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"Sirius what do we do, Sirius!" I shouted.

My father's eyes changed in an instant as he growled in pain staring lost into the dark sky, his body changing slowly and painfully causing him agony to drop to the floor.

"Remus my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked as he ran to him, protectively holding his body up. "You know the man you truly are Remus, this heart is where you truly live."

My father began shouting in pain as the moonlight towered over him as his burden. I had never seen my father transform before, he always forbid it. Leaving me now unsure of how to handle this, Sirius looked almost as clueless due to never having to stop a transformation.

"Sirius what do we do!" I shouted looking between the sky and the men.

My father's body ripped in pain as he cried out, dropping his wand to the ground having no strength to hold it any longer.

The falling food took Pettigrew's interest as he seized it quickly hoping for his escape. Peter lunged forward picking it up in the blink of an eye to hold the wand to his head.


Harry and i called in unison as we both noticed the rats attempt to escape, but we were far too slow, Peter already had used the wand to remove the anti-transfigured spell casted on him in the shack.

He was changing back.

His small plump body began shifting and growing in opposite places, his teeth changing positions as well as ears growing from his head all while his skull shrank to pea size.

"No!" I cried as Peter began to scurry away i moved my feet to follow his small body as it disappeared into the grass behind the tree.

He had him! Everything we had planned went right, Peter was caught. He confessed. And my father's curse took everything from us, straight out of our hands.

Everything that ever went wrong in the lifes around me. My family, Harry's family, Sirius even Draco it was all caused by dark magic. Everything we stood against failing once more to stop it.

"Lyria stay! I can't hold him alone! Not anymore." Sirius breathed as he struggled to hold my father together.

"But Peter? We're so close Sirius we may never have this chance again?"

"Your father is more important than my innocence Lyria, now help me please." Sirius called as i looked uncertainty between them and the direction Peter moved in.

I pulled my feet back over to my father holding his arms back. I knew Sirius and I would be safe if we transformed. Even giving us a better chance to hold him off. But Harry, Ron and Hermione wouldn't be so lucky.

They just stood there blindly, doing nothing but staring, it was angering me. "For fuck sake Harry move your feet. Run!" But again still they stood. "Hermione move!" I shouted with purpose.

But just as Hermione tried to drag Ron away, their attention was once again tied to my father who was now growing twice his size, his feet bursting through his shoes as his blazer torn and shred from the seems down.

His face moulding into an animal with his body following, "I can't hold him anymore Sirius!" I cried as I could feel his new claws dig into my forearm as he tried to hustle free.

Remus began swaying his arms with force knocking Sirius up and away towards the edge of the cliff, and pushing me to roll down to the trios feet.

"Blimey Lyria are you all right." Ron called as Harry slid his arm under my elbow pulling me back to my feet.

But I couldn't answer him, my eyes were stuck on Hermione who was edging closer and closer to my father.

"Hermione what are you playing at, get back. You can't talk him out of this your going to get killed." I told her as i tried to push my way off of Harry and towards her.

But her courage and fear mixed as she slowly paced towards my dad. "Professor?" She spoke quietly as my father whimpered...

"Professor Lupin?"

My father stood higher as her words triggered his instincts as he howled right towards Hermione causing her to fall backwards straight towards us. I pulled her behind me as i slowly positioned myself a foot in front, Harry doing the same.

My father howl echoed through the sky as his shadow from the moonlight stood over us as he looked down shifting closer with each step.

"Nice doggy, nice doggy." Ron mumbled.

"Shut up Ronald i sware to Merlin shut up!" I whispered in anger. I will not let Weasley get me killed, I refuse.

"There you are! Potter?"

Snapes voiced loudened the air as he emerged from the hole in the trunk grabbing onto Harry's robe.

"Not now Snape, help us!" I shouted as i pointed to behind him, his cape swivelling round him to be face to face with the werewolf. His growl as angry as could be as he towered over Snape.

"Bad memories Professor? Do something before we have deja vu!" I shouted snapping Snape out of his trance.

I remember hearing stories about how James led Snape into the shack one night in their 6th year.

Snapes dark magic began clouding his judgement and he was closing in on my father's secret doing anything in his power to get the boys excluded he even got so carried away he called Lily a mudblood. His best friend and he called her that foul word, James was furious he wanted to scare him into never getting involved again with his friends or Lily. My father was devastated. Truly furious with James for putting anyone in danger even if it was Snape. Any harm to anyone would destroy him and his conscience not to mention Lily almost strangled James, Sirius and Peter too for letting it happen. She still cared for Snape even through his darkness.

Lily still protect him, that day on just like she had done for six years before. He treated her horribly after he received his mark, father told me about that too.

But he believes Snape never wanted to be dark, he only wanted to be loved. He just confused the both as everyone around him led him stray.

My father may not like Snape, but he doesn't judge the man behind the sadness or the darkness, because in the end.

Severus Snape, lost the love of his life... in marriage and in death.

But looking at my father right now, he was ready to kill us all, he raised his claws in the air pulling down with might as he tore Snapes cloak leaving his arm slightly grazed. With the swing Snape and Hermione fell to the ground with Harry in one direction. As i pushed Ron in the opposite before trying to lift him off the ground.

"What do we do?" Ron shouted to all of us, but just before my father could swing again. A black dog leaped from background.

New chapter! A really like writing marauders memories so I'm going to try include any that i can.

(Second last paragraph I realised it says Harry in one direction ;( hahaha)

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

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