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"What do we call this?" Pansy giggled, ripping back the bed curtain wakening us with a jolt as the morning sun from the window poured in.

"A sleepover? I wasn't invited" She said wrapping her hand around Theodore's ankle, dragging him off the bed to land roughly on the wooden floor.

Pansy was reaching for Daphne's foot, as she rubbed her eyes open, she tucked her legs up to hide them under her body. "Don't bother" she laughed. Pushing my shoulder to liven me up.

"Its task day!" Pansy said excitedly, offering a hand to Theo to lift him up, as he groaned tiredly. "Come on we don't want to be late, we'll meet you downstairs."

Pansy lifted a jacket from her chair as she made her way out of the dorm, leaving the three of us inside.

"I'm going to find Harry before the task." I told them getting up, fixing my clothes from last night.

Daphne huffed slightly.

"Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean not the training thing. But to talk to him before the task, you don't want to distract him." She asked following me and Theo towards the door.

"Yeah, i agree with Daphne. Maybe just find him and ask him to talk later, don't unload everything on him right now." Theo said.

I nodded my head in agreement, knowing it would be selfish of me to bother Harry with this while he has something so important going on.

"Okay, i'll ask to talk to him later. But come on we should go, if i want to find him before it starts we need to be early." I said walking towards the door.

We headed downstairs to meet the others as they sat around the table near the window, Draco and Blaise sat with Crabbe as Pansy sat at the window talking to Flint.

"Ready?" Blaise beemed noticing us arrive. "Lupin glad to see your not missing, let's go." He said quickly pushing up from his chair dragging Crabbe and Theo out the door as Pansy followed.

Draco stood in front of me and Daphne, looking between us both as his mouth opened barely. Like he wanted to say something.

His hand dug deeply into his pockets as his eyes darted between us, still saying nothing. Until he huffed and walked out of the room.

Daphne grabbed my hand as i looked at her. "He'll come around, I don't know why he's so dramatic." She whispered hugging me and leading us to catch up with our friends.

The full journey down to the lake, the air was filled with Theo and Blaise betting galleons on the Champions and how would win.

Blaise strictly told me that i was excluded from all future bets due to my cheating. I didn't cheat. Blaise just can't handle loosing.

I kept my eyes scanning the ground for Harry but i had no luck.

Daphne tapped my shoulder pointing away in the opposite direction.

Where Dean and Seamus were walking with Ginny.

"Go" Daphne urged me, pushing me forward. "I'll keep them distracted just go. You have a better chance of finding Harry with them than you do us."

I quickly rushed off in the direction of the three Gryffindor's trying to catch up with them before they got into the boat at the docks.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the black lake, ever since first year. So having to get a boat over the water to the second task, I would much rather be with my friends.

"Seamus!" I shouted waving my hand as i walked down the dock. "Room for one more?" I asked standing at there boat.

Dean nodded his head and reached out his hand to help me into the boat. "Excited?" He asked.

"Moderately" I replied. "I need to try find Harry before he starts, i need to tell him something."

Ginny scoffed. "Good luck finding him, nobody's seen him, Ron or Hermione this morning."

Seamus let the tips of his fingers drag along the water as the boat moved. "I'm sure you'll come across him, he's not a hard guy to find." He smiled.

After a few minutes the boats docked in the centre of the lake where three major bouyants floated over the water.

Ginny disappeared to meet her friends while Dean, Seamus and I walked towards the front, looking for Harry.

The closer we got we could see Neville standing near the railings.

"Hi Neville, seen Harry?" Dean asked tapping his shoulder.

Neville jumped slightly at Deans arrival beside him before he relaxed seeing us.

"Oh hi guys, yeah Harry's over there, he's just about to start the task." Neville smiled, pointing in Harry's direction. "I helped him last night, so I'm excited to see how he does."

"What help?" Seamus wondered.

Neville told the boys about the water plants he suggested to Harry and how he is using gillyweed for the task.

"Neville gillyweed is safe, right?" Dean asked him.

Neville looked down to the floor shrugging his shoulders nervously. "It won't kill him, promise. I don't know what the effects are. This water's different."

Seamus, Dean and i looked at each other.

I disappeared quickly to find Harry while Seamus and Dean told Neville how dangerous gillyweed was if it was used wrong.

Horns and sirens were being blared by spectators excited for the start of the task, pushing to the front i saw Harry, turned to the side eating the gillyweed.

Before i could reach him the starting siren sounded, as the Champions dived into the water beginning the task. Whereas Mad eye moody pushed Harry into the water.

Dean, Seamus and Neville ran up beside me, Neville stayed at my side while Dean and Seamus kneeled over the edge.

"I didn't get him." I told them as their eyes scanned the water for Harry.

"What's the matter with him?" Seamus asked, watching the shadow of Harrys silhouette stay still in the water.

"I don't know, I can't see him." Dean answered looking down into the water.

Neville's breathes began quick and ragged as he paced around the floor. "Oh my god, I've killed Harry Potter." He squealed, tugging at his hair in worry.

But instantly Harry shot up from the water, like a dolphin. Majestically falling down to dive back into the water as the crowd cheered.

Everyone began waiting in anticipation.

"I'd like you to come with me Miss Lupin." A voiced called from behind, a voice recognisable amongst any.

Turning around to see the dark clothing of the man stood tall over me.

"What can i help you with Professor Snape?" I asked. "I'm slightly occupied at this moment in time, incase you haven't noticed." I said turning back to face the water.

Snape scoffed behind me as he spoke again. "It's in your best interest that you sort that attitude, now come with me."

So am just going to use this scene to fill in the hour wait for the task...

So please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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