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After Haylie left the dorm last night everyone was silent, Daphne was already passed out in bed when we arrived, Pansy came in with the boys and everyone decided to spend the night in our room.

Crabbe, Goyle and Theodore spent the night on the floor, Blaise slept on top of the covers on Pansy's bed and Draco closed his eyes on the arm chair beside mine.

I didn't sleep, I couldn't.

I stayed up through the last hours of Christmas eve all through to now, 8:49am Christmas day. My eyes didn't feel heavy and my body wasn't for sleeping. I just laid flat staring at the patterned ceiling thinking about nothing. Day dreaming about anything.

Christmas day, a half white scenery surrounded the castle as small patches of green grass seeped through the heavy layers of snow. Covering the trees as it continued to fall gracefully from above.

Goyle's loud snores covered the sound of my feet creaking the wooden floors as i walk, careful to avoid the body filled space, towards the bathroom.

All I could see was a helpless reflection, pulling the skin on my face back and up trying to reshape the structure, to not be me.

"Fuck this" i huffed splashing my face with cold water from the running tap. Still me.

Defenceless, stupid, drunk state of a girl who can't protect herself.

"Fuck!" My fist clutched striking the mirror on the wall in anger as i watched some cracked shards fall from the frame.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I mumbled, mouth full of water as i continued splashing my face.

This isn't me, a Slytherin. I should be better than whatever this is.

My knuckles turned white as i gripped on the end of the bathroom sink, eyes dropping from the cracked outlines of my reflection to the shattered pieces lying at my feet.

Pushing them around with my toes, before my eyes ignite to the dress lying in the corner. That stupid dress, the one he touched. I wanted nothing more than to burn him along with it.

"Lupin what you doing in there? Huh?" A voice struck as the door knocked in rhythm.

"Nothing go away." I rushed out with as my hands met the floor, gathering the bad luck before dropping it into the small bin in the corner. "I'll be out in a minute Crabbe I'm fine just go."

"Sorry i was only checking in, we all heard a smash. I'll see you when your out." He hummed back.

I huffed in guilt as i felt bad for raising my voice, at him of all people. But i just wanted to be alone.

I sorted my bed head before straightening up my pyjamas to walk out to see everyone now awake, sitting in a circle on the floor, with the exception of Draco who was sat hanging over the edge of my bed, passing presents around the group.

"Healey came this morning. Did you notice he disappeared?" Pansy asked as i wedged myself in between her and Daphne on the floor.

Shaking my head Blaise passed a letter from my desk across the floor to me. Incrusted on the back was a wax seal from the house of black as well as a seal of a moon beside it.

"Malfoy wanted a look at the back but i kept it to myself." Blaise stated once more as i opened the letter, making sure to keep my hand covering the seal.

The last thing I needed was Draco questioning why someone from a deceased household was sending me a letter, can't have him knowing a 'deranged physco killer' is sending me merry holiday cards.

While the others continued talking with regards to Christmas presents my eyes scanned the words in ink.

Merry Christmas little moony,
Your father's out on private business so luckily for you, I'm left with the privilege of sending our regards.
I sent your Christmas gift along with Hedwig.

Hopefully you can get it off Harry soon. If possible Harry could sneak you into his common room tonight. 1am. Your father and i have important matters we wish to discuss.

Merry Christmas and sending all our love from big Moony and your favourite Padfoot.

Drawn at the bottom was a very slanted smily face and an inked paw print, but I couldn't help but wonder what Sirius and my father were worried about, if it wasn't urgent my father wouldn't agree to my sneaking into another houses common room.

"CUP TICKETS!" Daphne's banshee screech filled the dorm as she sprang to her feet. "Daddy got me three tickets to the quidditch world cup in a week!" She called waving them in Pansy's face.

"One for me, you and Lyria!" She cheered reading the letter from her father. "Oh! Blaise open yours! Open it quickly!"

Confused Blaise picked up a thin envelope from the circle in the middle, pulling out his own set of quidditch world cup tickets. "Sweet! Theo, Crabbe and Goyle theres tickets in here for you guys too!" Blaise said dishing them out to the boys. "Malfoy are you already going? Knowing my dad you would of been the first ticket he bought."

Draco's hand ran through his hair as he nodded. "Father got us tickets in the minister's box. But I don't think we should go."

"What why?" Crabbe cut in inspecting his ticket through the ceiling light.

"Nothing forget i said anything. Yeah Zabini I'm going." He twiddled with his rings as he avoided eye contact with everyone. "Well we should move before the morning feast starts. Can't be late can we?" He muttered moving to the door.

"Wait I haven't gave my presents yet!" I called protesting only for Draco to answer back. "Daphne found them snooping, she passed them out while you had your bathroom tantrum."

Watching him slam the door behind him, as my mouth dropped, brows furrowed at Daphne. "Thank you for the diary." She smiled sympathetically as she pushed off the ground walking to the door.

Blaise and Theo thanked me for their silver suit cuffs, Crabbe and Goyle thanked me for giving them muggle crystals but i think they became disappointed when they realised the rocks held no magical properties. And Pansy was floating around in her new quidditch jumper signed by the Norwegian beater Horrace Hellendy.

"I'll catch up, I should get changed into some clothes." I said closing the door after Pansy walked out. I wish i got to watch everyone open their presents, but with Draco leaving in a strop i knew for a fact Daphne hadn't found his gift. I wonder if that's why he looked angry.

I walked over to my wardrobe sliding my clothes around to reveal under a pile a velvet grey box. I grabbed some clothes to swap into placing the box into my pocket, and picking up my wand on the way to the door.

The air in the halls pierced with an icy breeze, i only wish i lifted my robes or anything to keep me warm, but if i turned around i just knew i would be late. The great hall was beautifully lit, small snowflakes fell from the ceiling to disappear over head. A wave of heat hit me as i entered.

Everybody looked so happy and excited this morning, I could see Anthony sitting with Cedric and Hannah pulling enchanted Christmas crackers that emitted an explosion as it ripped. Harry caught my eye waving to me as Ron and Hermione mouthed 'merry Christmas'.

Smiling back i decided to see Harry after the breakfast, i knew i had to get a gift but also discuss with him what Sirius wrote about.

Walking over to sit with my friends I instantly noticed a gap of missing people at the Slytherin table, their usual seats empty. Adrian, Marcus, Graham and Perregine where nowhere to be seen.

Goblet of fire plot is beginning soon!!
But I can't upload chapters as often as i have to begin revising for school exams ;(

Any free chance i have to write i will!!

Thank you guys for 3.5k reads on black moon <3

I will see you guys soon

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