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I had sat for hours, quietly dreaming and watching as everyone disappeared into the tree. First Sirius and the trio. Shortly followed by my father.

Snape not too far behind.

Professor Snape had followed my father down from the castle keeping a distance and I watched as they both appeared separately, my father not knowing of his presence half a mile behind him.

Yet Snape waited, pacing back and forth for long minutes before finally decided to immobilise the branches to follow him down to the tunnels.

I knew once Snape left my sight I didn't have as much time to wait, so i stood up brushing the dirt from my legs off, preparing myself.

Quickly walking back and forth around trees, during my wait i mapped out the forest, not so far diagonal laid the glass like lake that Sirius and i had our first encounter.

My guess is that's where Harry was earlier when he claimed to see his father, but yet I haven't heard nor seen nobody amongst the trees.

Of course I don't believe Harry, but i do believe someone was in the woods with him. My father has told me his progress But it's nowhere near as exceptional to rid a hundred dementors.

My focus moved back to the tree when the corner of my eye spotted that the branches were no longer violently swaying.

All to then see everyone, minus Severus, to re-emerge from the whomping willow as the sky darkened not more than an hour later.

I watched the scene unravel, closely paying attention to Peter in particular.

Hermione's voiced echoed broadly into the cold air as she called after Harry signalling to me that Pettigrew was about to run free any moment.

I closed my eyes and focused in on the winded whistles that breezed through my hair and past my ears, the sound of the leaves travelling along the ground in the wind.

Leaning into my senses to forced my body to undergo my change. Physically pushing my body into my animagus form.

Just in time to watch Peter lift the blocking spell turning back to his rat form, due to the darkness it was hard to see where he was going.

Grass flattened under his feet as leaves rustled lightly.

He ran past rapidly just trees away from me, as I slithered my body towards him following sharply as he swerved trees.

He Ducked under fallen branches and twisted through large rocks.

I followed sliding over the same branches and rocks, making sure to not lose him within the trunks.

Hissing loudly to catch his attention.

"You won't outrun me Peter, not this time!" I hissed as the little rodent squeaked in fear tapping his little feet as fast as he could.

"If you turn back i'll give you a fair fight?" I teased slowing down almost slightly as we entered a small empty clearing just left of the lake.

Peter had nowhere to hide, there was no obstacles between us. He knew how easily I could reach him.

So he stopped.

He turned back. Holding my father's wand.

I hadn't quite figured out how to transform without the feeling of pain caressing my skin, but the anger of seeing that traitor holding something that was my father's.

It was enough for my body to instantly twist back.

"I thought you dropped that wand on the floor Peter? Or was that just another trick of yours." I called as my body rose from the ground, my hand trailing my leg for me to grab my wand from my boot.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now