eighty- five

80 7 1

The second task was due course in less than 24 hours and everyone sat around the table ecstatic, except myself and Draco, as they sparked excitement for the event.

Draco spent the night in my dorm holding me into the morning, whispering promises of safety into my ear until the tears dried and my eyes shut, keeping me close in his own way. But since waking up his mood exploded with anger making an uncomfortable distance between us.

Before storming out, he made sure not to miss striking his fist against Pansy's mirror as the shards smashed hitting the ground and waking everyone in the dorm up with a sense of panic.

It was then I realised there really was no escape.

We all sat inside the three broomsticks in Hogsmeade as the sun stretched over the sky, midday. Draco made sure to be seated at the furthest away seat from me during the conversation as he traced his finger around the rim of his glass.

"Ares and Diggory have figured out the second task" Blaise said, spitting pieces of food from his open mouth. "Hannah was telling Harley yesterday it's something to do with the black lake."

Daphne let out a shudder at the mention of the lake, she never was a fan of the water, especially after the ice skating incident.

"Honestly" she started. "That lake is a death trap, magical creatures or not. It's absolutely ridiculous to have anyone near it. I hate it, the smell, how deep it is, even that stupid squid." She huffed taking a drink from her glass.

"Good thing you're not the one doing the task." Draco said bitterly under his breath taking a drink as well. "With any luck maybe something will swallow Potter whole, or better yet crunch his body in half." He said slamming his glass down and throwing a few galleons on the table before storming out.

Theodore and Blaise were taken aback by his reaction as they looked at me confused, but my eyes met Daphne's and Pansy's as they realised that Draco lashing out this morning was just dragging through the day.

"Go after him?" Blaise urged, tipping the remained of Draco's drink into his, filling the glass half way before he reached for mine.

However i took one swig of my drink leaving the glass empty on the table as I strode off to catch up with Draco.

Pushing through the door the street lay empty with no soul in sight, everyone including Draco had disappeared.

Knowing how angry he seemed, I followed the path back to the castle hoping to catch up with him.

I understand he is angry not only with me but with what i done, but surely he was being slightly dramatic. Even I'm not this angry.

But as i reached the court yard of the castle i felt a sharp hand pull my back by my shoulder.

"I need your help!" Harry said panting, resting his hands on his knees. "Sorry, i chased you all the way up here."

Harry straightened up clearing his throat.

"The next task has to do with the lake, and Hermione had an idea." He said walking with me back inside the castle.

"Well you're the champion Harry, isn't this something you should do yourself" i said absently looking around for Draco.

"Well i will, but i need your help incase something goes wrong and your animagus can breathe under water-," he said before I stopped cutting him off.

"I can what?" I asked confused.

"Well Hermione said-," Harry started.

"Well Hermione's wrong, Runespoors can't breathe underwater Harry. Hermione, for once in her life, is wrong." I said walking off. "Even if i could I wouldn't, that's cheating Harry just swim yourself."

Harry made a huffing sound from behind as i disappeared back down towards the dungeon racing to find Draco.

Hi everyone, long time no see. I'm so sorry for this short chapter but I've hit a block writing this and I've tried my best but I'm calling it a day with this one.

I know I've been updating less, but is it summer and I'm focusing on spending time away from my phone.

I promise I'll do my best to update even if its a couple times a week, see you next chapter <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now