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Madam Pomfrey kept me in the hospital wing until dinner. She refused to let Daphne and Pansy in, told them i was resting. But I wasn't then Blaise and Theo tried to bring me food at breakfast and lunch, but again Madam Pomfrey shooed them off too.

She shoved medicine and concoctions down my throat hour after hour all while questioning my 'after school hour activities.' Claiming that in all her years nursing the ill back to health she had only ever seen injuries once before like mine.

"The little boy turned into a werewolf i had to risk my life once a month escorting him out into the grounds, and do you know who that little boy was. Your father. Miss Lupin if you have any sense you should be explaining how you got these marks." She huffed as she cleared a bed next to me.

"And i shall tell you now, i will not do that for you if your little hands turn into paws. But if you're going to remain silent I'm sure Dumbledore can force it out of you. But if you feel better you can head off for dinner. You have ten minutes before the feast starts and i will advise you fill up."

I did feel better, the scratches had practically healed with only a little scarring and my eyes and head no longer felt heavy.

I lifted my wand from the side table and made my way out of the hospital wing back down to the dungeon. In all honesty i was starving, but I still had on last nights ragged clothes and thought it was best to have a shower, if by luck i can get out and back to the great hall in time for any left overs or dessert then great.

Maybe i can take a pudding up to my father's office, knowing him he's probably avoiding Dumbledore after he found out Sirius was an unregistered animagus. He always was guilty hiding it from him because he always felt it betrayed Dumbledores trust. The whole situation last night was also possibly a contributing factor. Possibly.

"Pure blood." I called as the common room door swung open and i muttered something about how stupid the password was.

Surely Dumbledore could overrule it and change it to some less, degrading.

"Can you be an animagus and a werewolf? Would be a shame if your father gifted you that cursed life. But then again I don't feel pity for either of you."

My eyes lifted to see Draco spread on the couch in front of the fire with his leg resting on the other.

"Shouldn't you be at dinner Malfoy, wait what did you say?" I asked catching on to what he said.

"Oh you father? Yes i was coming to tell you last night, I assumed you already knew seeing you all cosied up to Zabini. Did he not tell you?"

"I wasn't cosied up to him! And tell me what?"

"Your father, Professor Remus Lupin, Hogwart's very own werewolf." He laughed. "Everyone knows, the full school. And they know about you."

"What about me? You didn't tell them i was an animagus did you?"

"No. Even with me i keep my promises. But the injuries and the scar." He said as he moved off the couch walking over to glide his palm along my cheek where the scarred tissue lay. One almost matching my fathers.

"Rumours spread like fire."

His cold rings stayed on my face as he looked at me tilting his head to the side.

"I wasn't cosied up to Blaise, I promise you." I whispered as my eyes met the ground avoiding his stare.

"I don't care, not anymore. You should of told me. Running off like that in the night, not to mention with Potter and his little friends. You could of got yourself killed by that deranged man."

Draco's hand moved to the back of my head forcing my face to look at his. "What if you did die?." He hummed. "What if the last time i ever saw you, was you being mad at me over a stupid bird."

"We saved Buckbeak last night Draco, he's okay. And I already said I wasn't mad." I told him.

He paused for a moment glancing at me before pulling me into a hug. "But it doesn't change it okay! Just talk to me next time. You have to tell me everything."

"No I don't." I retorted before he moved his hand from my head to my neck forcing me to stare him in the face.

"You will tell me everything. Do you understand me?"

Nodding my head to agree wasn't enough for him, he tightened his grip before whispering in my ear. "You have words, use them." As he let go walking behind me.

"Yes fine okay." I huffed as I begged for air back in my lungs. "Will you admit you care?" I said turning to watch as he watched towards the door.

"No, because I don't care. Go shower your hair smells of dirt, i'll go down and get you food from the hall."

"You care Draco." I laughed as I walked backwards towards the stairs to the dorms. "Draco Malfoy cares."

He huffed as one hand flew through his hair as the other reached for the door as he spoke softly and gently

"After you've washed and ate I think you should go see your dad."

"Why" i asked in a confused tone.

"Because he's packing. Lupin's leaving."
Sorry this chapter is smaller.

Not to long till the plots over and i can start my own holiday plot. After that chapters will lead up to the GOF plot to take place.

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See you next chapter ;)

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