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I walked into the Great Hall slightly later than everyone else. And of course the first voice i could hear Was draco's

"Pstt Potter... Potter. Is it true you fainted? Like actually fainted?." He cooed

Ron was quick to turn Harry away from him before telling him to shove off.

I sat down in the empty seat beside Blaise where Draco and Goyle sat to his left with Crabbe, Pansy and Daphne sitting infront.

"There she is, saviour of the hour." He stood and bowed.

"Stop it Blaise, your embarrassing me." I pushed him back into his seat blushing endlessly.

I caught sight of Malfoy who's expression could drag his face to the floor, his lips couldn't frown more than they possibly were.

"Well are you going to explain to us what happened." He scoffed. "You said the dementors weren't supposed to be on the train. How did you know they were here at all."

"Malfoy your forgetting who my father is." Rolling my eyes "But they're only here incase Black makes an appearance. They shouldn't of bothered with us."

"Well they did. Just wait until my father hears that they let Dementors in the School."

"- on the train." Crabbe told him gaining a foul stare from Malfoy for correcting his exaggeration.

Before Malfoy could retaliate, a low voice boomed across the hall. Welcoming the students back Dumbledore stood proudly at the head of the hall as he speeched about the teaching staff, introducing my Father as the new Defensive Against The Dark Arts professor gaining him small cheers from scattered areas of the hall, and a rather ill facade from Professor Snape. And announcing Hagrid as the new Professor of care for magical creatures.

I also gained a few stares as people connected the surnames together.

Professor Dumbledore gave his usual after summer announcements, the sorting ceremony, as well as addressing the dementor situation. Telling us they will remain outside the school grounds for our safety without mentioning Sirius Black of course.

Mere seconds later we were graced with the enormous feast set before us with magic as we filled our plates talking about what we expect our classes to be like this year, hearing my father brought up a couple times as the group pried in attempt to know what the lessons could contain.

Unfortunately it was even kept secret from me, knowing it could 'ruin the suprises' he refused to tell me.

As we finished our meal, we moved as a group towards the corridor outside the Great hall, but i spotted Anthony still sitting at a rather empty Hufflepuff table and I couldn't shake a feeling something was bothering him.

"I'll catch up later." I said. Moving in the opposite direction back down the hall waving goodbye i soon found myself at the foot of the Hufflepuff table.

Clearing my throat to gain Ricketts attention. He was sitting with Cedric Diggory and Justin Finch-Fletchy.

"Rickett, spare minute?" I asked laying my hands down of his shoulders beforehand smiling towards his friends. "Hiya Diggory, Fletchy."

"Hullo Lupin." Fletchy replied not taking his eyes off the Daily Prophet, its the same article Draco waved around on the train.

"Nice to see you Lupin." Said Cedric " I see your Dad is teaching Defensive Against The Dark Arts, better watch Professor Snape doesn't try poison him. He's been after the jobs for merlin knows how long." He joked.

"Dont worry Diggory, I'm positive my father could fend Snape off. He'd love the opportunity to do so."

Both of us laughing i feel Anthony move from under my hands grabbing it down to his side leading me out of the hall.

"Good luck tomorrow Diggory, i'll be watching."

Tomorrow Hufflepuff were playing Gryffindor as the first quidditch game of the term. Normally us Slytherin's wouldn't bother with games that didn't involve our house but there was nothing better to do tomorrow so we decided to go.

"Look Lyria i cant be around you right now, not with this Sirius Black situation."

"Im confused what does Sirius Black have to do with us being friends, its not me he's trying to kill it's Harry."

"Not you Serpent, Professor Lupin. My parents went to school with yours and they think..." he paused unsure of if he should continue "They think your fathers here to help Sirius get into the castle."

"What! That's outrageous. My father would never." I shouted, careful not to raise my voice too harshly.

"Thats what i told them, I promise i did. But then they told me stories about their school days. James, Peter Sirius and Remus... And i don't know i believe if Sirius asked him he wouldn't know how to refuse."

Rickett still held my hand in his as i tried to pull my hand from his grip, my father was always great to him. And this is how he repays his kindness. By taking it for weakness?

"So you're parents asked you to stay away from me... didn't they?" I asked him as he hesitantly nodded.

I could feel my nose twitching as tears filled the brim off my eyes.

I turned on my heels instantly walking away from him as he called after me "Lyria hold on please let me talk... please." He pleaded.

But it was too late i was already twisting and turning down corridors making my way to the dungeons.

"Pure blood" i called out allowing me entry into the common room. Everyone was sitting there on the couches in front of the fire and I wasn't in the mood for a conversation.

"Just going to freshen up, still feel rather groggy from earlier." Catching their attention they just nodded without paying further attention.

Lightly rushing up the stairs to my dorm i reached for the door and pushed into my room placing my back to the door closing it bringing my hands to my face as i slid down the door.

Anthony truly upset me, I understand its his parents choice but its a hurtful choice. And an unfair one at most.

"Dry your eyes Lupin"

I jumped slightly lifting my head to see none other than Malfoy "Who let you in Malfoy." I sniffed bringing myself to my feet drying my eyes like i was told to. "Get off my bed."

He stood straightening his robes as he glided his hands over them. "Let myself in, needed something you see." He mysteriously said making his way to the door.

"Needed what? Malfoy were you snooping through my things!" I look to see my luggage open and flung over my floor as if a tornado hit. Dropping to my knees to pick my belongings up and unpacking them properly.

"Snooping no. If it was snooping you wouldn't know, but you do know." He grinned " Didn't find what i needed though but not to worry. I'll find it soon enough." He walked past clutching the handle of the door in his palms.

"Unhealthy amount of chocolate you have hidden, hope you don't mind i helped myself." He slipped the bar out from his robe pocket just enough for me to see before taking himself out of my dorm with a wicked grin.

My merlin, that boy is infuriating.

Next chapter is the Hufflepuff game!! I truly love quidditch especially seeing the games in the movies.

Heres your line up for both houses

Captain and seeker- Cedric Diggory
Beaters- Anthony Rickett, Michael Mcmanus
Chasers- Tamsin Applebee, Malcolm Preece, Heidi Macavoy
Keeper- Herbert Fleet

Captain and keeper- Oliver wood
Seeker- Harry Potter
Beaters- Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Chasers- Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now