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We all refused to sleep.

Until we knew Daphne was back, we all remained in the common room for hours. After the first it emptied, after the second Blaise began wearing out the carpet with his pacing.

After the third i fell asleep, face damp with tears as Draco held me in his arms. Still angry with each other but we set our problems aside considering the circumstances.

Even in my sleep i could feel every time his body shifted, every time his hand ran through my hair or tucked it away behind my ear. Even his arms when they pulled tighter around me.

Theodore's conversations with Pansy kept me half awake. Hearing them recall their favourite moments with the beautiful blond girl.

As if she were already dead.

But she wasn't, they knew that after the fourth hour when she walked in. Her face drained of colour as her arm held slung in front of her chest.

For someone who felt pain, something so simplistic as hurting her shoulder only for it to turn demonic. Something that could of killed her.

She still wore a smile.

Pansy's eyes watered at the sight of Daphne walking slowly through the common room door, running to her in relief. Blaise's pacing stopped as he and Theo, followed to see their friend.

Draco's breath fanned on my ear as he woke me. "Hey, she's back." He whispered using his body under me to push me up to sit.

My drowsy eyes adjusted to the light of the room, it was morning now.

"Daphne" i stated moving over to her. "How are you." I hugged, slightly and careful to avoid pressuring her arm.

"Everything's okay, Madam Pomfrey just let me go. She wants me to go back tomorrow once i've rested." Daphne said, Pansy clinging to her free arm as she walked her towards the dorm. We all followed.

"But surely Madam Pomfrey would prefer you to stay in the wing?" Blaise asked. "I think you should go back."

"No Blaise, i'd prefer the comfort of my own bed. I need it." Daphne spoke.

"Are you sure, i mean we can always walk you back." Theo asked, obviously agreeing with Blaise. "We have time before breakfast, we can go just now."

"No!" Daphne snapped.

"Sorry i didn't mean to raise my voice." She apologised. "I just really need to sleep in my own bed... where i feel safe"

Blaise and Theodore gave each other unsure looks before nodding in agreement and helping Daphne into her room.

Pansy was searching through drawers for pyjamas, i sat on the end of her bed. With Draco leaning against the door frame hands in pockets.

"Stop making such a fuss." Daphne pleaded as she pushed the boys off trying to walk to her bed alone. "I give you my word, I'm already feeling better."

"Were not leaving your side, I don't care if you feel ready to swim the damn length of the black lake." Blaise said sternly. "Sleep. We'll be here when you wake up."

Theo slouched down in the armchair beside her bed, Blaise got cozy with Pansy on her bed. I moved to sit on my bed. Draco following until Daphne intervened.

"Not him..." Daphne said weakly. Stopping Draco in his tracks. "I'm sorry, but i know everything. I don't think i can look at you Malfoy. Get out."

"But Daph? Come on he didn't mean for you to get hurt." Pansy spoke in his defence.

"Get out!" Daphne shouted over her, everyone going silent in shock of her reaction.

Nobody had really witnessed Daphne exploding at someone, she was always the calmest of us all. The level-headed one. And now she seemed different, the same but broken.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now