dean and Ginny who were looking at my strangely. "What? Is this seat saved or something?"

They both shook their head and went back to their food.

"Thanks Lyria, i heard you helped Cedric. That was a brilliant idea." Harry smiled as Hermione chimed in.

"Yes, really. I'm disappointed that I didn't think of that myself. It was a brilliant idea!" She grinned.

I blushed slightly thanking them before moving the subject on, careful to avoid talks of the second task which would occur in a few days time.

"So Harry, that robe you let me borrow. I need to hold onto for a while longer." I said as i sparked Ron's attention.

He looked confused between the three of us as he clicked on a minute or so after to what i was talking about.

"I can't tell you what i need it for, just believe me that it's extremely important and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't." I said.

It took a bit of convincing as well as a lot of question dodging from the three of them concerning what I needed the cloak for, but Harry agreed and told me to return at when i was done with it.

I sat for a few minutes longer finishing off a conversation with Neville about a new book he was gifted by Professor Moody about plants, and how he was extremely interested in the water plants.

"You can borrow it if you like?" Neville smiled packing his bag.

"Thanks Nev, I'll let you know." I said cheerily, waving goodbye as i left them to find my friends.

The next chapter might be slightly distressing for anyone who didn't like the scene where moody used the cruciartus curse in class in front of Neville so

Here's your warning!!

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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