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I lowered Harry as softly as I possibly could until he was close enough to the ground that i could let him go. He only fell a couple feet as he became out of range for my wand to reach him. Better than a couple hundred feet.

The players on the pitch raced down to Harry as well as Madam Hooch Weasley and Granger running onto the pitch to tend to their friend.

All eyes around the stadium swapped between Harry and I and muffled talks could be heard behind me from the Slytherin crowd. Turning back overing the railing with one hand place over my chest to catch my breath back everyone stared at me in disbelief... again.

"What!" I scoffed rudely, sick of the attention. "Someone had to do it." I pushed my way past trying to get back to the bench i was sitting on. Making sure to take my frustrations out on Malfoy pushing his head as far out the way as possible just to irritate him.

"Hermione Granger move aside, the greatest witch of our era is coming through." Daphne stated. Always for the dramatics that one.

"Daphne come on now, its a simple spell. Even the second years know it. Don't you?" I turned back to the boy who shouted out to Harry split moments ago

He shrugged with a small "not really."

"So cool." Crabbe and Goyle said in unison.

"May i have your attention students." Dumbledore called, holding his wand to his neck to propel his voice around the stadium. "I ask that any prefects present can lead their houses back to their common rooms and remain there until dinner." That was still 4 hours away. " I also ask that Miss Lupin goes to my office immediately."

The Slytherin stand erupted with "oohs" and "yeahs" in a chanting manner. As Draco pulled me down the stand stairs before anyone else could make their way out.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing." He chocked "First the patronous on the train now your saving... Potter." He paused tightening his grip on my wrist pulling my down faster.

"Stop Draco your hurting me, slow down." I sighed.

"Start acting like a goddamn Slytherin your an embarrassment to our kind."

We reached the outside of the stand coming to a halt as i pull Draco back. "Draco stop... stop!" I point my hand out to the bush Crabbe and I were looking at before the game, and there it was . Those eyes.

"Draco look, do you see that too."

"Is that... eyes?" He asks

"Yes big yellow eyes." I moved my body slowly forward trying not to catch the animals attention, nearing closer and closer until, snap.

Draco's heavy feet miraculously found a twig to snap in a field of grass. Horrible luck Lyria.

The eyes now focused on Draco and I who were mere feet away from it, none of us dared to move.

The animal was slowly backing further and further into the bush. It definitely wasn't Mrs Norris. And i know it was watching Harry.

Then it clicked. Sirius was an unregistered animagus.

That was Sirius Black.

The dog was disappearing, and there was no way i was letting him go. "Draco get my father tell him Padfoot is here." I shouted backwards running straight towards the dog who was now making a fair dash for it. "Tell him i found Padfoot! Go now Draco now!"

"Are you mental Lupin, get back here." He shouted. "What the hell is a Padfoot?" He called "Lyria wait!"

But it was too late, i was running through the forest hot on Sirius' tail, the wind pushing backwards through my hair as I dodged crooked trees and small puddles.

Chasing and chasing him further into darkness.

"Face me you coward, turn back!" I screamed knowing Sirius could hear me.


Running further and further i could still see him, of course he was too fast he had an advantage. Two extra legs.

But i was doing rather well considering i hasn't lost him just yet, every time he turned to look back his yellow eyes gave away where he was. As I followed him swiftly trying to close the gap.

I emerged into the middle of the forest where the centre was filled with a glass like lake. Where the sun from above the trees found way to the forest floor. Reflecting in the water.

"Merlins sake." I muttered kicking my feet at the ground. I was so close I practically had him. And I lost him so easily.

Then there it was , a whine. From behind me.

Spinning slowly i found myself face to face with him. Well face to dog.

I slowly reached my hand down to grab my wand but was warned off by a sharp bark from Sirius.

"I know its you Sirius" i raised my hands in surrender. "My father told me about your animagus form, James and Peters too. I know what you all were."

Sirius stepped closer as i stepped back.

"You know who i am... don't you. You recognise me. Because of Remus." I called "I'm his daughter Sirius."

The dog stopped. Bowing his head down before laying down on the stoned dirt.

I tried to reach for my wand once more but again was warned by Black.

"You know how dangerous it is for you to be here Sirius, the place is surrounded by Dementors." The dog whined at my words again.

"But you know that don't you, thats why you won't change back. Your not silly enough to be caught in human form. On Hogwarts grounds of all places , thats why you watched Harry at his game." I paused

What if Harry fell from his broom because he was attacked by the dementors, just like on the train.

Sirius cocked his head to the side almost as if he knew what i was thinking, as if he was telling me you right.

"Why are they going after Harry, why is he so effected by the Dementors. Nobody is else. Not as badly as Potter." I said "Please Sirius i need answers, Harry too this isn't fair to us."

"What happened that night." "The night they died Sirius." I paused "What did you do..."

"Lyria! Lyria where are you!." A voiced echoed from the forest followed by "Miss Lupin, can you hear us?"

It was my father and Professor Dumbledore.

I looked between the forest and Sirius quickly swapping more than once.

"You owe me an explanation, a human one. Get out of here Sirius quickly... Go now!" I whispered to him pointing towards a small tunnel make of branches between the trees. And he went.

I pulled my wand holding it against my temple. This wasn't going to be pleasant I thought to myself as i cast a charm over my body to knock me out.

I wanted to give Sirius and Lyria a scene together before jumping back into the plot properly.

Fun fact: Sirius Draco and Lyrias names are all star constellations :)

A couple more scenes before the plot resumes so please vote and comment <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now