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My head ached as it held heavy over my body, my eyes could barely open at the sharp pain i felt throughout my body.

But when they did, the sky fell dark. No cloud nor star in sight above, being night the surroundings showed empty and i could hardly see or recognise where i was.

The sharp breeze brought me back to consciousness as i pulled my body off the damp ground, as best i could feeling that my arms were restricted behind my back. I tried to push off from the ground but the floor remained too slippery for my weak strength to be able to get up.

Looking up i felt a strange sensation of somebody watching me, I could see a small but fairly plump outline of a casted shadow appearing from the darkness as I listened to their feet drag across the floor.

"I should of strangled you when i has the chance." I said roughly, knowing exactly who it was, it wasn't hard to figure out that the shadow was none other than Peter.

As he closed in his shadow became seen, a small candle had light in the corner as he passed it. And a second flame ignited beside a stone silhouette that my body was laid in front of.

"Please don't speak so violent toned in front of the dark lord. He wouldn't appreciate your hostility." Peter spoke scarcely looking down into his arm's where he held some sort of creature wrapped in fabric.

Instantly i felt my body stiffen as a stood up through the discomfort trying to edge away from Peter, a burning sensation caused me pain from my head throughout my body.

"Don't come any closer rat, i sware." I threatened, holding my weight up using the stone frame behind me. Reaching down towards my boot, only to notice my wand was missing.

I didn't truly believe I would be left with my wand, but because Peter is so extremely stupid, my hopes were still high.

Obviously I underestimated him.

Peter held a silence until a spark of light filled the sky from behind, a blue strike of electricity faded into the navy sky light as i turned to see it.

"What was that?" I asked confused looking back to Peter. His hands began to shake holding. "What are you holding Peter?"

The creature spoke shallowly to Peter in his ear and Peters eyes flicked to me as he stumbled over grabbing me by the forearm.

"Our guest has arrived, finally the dark lord has you both." Peter whispered dragging me through which now appeared to be an open roofed tomb. He took me through a door way leading into a graveyard.

Two figures were moving around and I recognised them instantly.

The boys were walking around examining the grave yard, quietly talking to each other. Until they heard movement from us behind them.

Their heads whipped around aiming towards us in defence, Cedric's wand lowered at the sight of me.

"Run it's a trap!" I called, struggling to hold my body up in Peter's grasp. "Cedric, Harry go!"

Their bodies turned to my voice as their emotions turned to concern, walking slowly with their wands raised towards me.

"Lyria! Lyria." Cedric shouted edging in front ahead of Harry. "Don't worry okay!"

Peter's wand effortlessly knocked Harry's body into a grave stone, painfully watching his body smash into the stone as he landed on the ground below him.

Harry grunted in pain as Cedric moved directly in between us all.

Watching Cedric move over i felt safe again, knowing Peter was seriously outnumbered. Even with Harry and I.

Harry was straightening up off the ground, while i was struggling to break free.

"Kill the boy." A voice called, it was the creature Peter was holding. It was Voldemort.

My eyes widened in fear as i watched Peter's wand raise. It was like the world stopped, the only thing moving was the green trail of sparks powering through the darkness, brighting the world as his body was struck.

The breath was knocked from my chest as i saw Cedric's body being brutally thrown backwards. I lost any strength my legs held as i pathetically tried to run forward against Peter's grip.

Cedric was just lying there.

He wasn't moving.

"Cedric!" I cried screaming to move to him. "Get up, please get up. No!" I tugged at my arm desperately to get to him. "Please you can't die!"

Voldemort's voice raised to Peter once more, but i couldn't tune in to what was being said, it wasn't until i felt a gust of wind throw me down to the side.

Clutching my hand over my stomach, my eyes didn't split from Cedric's body. I couldn't even think about Harry.

I just watch my friend die. His corpse lying motionless on the damp ground, discarded in the most brutal way.

My eyes couldn't even focus on anything else as my sight blurred from tears. "Don't leave us Diggory." I whispered breathlessly and hopelessly.

I knew he was dead, but I can't accept it. Not yet.

But i need to help Harry.

Peter had him held up amongst the statue he was just thrown against. I had to look away as i watched Peter drag a blade across his forearm. Harry groaned in pain as the blade buried into his skin.

Peter began muttering to himself over a cauldron clenching the knife with his other hand empty. Voldemort had gone.

I had been paying close to no attention towards Peter as my mind was scattered elsewhere.

The flames scored red over the ground and began travelling up the cauldron sides. And Pettigrew moved backwards clearing the space so only Harry and I were near.

The cauldron shot up in flames disappearing, only to leave a pale morbid body floating into size.

Voldemort had returned.

Harry's screams echoed through the air in pain at the sensation of Voldemort's presence. His body stung from the air around him as he tried to pull away.

Peter returned as Voldemort's body took shape, dragging his feet to stand directly in front of Harry. His pain unignorable.

Pettigrew passed Voldemort his wand shyly as he watched him stand intimidatingly before him.

I tried to move unnoticeably towards Harry, but stopped as soon as the sky thundered, noticing how Voldemort was calling upon his followers.

Harry and I were trapped. We were going to be outnumbered.

Again I've been far too lazy to proof read, so feel free to point out mistakes!

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now