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Harry and Hermione's body's ran stiff as they slowly swirled to face me and Sirius who was dramatically appearing from the darkness behind the door pushing it closed.

Harry's eyes trailed Padfoot's prints in the dust floor examining how they change into Sirius'.

Paw to foot.

Hermione shifted to stand in front of Harry in a protective manner. "If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too!"

"No... only one will die tonight." Sirius shallowed climactically.

"Then it will be you!" Harry spat with emotion as he lunged forward pulling Sirius by his collar to the ground, i tried to move to split them up but Hermione had her wand held with anger as she pointed it in line with my vision.

Raising my hands in surrender as i took one small step away from Harry who was still wrestling with his dear old godfather.

Harry's wand was shoved inches away from Sirius' nose, my wand still in hand even in surrender my eyes were darting between Hermione and the boys.

If i disarm Hermione, Harry could just as quickly return the favour, but if i try help Sirius i could buy him time to wiggle out. Knowing Hermione would disarm me.

Not to mention Ron who was still in a state of shock. He could just as easily join in.

"Are you going to kill me Harry?" Sirius laughed. He was laughing in such a serious situation. How?

Within a blink of an eye, the door that Sirius so kindly shut, burst open with power as my father barged in disarming Harry as he watched the wand now roll away.

I tried the spell for Hermione but her wand was already packed tightly in her pocket with her hands empty in front before i had the chance .

My father nodded Harry out of the way as my he wandered slightly in my direction with his wand still towards Sirius.

"Well, well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we?" He addressed him as his outline remained stained in the dust. "Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

"Well you would know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus." Sirius grinned.

My father lowering his wand from his hand swapping over to reach out to Sirius pulling him off the ground and into a long awaited hug.

"I found him!" Sirius whispered in my father's ear with excitement. "It's him... let's kill him!"

Hermione stomped forward back in front of Harry letting out a screech "No! I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend. And you!" She looked to me. "You knew and you didn't warn him, just so he could kill him." She shouted almost crying switching vision between us three.

"He's a werewolf!" She told Ron and Harry as their faces, as well as mine, dipped in shock. "That's why he's been missing classes."

Yes, she was smart but I didn't think she was that smart. There were no signs, no clues.

Well there was the moon boggart, oh and the missing class after a full moon. Snape teaching about werewolves in class was also pretty obvious.

But still! Nobody else guessed?

My father looked to me as i shrugged as if to say 'I didn't tell her' as he stepped forward, the floor creaking below him. "How long have you known?" He questioned with curiosity.

"Since Professor Snape set the essay." He said in a flat tone.

"I bet that's what Snape wanted!" I said finally breaking my silence. "He's always hated you! Both of you... well you too Harry." I turned facing him with a sympathetic smile. "but he rather despises you both more. I bet he tried to let Hermione figure it out!"

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now