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"Zabini, a dare I assume." I asked as he took his shot.

"Of course" he nodded.

"Your night is about to get a lot more interesting." I grinned looking back towards the beer pong table. "Haylie, come over here."

Blaise's body stiffened as he heard her name, he sat forward slightly letting his hands drop over his knees waiting to see what i was planning.

"What's up?" Haylie asked as she held a drink in her hand.

"Your up for a dare aren't you blondie?" I asked taking her cup and guiding it to her mouth motioning her to take a drink.

She nodded as my hand held her chin. "Don't swallow it." I demanded as i held my hand out behind me for Blaise to take pulling him over. "Take it away Zabini."

I grinned as i took my seat watching the scene unfold.

Blaise's eyes lit up as he moved to wrap his arms just under Haylie's waist lifting her up so she towered slightly over him.

"Let it go Hayls." I demanded as she let the liquid transfer from her mouth to Blaise's as she held his face.

Seconds later to allow Blaise to drop her down to smash their lips together engaging her into a kiss, letting the liquid swish still around their mouth before each swallowing their half of the contents.

Blaise's hands moving up to lift her body around his as he deepened the kiss allowing a soft groan to escape their lips. Moving their bodies against one another for minutes before pulling away laughing.

Haylie leaned into Blaise's neck planting kisses all the way up. Past his chin and stopping to whispered something in his ear.

Blaise let her down keeping her hand held in his. "Thank you Lupin." He winked. "But i think we've met our end, both very tired." He stated faking a yawn and a pathetic stretch as Haylie dragged him back towards the stairs.

"Really, we must be on our way." He shouted over the music as they rushed up towards the dorms.

I felt Daphne push her hand into the couch leaning over to my ear. "I thought he liked Pansy?"

"He's just having fun Daph, he is single after all." I replied keeping my eyes on the stairs as they disappeared.

I took another drink before the air was split with Theo's voice. "Flint, Pucey we need more players." He laughed calling them over.

Marcus took over Blaise's seat beside Draco, and Adrien sat down on the floor in the space between Daphne and I.

"Since Blaise is gone, i'll take the go." Theo announced pouring a shot for his victim.

Draco's hand moved to meet my thigh before he leaned in to whisper again swapping the cigarette to the hand further away from me.

"Can't we just get out of here, go to the dorm?" He grinned as he tightened his grip. "It could be a lot funner than this crap."

Before I could answer Theo's turn took my attention as he called my name. "Not too tired for another are you?" With a wicked grin.

"No of course not." I said taking a shot. "Another dare Theo."

His eyes traveled, starting on me, moving to Draco. Finishing with his eyes on Pansy. "Pansy that blunt looks done, i think you should put it out. Lyria i dare you to let Pansy put it out on your arm."

Pansy's eyes dropped as Draco's gripped tightened roughly in anger as i felt his nails dig in and the cold bands wrapped around his finger press in.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now