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"Your an arsehole Malfoy! Completely unbearable." Daphne shouted as our gowns dripped soaking on the marble floor of the manor. "That was not funny, this dress costs me." She cursed scrunching the water from her locks.

Draco, Blaise and Theodore couldn't hold back their hysterics after their childish prank on the girls. The beautiful Christmas ball turned damp as it ended with the boys enchanting a water bubble to burst overhead.

"Seriously couldn't you have waited until we were at least changed?" Pansy groaned as she wobbled on my foot trying to unbuckle her heel.

"But where's the fun in that Parkinson? Don't be such a debby-downer." Theo laughed clasping his hand on mine as he came forward to step me out of the puddle.

"If this is what you lot have in store for us for the next seven years i think I'd prefer to stay at Hogwarts over the next holiday breaks." I mumbled to the boys just to receive a laugh from them all again, Daphne included. "Oh no don't you worry Ria, there won't be a next time. Because if they try this again i'll hex them into their graves." Daphne spoke raising a sarcastic eye.

"Is that so? Little first year Daphne Greengrass. You can't even turn a beetle into a button yet." Draco spat back in a playful manner.

"Just you wait Draco Malfoy i'll burn those blonde locks red, then you can trod off to sit with your boyfriend pissy Potter in Gryffindor." She remarked before stropping off up the staircase of Malfoy Manor, making her steps known as her heels echoed in rhythm off the ground.

It only took a rude gesture from Draco as he flung up two fingers behind Daphne's back for us all to burst into giggles following her up back to the bedrooms, Christmas with the Malfoys was nothing like at home.

They celebrated in style and balls open to the pureblood families, Mr Malfoy gave me a stern stare when I arrived earlier in the week. Mrs Malfoy on the other hand was quick to welcome me, curiously asking about my time at Hogwarts as well as my father. She mentioned he was friends with her cousin Sirius.

Of course Narcissa wasn't exactly friends with my father, but his quiet personna in comparison to James and Sirius had her amused.

"Sorry about the dress, was just meant to be a laugh." Theo said walking me up the stairs behind Pansy and the boys.

"Don't be daft Nott, if anything i found it rather funny. Uncomfortable." I stated tugging at the water tight material at my stomach. "But more or less a swell joke."

He let a nervous laugh escape his mouth. "I'll pay for a new one, or to have it cleaned, fixed whatever." He told me brushing his hand through his hair before patting it down at the front.

"You'll have to bring it up with Daph, it's not my dress. I couldn't afford anything as beautiful as this." I said quietly reaching the top step. "Sorry i shouldn't of said that."

"Don't be, I didn't mean to imply it."

"Nott no you didn't imply anything, it's just a very elegant gown. Daphne has too many to count." I paused brushing down the dress. "All i mean is I'm sure she won't be fussed about a soggy dress when she has plenty pretty ones left."

Theo kept my hand in his to walk me along the hall towards the room Daphne, Pansy and I were staying in at Draco's manor.

"Other than the shower, I really enjoyed my first Christmas Ball, but I'm warning you Nott, Daphne won't be the only one researching hexes when we return to school." I laughed pushing his shoulder back.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now