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I could see my second self beneath me in the flooded floor, tail dropped behind me with the horns almost magnified in the shallow water.

I slid my way over to a mirror near the cubicle's inspecting myself properly for the first time. I was a rather large Serpent... a lot bigger than your usual kind.

I was almost enchanted by the creature i now was...

I could hear banging along the corridor outside the toilets. Doors being swung open, moments later slammed shut.

Getting closer and closer. Louder and louder.


He can't see me like this. I've tried so hard, Sirius too and we're so close I cannot mess this up now.

"Must inflict emotion" i hear Sirius' words repeat in my head.

Rain. Dad. Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy. Rain. Dad . Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy.

I repeated the memory over and over and i wasn't changing back. And the banging from outside was nearing closer.

Rain. Dad. Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy. Rain. Dad. Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy.

It wasn't working and i was running out of time.

Rain. Dad. Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy. Rain. Dad. Door. Glass. Vase. Tornado. Books. Mummy.

And the door swung open, hearing a gasp from behind me, knowing i was caught i swivelled round to the door to see Draco.

Wand gripped so tightly i could see his knuckles going white.

Inside i was shouting "Draco its me. Put the wand down. Draco put it down!" But of course he couldn't understand.

He took a breath moving forward with no fear in his eyes. Instead full of anger.


He shot the spell towards the Serpent, my body feeling instant pain all over.

"How did you get in" he called. Not waiting for an answer.


He called again.

"It matter's not, you won't be leaving here breathing!" He called to the snake.

My body was burning intensely, an excruciating pain leaving no area untouched. I cried and cried feeling every bone in my bone change. Falling to the floor.


Im screaming inside, "Draco please stop... Draco stop it your killing me." Of course he couldn't hear.

He raises his wand higher once more strutting forward. Closer than ever with his cheeky grin as bright as ever. Until he looked at the serpent in the face.

Even in pain i was curious, tears flooding my eyes i looked down back into the flooded floor.

Looking down my skin was returning to its original state, the pain making my eyes feel heavy as i sobbed in agony.

Until i felt so gone that I didn't want to stay awake. But i had to just for him to see what he's done.

And he did.

"Lyria?" He gulped. His expression blank. "Holy shit no, no Lyria!"

He made his way over now lying on the drenched floor beside me pulling my body into his as I cried begging for the pain to stop.

He held my head in his hands.

"Im sorry, I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know. I just done it." He wailed holding me as the room got darker.

"You cant- tell anyone Draco." I whelped "nobody can know I'm an animagus." I paused gasping for a breath. Tears still falling.

"Someone's life depends on it... Please Draco. Nobody can know."

I felt his arm rest under my head, his other under my knee lifting me up as my eyes closed. Still in pain.


"Draco, i think she's better going to Madam Pomfrey" a voice softly told him.

"No! This is what she wanted okay. Do not push me Pansy not now." Hearing a breath to break. "I want her to go but she asked."

My eyes were still dark. Listening to those around me.

"Mate if she doesn't wake up within the hour." Blaise said. I could recognise his voice through all others.

"Draco look at her, her skins pale, almost green. Are you sure she's even breathing properly?" The soft voice spoke.

"Draco we have to get her to the hospital wing."

"Draco... are you listening to us." He said again.

"Get out" he whispered to them. Roaring seconds after. "I fucking said get out!"

He said slamming something down onto a surface, hearing the door open as footsteps left. Door closing moments after.

I felt the floor under me shift, only to realise i was on a bed.

"Please just wake up. I need you- i need you to wake up." He puffed.

Pausing for a moment to decide if I should talk "Im up" i murmured. Groaning as I tried to support my body weight as i sat up.

opening my eyes slowly to see him, his eyes dark and skin light.

He hasn't slept.

"Where am i Dr- is this your room?"

"Yeah, I didn't know where to take you, I couldn't leave you in that bathroom and I didn't want to take you to your father."

"-so I brought you here." He explained.

He told me that the others seen him carry me in and followed with so many questions. He told them nothing. Like i asked, only said that he found me.

"Lyria it's morning, you've been out all night.- You have to tell me, everything."

"I can't, you can't know. Nobody can please. Don't ask me again." I pleaded.

"I am sorry"

He looked defeated, like he regretted it sincerely. He couldn't even look me in the eyes.

I used my strength to bring myself off his bed to walk in front of him. Standing myself in between his legs to get his attention.

"I don't blame you Malfoy." I said now kneeling before him to look him in his eyes. "You did what anyone would if they saw a big ugly snake in a toilet." I laughed trying to seethe his guilt.

Then he done something unexpected, something I wouldn't guessed Malfoy was capable of. Comfort.

He hugged me. Tightly.


This chapter is so bad. When it reached the second half i got bored writing and the quality went downhill.

This chapters a bit smaller too only 900 odd words.

But please vote and comment, and see you in the next <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now