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Sirius and my father didn't stay long. The moment the Gryffindor stairs creeked, the flamed faces filtered into the embers. Disappearing. Cormac McLaggen came down stairs to bother Hermione apparently much to Rons disgust, he told me sneaking me back out past the portrait, that Cormac had being fancy eyeing Hermione in the common room for days.

Even when shes in the stands watching Gryffindor's practice.

"He's a slimy git. That's what he is." He spat under his breath walking away back into the portrait. "Massive prat."

Surely Ron isn't jealous? Practically the whole school knows that Lavender Brown of Gryffindor has being trying to get her way with him. I could almost bet I could hear her screaming his name during Gryffindor quidditch matches.

Being so late at night i clutched the cloak tight over my body, and with the help of the map. Navigating the halls to avoid Filch and Mrs Norris.

Running over everything Sirius had told us, such a dramatic situation just to fill us in on where he was, updates about the minister of magic interrogating people like Moody and Dumbledore for information. Of course i was told to distance myself from any pureblood Slytherin's. But obviously my father ment one in particular.

Draco Malfoy.

Walking into the common room, I instantly stopped in my tracks. My lack of attention stopped me from noticing that Theodore's name was in the centre of the drawn common room. As i look up to see him slumped on the couch.

Hands folded over his knees as he looked towards the door straight through me.

"Your not very secretive about that cloak Ria, not very secretive about listening in on conversations either." He said lowly.

I was almost in a state of shock. How could he possibly know i was here. Do i stay silent? Let him think he's mental?

"Take it off, we need to have a chat."

"How did you know?" I asked pulling off the cloak and whispering the map closed as i folded it into my pocket.

"You always hide things that you want to keep safe under the bed." He said standing up. "Still do apparently."

"Well you have no right being in my room, not to mention snooping in my things." I grunted barging past his shoulder to sit on the couch.

I was tired, it was 2:43am and i had to sit and listen to Theo? I'd rather lick clean the floors.

"Look i know what you think you heard earlier." He started sitting back to join me. "About tomorrow at the cup."

"Not a thought to what your on about Theo." I spoke crossing my arms over my chest. I'm not silly enough to admit that i was listening to every word.

"Don't bullshit me, i could practically smell you." He said quickly trying to cut off the last couple of words as if he accidentally said them. "You heard everything and i need to tell you. No matter what Malfoy says. You have to come to the cup tomorrow."

"Well I wasn't going to sit here while everyone else had fun was i?" I said. "Besides whats Draco's problem, is it that he has to spend it with his parents instead of us? Is he jealous or something?"

Theo brushed his hand over the front of his hair before answering. "Yeah think he is, don't tell him you know though. You know what he can be like. He's probably embarrassed."

Draco, Jealous? Surely not.

"Yeah I won't mention it I promise Theo." I spoke quietly.

"Great well if that's settled i best be off, see you tomorrow. Think Mr Zabini's bringing a port key for us tomorrow so we need to be up sharp." He told me trodding off.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now