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As Madam hooch sounded her whistle the players shot instantly into the sky followed by a europhic sense of screaming and chanting from the stadium.

"Witches and Wizards today, Gryffindor goes head to head with Slytherin for the quidditch cup!" Lee Jordan called through the speaker.

"With no time wasted Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor has took her shot towards Miles Bletchy turning the score to 10-0 in Gryffindors favour within the first two minutes!." He announced as the Gryffindor and majority of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw cheered along to praise Angelina.

All Slytherin flags dipped from the air and unified a grunt arose from the spectators, with some swearing aimed at Bletchy.

"With a clean fly straight through the field, Graham Montague, with the help from beater Pansy Parkinson have scored to make the score 10 all!"

Pansy was having an amazing game today, she was constantly forcing Dean Thomas in the opposite direction to avoid the buldgers.

But with the excitement of the match I didn't realise Blaise returned to the stand.

"Blaise why aren't you on the pitch?" Theodore called catching my attention as i turned my head.

"Bloody Flint decided to put Peregrine Derrick on instead of me, Derrick couldn't hit water if he fell into the black lake." He sulked as he slipped in between Crabbe and I.

"Score?" He whispered to me as the Slytherin crowd erupted to stand on their feet.

"I think Jordans about to announce points." I said standing to cheer even though I hadn't realised someone had scored.

"An amazing shot from half way down the pitch. Captain Marcus Flint, perfectly pelted the quaffle straight down the middle. It was no match for Gryffindor captain Oliver wood." Jordan spoke, considering how he described the goal he didn't sound very enthusiastic that his house was currently loosing. Understandable.

"20-10 in Slytherins favour." He said.

The match was rather quite for moments later, forty points were gained by Adrain Pucey, as well as Graham Montague gaining another ten.

Alicia Spinnett gained twenty almost straight after leaving the score to 70-30 in Slytherin's favour. Some of the seats from Gryffindor's stand emptied within the hour due to the disappointment as Flint and Pucey gained another ten points each making it 90-30.

"Spinnet glides through the field dodging wild buldgers from Parkinson who has shown no mercy all game, Spinnet lines up the goal, she takes it... oh oh. Professor Mcgonigal sit down! I can't see!" Lee screeched

Professor Mcgonigal had bounced up from her seat as she watched Alicia Spinnet dive towards the posts, punching her fist in the air just for a horrid grunt to leave her mouth that echoed in the background of the speakers.

"Assuming that Spinnet's good run was blocked by Bletchy, yes assuming! Because i still can't see!" Jordan angrily shouted as Professor Mcgonigal spun round to face Lee Jordan.

"My apologies Mr Jordan. Carry on." She spoke quietly and flushed as she tucked her hands under her robe as she returned to sitting in her seat.

I could spot Draco who was slowly hovering underneath the game as he searched for the golden snitch, he didn't seem to have any bother fending off Harry Potter because he was too busy soaring up and down at speed in search for the snitch too.

Lee Jordan's speaker made an ear splitting noise as he turned it on again. "Here comes Thomas! Speeding down the pitch as Peregrine Derrick missed his with his buldger. That was miles off where's that stupid idiot aiming?"

"Language Mr Jordan." Professor Mcgonigal warned him as Jordan practically screamed over her. "Thomas is going to score! He's going to do it look!" He shouted pointing and waving his finger towards the pitch.

"Ha! Bletchy missed. Another ten points for Gryffindor."

Once again the Slytherin flags dipped with mumbled voices cursing Bletchy once more.

"Incompetent bastard he is. Im telling you." Theodore called for behind us. "He's lucky Gryffindor's chasers are all miraculously horrid."

"You said it mate." Blaise joined in as they then moved on to insulting Peregrine Derrick who was playing in Blaise's position instead of Zabini himself.

"Malfoy's dipped towards the ground!" Lee Jordan called standing from his seat with his microphone in his hand. Jordan was now running down the steps to stand at the railing to watch Draco who had now headed to circle around chasing a gold speckle at a pace.

"He's found the snitch but look! Here comes Harry Potter. Go Harry get it!" Lee called.

Harry had came neck and neck towards the snitch with Draco as they lapped the field in circles following the glimmer furiously.

Both seekers constantly banging there brooms into the other creating a knocking effect as both of them began to rise after the snitch which had now decided to shoot up.

All the players on the pitch had now stopped to observe the two boys going head to head up against each other. All houses were standing on their feet as well as Professor Mcgonigal as she once again began waving her hands into the air.

Blaise, myself and the others had ran down to the railings as our hands clutched the sides preparing to encourage Draco as we swarmed past us.

As they went up they flew past Ravenclaw's tower, then Gryffindor's just to then dip slightly at Hufflepuff's before levelling back approaching Slytherin's tower.

Everyone started chanting Draco's name, he was about to fly straight past us.

"Get it Dray!" Daphne shouted over Blaise who was calling roughly. "Knock the fucker off the broom Malfoy!"

My hands cupped around my mouth to shout just as he past me. "You have this!"

Draco's broom had dipped down straight after the snitch way before Harry had even noticed the snitch had dropped.

Draco's hand was reached straight out as he got closer and closer to the ground. He looked like he was ready to crash.

"Pull up Malfoy!" Crabbe and Goyle starting shouting as Draco's body came dangerously close to the ground. But Draco's feet had now became attached to the stick as he stood wobbly on the broom before steadying out just to grab the snitch.

"He's caught it look, Draco's caught it!" I screamed as i turned to hug Blaise and Crabbe at the same time.

Slytherin flags raised back to the air with screaming and shouting filling the air.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch. Slytherin win." Lee Jordan said bluntly before bitterly slamming off his speaker.

Draco had stood up from the round he had just rolled onto to, holding the snitch proudly into the air as he punched his other hand up with it.

The other Slytherin players dropped to the floor engulfing Draco in hugs and raising his onto Pucey and Montague's shoulders as they all erupted with roars and laughter.

They won.

I just want to say thank you! This morning Black moon was at 600 reads and just now its rocketed up to 1.1k. Im so grateful!

Pleased continue to support me by reading and voting i cant do this without you guys. I love you all <3

I'll see you next chapter :)

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